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J. Earth Syst. Sci.

(2023)132:11 Ó Indian Academy of Sciences (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789(

Development of Autonomous Underwater ProBling

Drifter (AUPD) and Beld results


National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai, India.
*Corresponding author. e-mail:

MS received 15 March 2022; revised 14 September 2022; accepted 16 September 2022

Autonomous Underwater ProBling Drifter (AUPD) is developed by National Institute of Ocean

Technology (NIOT), Chennai, India, for the vertical proBling of the ocean. AUPD is a free-drifting
proBling platform for near real-time in-situ observation of the upper 2000 m of the ocean column. It
measures conductivity and temperature proBles with reference to depth. The AUPD transmits measured
data through ARGOS satellite Platform Terminal Transmitter (PTT) to ARGOS regional centre as per
the requirement of the International ARGO program. The AUPD ascends or descends due change in
buoyancy (±250 cm3). While on sea surface (to transmit the proBle data), the position of the Coat is
derived using the Doppler shift method with an accuracy of *100 m. NIOT developed AUPD and
deployed in the Arabian Sea in 2013–2015. The AUPD is ballasted for a pre-deployment depth of 2000 m
and pre-programmed for a typical proBling cycle of 2 days. The AUPD is designed with 32 bit Atmel
micro-controller and a lithium battery bank provides power. It has endurance for 150 proBles. AUPD Coat
is suitable to fulBl the demand for proBling Coats for International Argo Program. This paper is focused on
the development of AUPD. The paper also discusses testing and Beld deployment of AUPD Coat.
Keywords. AUPD; proBling Coat; variable buoyancy.

1. Introduction (Venkatesan et al. 2013). Drifting buoys (Hansen

and Herman 1989; Perry and Rudnick 2003;
The oceans play a crucial role in determining the Zacharia et al. 2014; Srinivasan et al. 2016, 2018;
climate of the planet. Thus, there is a need to mon- Zacharia and Srinivasan 2016), underwater ocean
itor very closely the changes occurring in the ocean. gliders (Manley and Willcox 2010; Jones et al. 2014;
There have been a variety of ocean observation Zacharia et al. 2015; SchoBeld et al. 2015) and other
platforms to monitor the oceans. Data buoys are autonomous vehicles (Desa et al. 2006, 2013;
instruments which collect weather and ocean data Gafurov et al. 2015; Maurya et al. 2016) provide
within the world’s oceans. Moored buoys are temporal and spatial scale data (Rossby et al. 1986;
anchored with the ocean bottom. They have taken Mizuno 2000; Roemmich and Owens 2000; Davis
an important role in measuring conditions over the et al. 2001; Perry and Rudnick 2003; Gould 2005).
open seas. NIOT developed and deployed data buoys Autonomous proBling Coats have advantages to
in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal since 1997 monitor the ocean in extreme weather conditions
to monitor met-ocean parameters on real-time basis at high latitudes. Several kinds of proBling Coats
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are in use over the globe by the scientiBc commu- ProBling Drifter (AUPD) (Bgure 1). The Brst sea
nity for different target depths. The variable trial of an indigenous AUPD Coat was conducted in
buoyancy Coat operates on the principle of either 2008 in the Arabian Sea.
changing mass or volume (Rossby et al. 1986; Davis The technical challenges met in the AUPD
et al. 1992; Schwithal and Roman et al. 2009; development are developing the buoyancy engine,
Andre et al. 2010). maximizing energy eDciency to achieve endurance
An international ARGO program, a collabora- of minimum 150 surfacing cycles and achieving
tive partnership of more than 30 countries started reliable satellite communication. This paper
in the year 2000, provide real-time data for climate describes the AUPD system, design speciBcations,
and ocean science studies (Roemmich and Owens performance and procedure for testing and quali-
2000; Riser et al. 2016). More than 3000 autono- Bcation of AUPD Coats and Beld experiment in
mous proBler monitors were deployed under the 2013–2015.
ARGO to measure the temperature and salinity of
the upper 2000 m of the ice-free global ocean and
2. Means and methods
currents from intermediate depths (Roemmich
et al. 1999; Mizuno 2000). The data from these
2.1 AUPD system
proBlers enhance our understanding of the coupling
between the oceans and atmosphere. The inferred The major components of the AUPD are variable
drifts at the parking depth at 2000 m and at surface buoyancy engine (VBE) to perform descend and
are utilized for deriving the Cow patterns. India has ascend, CTD sensor to sample the ocean column,
been contributing to the ARGO International control electronics to schedule various phases of
project for global ocean monitoring since 2002. As the mission cycle and a satellite telemetry system
part of the International ARGO Program, India to send proBle data to the base station. The tech-
has deployed 459 ARGO Coat hitherto. NIOT, nical speciBcations of the developed Coat are shown
Chennai, indigenized technologies for ARGO pro- in table 1.
gram and developed an Autonomous Underwater

