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Ngoc Lan Language Academy

145 Nam Đồng, Quận Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Ex. 1: Listen and circle the word you hear.
1. Heart or hat? She put her hand on her heart / hat.
2. Nowhere or no way? There's nowhere / no way to go.
3. Fair or far? It isn't fair / far.
4. Part or port? This is the main part / port of Athens.
5. Bear or beer? That's a strong bear / beer.
6. Come or calm? She told me to come / calm down.

Ex. 2: Underline all the words containing /ɑː/ sound in the sample answer.
What do you usually do in your free time?
In my spare time, I like playing in my garden. Because I live in the countryside, so my garden
is large. I really love playing there. I especially likes picking tomatoes in the garden. Sometimes, I
invite my friends go to my house and we play in there. We tell funny stories and laugh all day. To me,
it’s really great and wonderful.

Ex. 3: Underline all the words containing /eə(r)/ sound in the sample answer.
Who do you love most in your family?
My mom is the one I love the most. She’s got fair hair and dark eyes which are pretty. She often
wears simple clothes. What I love about her is that she is a caring woman. I still remember once she
sat on the chair and told me fairy tales when I was younger. She also bought me a stuffed bear on my
birthday. I feel comfortable whenever I share my feelings to her and she is always there for me.

Ex. 1: Listen and match the correct answers
You will hear a chef giving her students a list of ingredients for a regional dish. Match the ingredients
with the quantities. You will not use all the quantities. Before you begin, read through the answer options
and think of different ways to express the same quantities.

1 chicken a 450 g
2 rice b 4 kilos
3 onions c ¾ kilo
4 tomatoes d 500 g
5 green peppers e 2 kilos
6 cooking oil f 15 ml
g 50 ml
h ¼ kilo

KEY 1- e 2- c 3- d 4- a 5- h 6- g

OK everyone, could you all pay attention now?
Tomorrow we're going to make a popular Caribbean dish, urn ... chicken and rice. Recipes vary
from country to country, but for the moment I'm going to give you the list of ingredients for the
basic recipe and leave you to add the flavours and spices to your own taste. Right, are you ready
to write this down? OK... First of all, you need a chicken that weighs about 2 kilos. Then, for
four people, you’ll need 750 grams of uncooked rice. OK? For the sauce, you want ½ (half) a kilo
of onions ... Umm and tomatoes, you’ll need 450 grams of tomatoes and ... ah ... and what else?

"Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the
charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." - Marcel Proust
Ms. Ngoc Lan Language Academy
145 Nam Đồng, Quận Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Oh, yes, and green peppers you want ¼ a kilo (a quarter of a kilo) of green peppers and, finally,
50 millilitres of cooking oil. Have you all got that? Good. See you tomorrow, then. Don't forget
to bring your favourite spices.

Ex. 2: Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Group Tour Reservation Form

Tour Date: Friday, 4. May 3rd, 2 pm
Name: Debra 5 . Harkins
Number of tour participants: 11
Total Cost: 6 £ .102

Audio transcript
M: Good afternoon. You've reached the Courtauld Gallery.
W: Hello. I'm visiting London / with some university friends / next week. We're interested in /
arranging a group tour of the gallery. Do we need to make a reservation?
M: Yes. When would you like to visit the gallery?
W: Well, we're hoping to take the tour / on Friday, May 3rd / in the afternoon. but the
morning of May 4th / would also be acceptable.
M: It looks like / there is a guide available / on May 3rd / at 2 pm. Could I get your name,
W: Sure. It's Debra Harkins... H-A-R-K-I-N-S.
M: And how many people will be in your group?
W: Um, let's see... In all, there are 11 of us. What will the total cost be?
M: Well, each person must pay / £7 for admission to the gallery. And then there's a £25 charge
/ for the tour itself. So... uh, that's a total of £102.
W: OK. That's reasonable. I'm sure / all of us will really enjoy the tour…

Ex. 3: You will hear a telephone conversation between a hotel receptionist and a caller making a
reservation. Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer

Silver Tulip Hotel

Number of nights

Type of room: (circle one) (1) Single / Double - twin beds / Double - king-sized bed

Name (2)Edward Francis

Home address (3)___ 23. Cypress___Avenue, Cambridge

Postcode (4) CB3 9NF

Transport (5) taxi

Meals (6)breakfast

"Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the
charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." - Marcel Proust
Ms. Ngoc Lan Language Academy
145 Nam Đồng, Quận Đống Đa, Hà Nội

Date of arrival (7)Friday 16th April

Edward: Ah. yes. Good afternoon. I'd like to book a room for next Friday.
Receptionist: Certainly, sir. How many nights will you be staying?
Edward: Just one, please.
Receptionist: And would you like a single or double room?
Edward: A double room. please
Receptionist: A double room. And would you Like twin beds or a king sized bed?
Edward: A king sized bed. please.
Receptionist: Let me see. Yes, we do have a double room available for next Friday. Would you
like me to book it for you?
Edward: Yes. please.
Receptionist: Could I have your name, please?
Edward: Yes it's Edward Francis.
Receptionist: Is that F-R-A.N.C-E.S?
Edward: No. its FRANCIS
Receptionist: F-R•A•N-C•I.S?
Edward: Yes. That's right. Receptionist And your home address please, sir.
Edward: Yes. It’s 23. Cypress Avenue. Cambridge
Receptionist: Is that CYPRUS?
Edward: No C.Y.P.R.E.S.S Like the tree.
Receptionist: Oh, I see. And your postcode is?
Edward: CB3 9NF
Receptionist: And it's for Just one night?
Edward: Yes, that's right.
Receptionist: We can reserve a parking space for you. Are you coming by car?
Edward: Actually. I'll be taking a taxi from the station.
Receptionist: That's fine. And one last question: would you like dinner and breakfast?
Edward: No dinner. Thank you. But I'd like breakfast.
Receptionist: Just breakfast. So. to confirm. You're arriving on Friday 16th April and leaving
on Saturday 17th. That's one night in a double room with a king sized bed with breakfast.
Edward: That's right. Thank you very much

Ex 4: Listen to the audio and fill in the blank, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.
You know, sometimes (1) getting away from everything for a few days really helps you to see things
more clearly. It all started when I wasn’t chosen for the school play. It really hurt, because acting is
my (2) favourite thing in the world, and it was especially hard because my two best (3) mates had
got parts but I hadn’t. They were always (4) talking about the play, and the fun they were having in
it, and it made me so upset that I kept (5) falling out with them. Anyway, my relationship with my
friends was really (6) getting me down, so when my aunt and uncle invited me to go and stay with
them in the capital, I thought – why not? It was half term at school and I really needed a break. It was
fantastic there – we went around the city to see the sights after dark, which I’d never done before, and
we saw a brilliant show at the theatre. My cousin Lucas told me about an acting club that he does every
(7) summer holidays, and suggested I do it with him this summer. That idea really (8) cheered me
up. When I got back home, I talked things over with my mates. I said sorry for being so sensitive about
their play, and they said sorry for talking about it all the time. I’m sure we’ll (9) get on better again
from now on … and hopefully I’ll be in a different play in the summer, too.

"Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the
charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." - Marcel Proust

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