2.1.1 Physical

The AUPD hull is made of aluminium (Al Alloy

6061-T6). The dimension of the AUPD is selected
from the standard seamless extruded tube. The
hull and other wet components, such as CTD sen-
sor, antenna and external bladder, are pressure
rated for the target depth of 2000 m. Dry compo-
nents of the proBler, which mainly include variable
buoyancy engine, control electronics and batteries,
are housed inside the hull (Bgure 2). The ARGOS
antenna is mounted on the top hemispherical end
cap. Payloads of the proBler, namely conductivity
sensor, pressure and temperature probe, are
mounted on the top end cap of the proBler.
The Cooded bottom end cap of the proBler
houses an external rubber bladder to vary volume
of the Coat. The bladder is protected with a PVC
shell. A damper plate near the top end of the pro-
Bler reduces the heave oscillations that the Coat
experiences on the sea surface and also assists in
achieving reliable satellite communication during
rough sea conditions (Bgure 1). A fully integrated
Coat weighs *25 kg (dry weight). Inside the pro-
Bler, all the subcomponents are mounted on two
Figure 1. AUPD Coat. sides of a frame plate, one side of which is the
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2023)132:11 Page 3 of 13 11

Table 1. AUPD features. chamber rubber bladder. Ascend and descend of the
Coat in the water column are achieved by varying the
Feature Description
buoyancy of the body without varying the weight.
Operating depth 2000 m This is made possible by inCating and deCating a
Sensor CTD sensor rubber bladder attached to the pressure hull using a
Pressure casing Al Alloy 6061-T6
Cuid in a piston-cylinder driven by a geared DC
Communication ARGOS 401.65 MHz
motor (motor, gear box) through a re-circulating
ProBle cycle 2 days
Endurance *150 proBles
ball screw. The piston and cylinder are required to
Energy source Primary lithium battery pump the Cuid from the pressure hull to the external
Weight 175 Ah, 14.4VDC rubber bladder and vice versa. Maximum continu-
Dimension Cylindrical shape with 0.15 m ous torque provided by the motor is 8.826 Nm. The
diameter 0.09 m thick and working Cuid used for volume change is hydraulic oil
1.52 m length with viscosity 31 mm2/s at 40°C.
The external rubber bladder is designed to have two
sections, one for hydraulic oil and the other for air. The
bladder is made of nitrile material. This elastomeric
rubber coating material has a higher hardness,
strength, and lower resilience, abrasion, heat, and oil
and fuel resistance, along with lower temperature
Cexibility. An air pump inCates the air bladder com-
partment of the external bladder and increases the
proBler’s freeboard on the sea surface for data trans-
mission. A solenoid valve controls the air Cow of air
pump from hull to external bladder and vice versa. Achieving neutral buoyancy at parking

depth: In order for the Coat to reach neutral buoy-
ancy at the parking depth, the downward force
acting on the Coat must be equal to the forces acting
upward on the Coat, which is given by equation (1)

Mg ¼ qVg: ð1Þ
Here M is the mass of AUPD, g is the gravitational
Figure 2. Internal assembly of AUPD.
force, q the density of the Cuid in which AUPD is
submerged and V is the volume of the displaced
body of Cuid. Kenji et al. (2001) explain about the
buoyancy engine and the other side is Btted with weight adjustment of the Coat to make it neutral
embedded electronics and batteries. Access to buoyant at parking depth.
these subcomponents is through lower end cap of The Coat volume V(t,p) at the parking depth is
the proBler. calculated using equation (2)
V ðt; pÞ ¼ V0 ½ð1  cP Þ þ a½ðTðpÞ  Tð0ÞÞ: ð2Þ
2.1.2 Variable buoyancy engine (VBE)
Here, a is the coefBcient of thermal expansion of
VBE allows the Coat to descend and ascend in the sea the Coat volume, and c is the compressibility of the
by retracting and pumping the hydraulic Cuid from Coat. V0 is the Coat volume at room temperature
internal reservoir to external bladder, respectively. (an appropriate standard temperature is selected)
The total variable volume change of 250 cm3 was and 1 atm. V0 is given by equation (3)
chosen to compensate for the range of water densities
V0 ¼ Vs þ dV ; ð3Þ
the Coat may encounter in the water column (Gould
2005). Buoyancy engine mainly consists of piston where Vs is Coat volume at surface and dV is the
and cylinder, ball screw and nut assembly and a twin displacement provided by the buoyancy engine. As
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the Coat mass remains constant at sea surface and transmits the data to the shore station through
at parking depth, from M ¼ qV , equation (4) Argos communication satellite at uplink frequency
equates the mass at sea surface and at parking of 401.65 MHz. For each cycle, 512 bytes of proBle
depth. Equation (5) is derived from equations data is collected, which is transmitted in 16 packets
(2–4). (each packet consists 32 bytes of data). The Brst
byte of every packet is a checksum byte to detect if
qð0ÞV0 ¼ qðpÞV ðt; pÞ; ð4Þ any error is introduced during transmission and
data transfer.
qð0ÞðVs þ dV Þ ¼ qðpÞV0 ½ð1 cP Þþ aðTðpÞ  Tð0ÞÞ: The onboard processor is programmed to exe-
ð5Þ cute the scheduled mission, perform proBler’s dive
to the parking depth, active ballast, proBle data
Here qð0Þ is the density of seawater at surface logging, data transmission and time sequencing of
and qðpÞ is the in-situ seawater density at parking the complete mission. The application software is
pressure p. T ðpÞ and Tð0Þ in-situ temperature at programmed in embedded C language, which
parking depth and sea surface, respectively. At simpliBes maintenance of the system software.
parking depth, the expansion of the bladder is nil,
as it retrieves the full oil from external bladder to
internal reservoir to attain neutral buoyancy, so Vs 2.1.4 Sensors and measuring scheme
becomes V0 as given in equation (6)
There are three sensors used in the system: (i) con-
qð0ÞV0 ¼ qðpÞV0 ½ð1  cP Þ þ aðTp  T0 Þ: ð6Þ ductivity temperature and depth (CTD) sensor
Equation (7) gives the following volume which is from Seabird ScientiBc and provides highly
displacement required for AUPD Coat to ascend stable and accurate temperature and salinity on
to sea surface from parking depth proBling Coats. This CTD is widely used over
standard Coats of Argo International Program. The
dV qðpÞ SBE 41 CTD uses the proven MicroCAT tempera-
¼ f1  cp þ aðTp  T0 Þg  1: ð7Þ
V0 qð0Þ ture, conductivity, and pressure sensors and has
engineered anti-foul protection (model 41 pumped
2.1.3 Control electronics and software MicroCAT with accuracies of 0.002°C, 0.0035 PSU
and 2 dbar for temperature, salinity and pressure,
The main processor of the control electronics is 32 respectively. Complete speciBcation of the CTD is
bit Atmel microcontroller which performs buoy- provided in table 2. CTD samples are collected in
ancy control, sensor data acquisition, data logging discrete mode and sampled every 10 dbar from the
and data transmission. The control electronics surface up to depth of 400 m and from there on
consists of analog to digital converter (ADC), two every 50 dbar up to the target depth 2000 m. A
serial communication ports, buoyancy engine typical cycle of 2 days for proBling to the depth of
motor drive circuit, pneumatic circuit control, 2000 m, a total of 73 levels are programmed to
EEPROM for proBle data storage, and satellite collect the CTD samples. (ii) Onboard vacuum
transmitter interface as shown in Bgure 3. sensor is integrated to check for any leak from the
The ADC measures battery voltage, oil level in seals of the hull. The onboard vacuum sensor mon-
internal reservoir, and internal hull pressure. The itors the hull’s internal pressure and this data is
ADC channels are conBgured and monitored stored in memory and transmitted to satellite as
through customized software. Once the system is system health parameter. The analog voltage read
deployed, these channels are sampled as per mis- from the vacuum sensor is conditioned using an
sion requirements and stored in memory to be instrumentation ampliBer which is then read by an
transmitted via satellite. The Argos transmitter analog channel of the microcontroller. (iii) Linear
receives the data from the controller of the Coat variable differential transformer (LVDT) sensor to
over serial link. The transmitter is programmed to observe the oil level as it is desired to know the
check the incoming character periodically over quantity of oil in the bladder. This is achieved by
RS232 link. This check is only interrupted at the measuring the piston level with respect to the
time of transmission, and it resumes once the cylinder. Except CTD, other sensor data is stored in
transmission is over. The AUPD ascends to sea memory and transmitted as health or engineering
surface at the end of each mission cycle and parameter of the system.
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Figure 3. Control electronics.

Table 2. CTD sensor features.

Range Accuracy Resolution

Salinity 0 to 42 PSU ± 0.0035 PSU –
Temperature –5 to 45°C ± 0.002°C 0.0001°C
Depth 0 to 2000 m ± 2 dbar 0.04 dbar

3. Mission
Figure 4. Mission cycle.

The proBler follows a typical cycle of 2 days for

2000 m parking depth having predeBned levels for complete dataset. A satellite pass is for \15 min-
sampling the water column while ascending. The utes, so a number of orbits are required to transmit
Coat uses one-way Argos data telemetry, which the complete dataset collected and stored for one
does not allow any modiBcation of the mission once proBle. After completing data transmission, the
the Coat is deployed in the sea and the same mis- proBler descends back to the parking depth for the
sion cycle runs during the entire life cycle of the next cycle, a typical cycle of 2 days for 2000 m of
Coat. So a well-planned mission cycle is pro- depth with 73 levels, programmed for these Coats.
grammed into the Coat, which suites oceanogra- The observations at 2000 m are used for sensor
phers’ interest. The complete mission cycle is drift corrections as the salinity variations at depths
shown in Bgure 4. AUPD dives from sea surface to are very minimal (Johnson et al. 2007).
target depth, drifts freely at target depth, and then AUPD mission parameters, including parking
periodically ascends to the sea surface. The Coat depth, cycle time and CTD sampling, are
can also be programmed to have an intermediate adjustable on deck via serial communication prior
depth for, where it will drift for pre-programmed to deployment. After the deployment, the proBler
duration and then again descend to parking depth. Brst checks for the oil level in the external bladder
During the ascend cycle, it collects CTD samples at and pumps the entire oil into the bladder from
pre-programmed depths and transmits over satel- internal reservoir if it is not full. This feature of the
lite once it reaches to sea surface. At sea surface, it proBler helps anyone, such as ship crew, to deploy
transmits the proBle data for 10 hours as ARGOS the Coat in the sea. The Coat weight is trimmed in
using the polar-orbiting satellite, passes of the a way that once the entire oil is transferred from
satellite to a particular location are less, and the external bladder to the internal reservoir, it
transmission for 10 hours ensures the reception of will reach the proBle depth with a speed of 0.08
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m/sec. During ascend, the Coat ascends to the sea survive minimum of 150 cycles taking account of
surface by successive pumping of the hydraulic oil self-discharge and eDciency of each cell.
from internal reservoir to the external bladder in The Coat consumes a total energy of 43 kJ for
Bxed intervals. Time taken by the Coat to reach the each proBle. Buoyancy engine is the most energy-
surface is maximum 7 hours. To obtain an unin- expensive device of the AUPD Coat, and consumes
terrupted full depth proBle, the proBle is collected 30 kJ in one proBle to descend to target depth and
during the ascent phase. ascend back to sea surface. Energy consumed by
The Bnal transmission time that the Coat spends Argos transmitter is 7.8 kJ to transmit the com-
on sea surface to transmit the data may vary if plete dataset of one proBle. CTD consumes 0.648
different satellite communication is used. There are kJ in every single proBle. Figure 5 shows the energy
a number of Coats which use Iridium communica- consumption chart of the Coat.
tion (higher bandwidth compared to Argos system)
in which the transmission time is very less as
compared to the one which uses Argos communi- 5. Testing and evaluation
cation, so they remain on the surface for very less
time (hardly one hour). In this case, the surface The AUPD Coats, once deployed, work autono-
drift will be lesser comparatively. Such difference mously for their entire life. The Coat is tested in
does not impact the measurement methodology various test facilities to qualify its ability to per-
and quality of the datasets as the measurements form at operational depth. Hyperbaric test facility,
are taken while ascending. The standard velocity of buoyancy engine test rig, Coat volume test facility,
ascend in standard Argo Coat is 0.08 m/sec and the ballasting test setup and post-ballasting test facil-
same is maintained in AUPD Coat. ity were designed and established in NIOT and
qualiBcation tests were conducted. Following
qualiBcation tests were performed to operationally
4. Energy qualify the system for deployment at sea.

The energy source for the AUPD Coat is a primary 5.1 Hyperbaric test
lithium battery. As the AUPD works with battery
power and power demand for prolonged operation The Coat is rated for 2000 m and the hyperbaric
of AUPD depends on the power package density. test is conducted for 220 bars pressure. NIOT has
Also the battery pack has space and weight con- 3 m long and 1 m diameter hyperbaric test facility
straints, so the selection of battery had been a to test the systems up to 900 bars pressure. The
primary aspect while designing the AUPD. Con- pressure enclosure of the Coat was tested for the
sidering the required power, and the merits and pressure of 220 bars at NIOT pressure chamber
demerits of lithium battery, lithium thionyl chlo-
ride batteries were chosen for the Coat. However,
certain kinds of mistreatment may cause lithium
primary batteries to explode; necessary safety
measures were taken while handling the same.
They are one of the most popular types of battery
for portable electronics, with high energy-to-
weight ratios, no memory eAect, and a slow loss of
charge when not in use. The electrochemical sys-
tem of Li-SOCl2 cell oAers the highest energy
density of any available primary battery, up to
*650 Wh/kg.
The battery bank of the Coat contains Li-SOCl2
primary lithium D-cells which oAer high current
capability and low voltage drop over time. The life
span of the AUPD depends on how far the batteries
can be discharged before failing to supply the
required voltage. AUPD battery bank has a
capacity of 9072 kJ, which allows the Coat to Figure 5. Energy consumption of AUPD.
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The same sequence was simulated to test the

buoyancy engine with rubber bladder assembly by
using small pressure chamber rated for 200 bar

5.3 Ballasting

As the Coat descends to target depth by retrieving

certain volume of hydraulic oil, it should be made
sure that the Coat does not go beyond the target
depth and this can be achieved by precisely trim-
ming the weight of the Coat. The Coat is made
neutrally buoyant, when the Coat volume is at
minimum at the target density layer by adjusting
its weights.
After system integration and high-pressure test
of the Coat, ballasting of the Coat was performed in
a pressure chamber facility. The objective was to
make the Coat neutrally buoyant at 2000 m depth
and trim the Coat weight accordingly. Ballasting
test setup was prepared as discussed in Boebel
et al. (1995), a metal chain was attached at the
bottom of the Coat and the height of the Coat is
Figure 6. Hyperbaric test facility and AUPD Coat. monitored from a camera placed inside the pressure
tank. Authors have referred the steps of ballasting
procedure discussed in Swift and Riser (1994).
facility. During the pressure test, pressure was First the Coat was made neutral buoyant in the
gradually increased and decreased from 1 bar to pressure tank Blled with fresh water (tank salinity
220 bars and vice versa. Once the hull was qualiBed 0.0784 PSU, temperature 26.82°C) at target pres-
for high pressure, the integrated AUPD system sure of 2000 dbar and trim mass was determined by
with all the subcomponents was tested for 200 bar the height of the chain lifted and was calculated
pressure. 87.1 gram (wet weight). This weight was added
inside the Coat. Second, the compensation mass
was calculated to account for the difference
5.2 Buoyancy engine test
between salinity and temperature of tank water
Buoyancy engine is tested by pumping hydraulic and target seawater. Finally, the Coat mass was
Cuid at high pressure into the bladder and adjusted, taking into account trim mass and
retrieving back to simulate ascending and compensation mass.
descending of the Coat in the water column. It was Sea water density at the parking depth was
tested for the simulated pressure variation for estimated from previous in-situ observations made
minimum 150 cycles for 200 bar pressure. in the recent past, nearest to the deployment
The buoyancy engine is used to vary the volume location and the weights were adjusted to make the
of the AUPD without altering the mass by pump- Coat neutrally buoyant at the desired density layer.
ing the hydraulic Cuid from internal reservoir to The weight needs to be adjusted very precisely as
external bladder and vice versa to ascent and the change of 1 gm will change the parking depth
descent in the ocean up to the depth of 2000 m. by 8–12 m. Figure 6 shows the Coat at hyperbaric
While ascending and descending the AUPD, the test facility, which is seen in the background.
piston and cylinder will experience ambient pres-
sure via the rubber bladder assembly. The pressure 5.4 Post ballasting test
experienced on the piston and cylinder varies from
atmosphere pressure to 200 bar and vice versa The post-ballast test was carried out in a vertical
during descent and ascent sequence, respectively. test setup to test descend, parking with active
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Figure 7. Buoyancy engine current consumption.

Table 3. Positional increment of weight with Ocean Research Vessel Sagar Manjusha on 16th
increase in pressure during ballasting. May 2013. The ocean column was proBled for
Pressure Position change in upward
temperature and salinity over a period of nine
(bar) direction (inch) months.
0 0
25 0 6. Results and discussion
50 0
100 0 The results from the qualiBcation tests show that
150 0 the Coat has the ability to sustain and operate up
160 0 to operational pressure of 200 bar. During hyper-
170 0 baric test, hull of the Coat was qualiBed for high
180 1.6 pressure in hyperbaric test facility for pressure up
190 3.6
to 220 bar. The observed weight of the hull, before
200 6.5
and after the pressure test, was the same with an
203 6.7
accuracy of ±2 grams. No deformation in shape
was observed after the pressure test. During
buoyancy engine test, functionality of the sub-
ballast control and ascend operations of the AUPD components was observed for the sequence of
Coat. The vertical test setup was made with PVC pumping the hydraulic oil from internal reservoir
pipe of 16 m length and 0.32 m diameter with view to the external rubber bladder and retrieving it
ports at the intermediate length for watching the back. The power consumption of buoyancy engine
vertical movement of the AUPD Coat. Salinity of (PMDC motor power) at different pressure was
the water was adjusted approximately to the monitored and is shown in Bgure 7. The plot in
deployment location and was measured at 34 PSU Bgure 7 shows the current consumption of the
in the test setup. The temperature observed in the motor increased with the increase in external
setup on surface was 30.19°C, and minimum at the pressure, which was acting on the external rubber
bottom of the test setup was 28.18°C. The Coat was bladder. The motor was sourced from 14 VDC
activated in the mission mode operation and was during the test and consumed 1.05 A at 200 bar
deployed in vertical test setup. The extensive test pressure which was within the acceptance criteria.
was carried out to record the in-situ temperature The VBE test concluded that the VBE of AUPD is
and salinity proBle of AUPD Coat during ascent capable to operate up to the pressure of 200 bar.
cycle and qualify the Coat for the sea trail. The result from ballast test was obtained in the
form of trim mass obtained, which was measured
5.5 Sea trial from the positional increment in the chain link
added to Coat, shown in table 3. Trim mass
The Coat was deployed in Arabian Sea (oA Cochin) weighed 87.1 grams in water. The Bnal weight of
beyond Exclusive Economic Zone of India, using the system was observed as 25.071 kg after
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Figure 8. Temperature proBle.

Figure 9. Salinity proBle.

including the trim mass and compensation mass. Functional and environmental tests were con-
During the post-ballast test, it was observed ducted in laboratories, on subcomponents of
that the Coat was capable of diving and sur- AUPD Coat initially and then on the integrated
facing in the water, which had the property of Coat. These tests allowed us to validate all the
target water in terms of salinity and tempera- functionalities before deployment of AUPD Coat at
ture. The mission program was tested for Bve sea. In particular, the assessment of the buoyancy
cycles and the performance of the Coat was engine concluded that the Coat was capable of
observed satisfactory. proBling 150 cycles up to 2000 m.
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Figure 10. Trajectory of AUPD (blue) and WMO (red) Coat, temperature proBles are compared at X1, Y1 on 24 Nov 2013 and at
X2, Y2 on 04 Dec 2013.

Figure 11. Temperature plot of WMO and AUPD Coat with

respect to depth on 25th Nov 2013 and 24th Nov 2013,
respectively. Figure 12. Scatter plot of subsurface temperature measured
by WMO and AUPD on 25th Nov 2013 and 24th Nov 2013,
6.1 Sea trial results

The AUPD Coat survived more than 270 days in through quality check as per the Argo Quality
sea and has provided 135 proBles, among which 101 control method and none of the proBles received a
proBles had achieved a parking depth of 1600 m bad Cag.
and below. The plots of temperature and salinity These plots in Bgures 8 and 9 include observation
proBle are shown in Bgures 8 and 9, respectively. period from May 2013 to October 2013. Water near
Data received from these Coats were passed the surface is warmer and coldest at deeper levels.
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2023)132:11 Page 11 of 13 11

then fades away in the months of September and

October. Salinity at higher depths is seen higher in
May and June as compared to July and afterwards.
This is due to the summer monsoon, which adds
freshwater to the Arabian Sea.
During the sea trial, the Coat could achieve its
maximum parking depth around 1600 m in most of
the proBles. Float weight needs to be trimmed very
precisely to make it neutrally buoyant at parking
depth. As mentioned 1 gm change in Coat weight will
make a minimum 8 m difference in parking depth.
Though the experiments were conducted in a way to
keep the errors least, some of the measurement
errors could not be avoided, such as, during bal-
lasting experiment the observation of upward
increment in the chain link and then deriving the dry
Figure 13. Temperature plot of WMO and AUPD Coat with weight and wet weight of the same. Other reason for
respect to depth on 05th Dec 2013 and 04th Dec 2013, error is, for Bnal weight calculation, target water
respectively. density and temperature are taken into account, and
these values differ from in-situ values. Incorporating
active ballast mechanism, which will allow pumping
or retrieving oil as per requirement, will solve the
problem and will be taken up for future work.

6.2 Comparison of AUPD and WMO datasets

AUPD subsurface temperature datasets are com-

pared with WMO 2901621 for two different proBles
where the time and space could get the best match.
Temperature proBle from the two Coats is com-
pared. Temperature proBle collected by WMO on
25th November 2013 at 1.962°N, 92.197°E (X1)
and by AUPD on 24th November 2013 at 3.792°N,
89.143°E (Y1) is compared. The distance between
the two locations is 300 km. Figure 10 shows the
trajectory of AUPD (blue track) and WMO Coat
(red track). Datasets of temperature proBle from
Figure 14. Scatter plot of subsurface temperature measured WMO and AUPD is plotted and a visual compar-
by WMO and AUPD on 05th Dec 2013 and 04th Dec 2013, ison is shown in Bgure 11. It is observed that the
respectively. measurements are strongly correlated with the
coefBcient of determination R2 value of 0.9906, as
In May, the observed sea surface temperature shown in Bgure 12.
(SST) is 30.24°C and it falls to 28.4°C in month of Same way, another temperature proBle which is
June which is due to the seasonal rainfall of west- collected by WMO 2901621 on 05th December
ern India. May month observed the highest SST 2013 at 2.287°N, 91.748°E (X2) and AUPD on 04th
30.46°C observed at 6.5 m depth. Trajectory fol- December 2013 at 3.259°N, 89.160°E (Y2) is com-
lowed by the AUPD Coat is shown in Bgure 10. pared. The distance between the two locations is
Saltier water is observed nearer the surface in 290 km. Datasets of temperature proBle from
salinity plot. May month shows the highest salinity WMO and AUPD is plotted, and a visual com-
observed in depth close to 100 m. Presence of a parison is shown in Bgure 13. Here also, the mea-
band of high salinity water sandwiches between surements are strongly correlated with the
salinity lower than 36.4 PSU is observed in the coefBcient of determination R2 value of 0.9932, as
salinity data. This high salinity band reduces and shown in Bgure 14.
11 Page 12 of 13 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2023)132:11

7. Conclusion Sarojani Maurya is responsible for qualiBcation

tests, Beld data collection, analysis and validation
NIOT developed the AUPD Coat, which is capable of the data and drafting the original manuscript.
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m depth. Sea trial results of AUPD showed that project and overall support.
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Corresponding editor: C GNANASEELAN

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