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One Day


One Day is a short audio book about a day in the life of a person living in a city.

The story focuses on English for everyday social and business situations. These
include getting ready for work, attending meetings, eating at a restaurant, training
employees, and relaxing at home.

There is also language for important conversation functions, such as making small
talk, expressing likes and dislikes, making plans, and describing people, places,
and things.

One Day is based on high-frequency vocabulary and grammar structures in

spoken American English. There is a particular focus on pronunciation, past tense
verbs, phrasal verbs, collocations, and idiomatic expressions.

Happy reading and listening!


Chapter 1 – Getting ready

Chapter 2 – The morning

Chapter 3 – A bit about me

Chapter 4 – Late morning

Chapter 5 – Lunch

Chapter 6 – The afternoon

Chapter 7 – My background

Chapter 8 – The evening

Chapter 9 – The ride home

Chapter 10 – The neighbor

Chapter 11 – Time to chill

Chapter 12 – More about me

Chapter 13 – Off to bed

ã Jason R. Levine, 2022
Chapter 1 – Getting ready

First, read the following questions about the chapter.

1. What day was it?

2. Did his alarm go off?

3. Did he brush his hair?

4. Why did he heat up water?

5. What was he looking for?

6. Did he forget to lock the door?

7. Is his friend a man or a woman?

8. Were they able to find seats on the bus?

9. Where did the bus take them?

10. Where do you think he went next?

Now, listen to the chapter. When you finish, try to answer the questions.

ã Jason R. Levine, 2022
Listen to the chapter again while reading the text. Then, change or add to your

It was Monday morning. The Sun came up. My alarm went off. I woke up. I rubbed
my eyes. I got out of bed. I raised the shades. I yawned and stretched.

I went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth. I took a shower. I combed my hair. I

chose my clothes. I got dressed. I made the bed.

I grabbed my phone. I walked to the kitchen. I had breakfast. I heated up some

water. I made coffee. I filled my cup. I took a sip. I poured a glass of juice. I drank

I put the glass down. I stood up. I got ready to leave. I searched for my keys. I
found them. I put on my coat. I zipped it up. My cat meowed. I knelt down to pet
him. I felt like staying home.

I left my apartment. I locked the door. I went outside. I met my friend. He said,
“Good morning!” I shook his hand. The light changed. We crossed the street. We
reached the bus stop.

We waited for the bus. It came. Everyone lined up. We got on. We sat down. We
rode across town. The bus arrived at my stop. I got off.

It was Monday morning. The Sun came up. My alarm went off. I woke up. I
rubbed my eyes. I got out of bed. I raised the shades. I yawned and stretched.

I went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth. I took a shower. I combed my hair.

I chose my clothes. I got dressed. I made the bed.

I grabbed my phone. I walked to the kitchen. I had breakfast. I heated up some

water. I made coffee. I filled my cup. I took a sip. I poured a glass of juice. I
drank it.

I put the glass down. I stood up. I got ready to leave. I searched for my keys. I
found them. I put on my coat. I zipped it up. My cat meowed. I knelt down to
pet him. I felt like staying home.

I left my apartment. I locked the door. I went outside. I met my friend. He said,
“Good morning!” I shook his hand. The light changed. We crossed the street.
We reached the bus stop.

We waited for the bus. It came. Everyone lined up. We got on. We sat down. We
rode across town. The bus arrived at my stop. I got off.

ã Jason R. Levine, 2022
Chapter 2 – The morning

Read the questions about the chapter.

1. Was he late for work?

2. How did his manager seem?

3. What was the new employee like?

4. How did the training session go?

5. Did he answer his phone?

6. What does he usually have in his coffee?

7. What was he doing when his colleague came in?

8. Why did the colleague want to take time off?

9. What does “one of those days” mean?

10. What do you think happened next?

Listen to the chapter. When you finish, try to answer the questions.

ã Jason R. Levine, 2022
Listen to the chapter again while reading the text. Then, change or add to your

I headed to work. I got there on time. I pressed the button for the elevator and took
it to my floor. I got out and greeted my coworkers. I took off my coat, hung it up,
and sat down at my desk.

It was 8:15. I spoke with my manager. She asked me about my weekend. Then,
she handed me a list of tasks with deadlines she expected me to meet. She
seemed stressed out. I promised her I would finish everything and got down to
work. I looked at my schedule and planned my day. I began to feel overwhelmed.

At around 8:30, I trained an employee who had recently been hired. I was showing
him the ropes. He often messed things up. My manager was disappointed in him
because he wasn’t dedicated enough. He was always standing around; he didn’t
notice what needed to be done. She said we shouldn’t have taken him on. I was
sure he would be laid off.

I explained what he had to do and demonstrated how to do it. He took down my

instructions and got started. I supervised his work. He didn’t follow through, so I
took over. He said he had to use the restroom. Then, he just disappeared. I almost
lost my patience. I ended up doing nearly everything myself.

My cell phone rang. I let it go to voicemail.

I went to the break room to get a coffee. We’d run out of milk, and I couldn’t find
the sugar. I wasn’t paying attention and spilled hot coffee on the floor and all over
my pants. While I was cleaning it up, a colleague came in to discuss a project we
were collaborating on. She explained that she had to take a leave of absence and
needed me to cover for her. I asked her why she hadn’t brought this up before.
She told me that something had just popped up.

I could tell it was going to be one of those days.

I headed to work. I got there on time. I pressed the button for the elevator and
took it to my floor. I got out and greeted my coworkers. I took off my coat, hung
it up, and sat down at my desk.

It was 8:15. I spoke with my manager. She asked me about my weekend. Then,
she handed me a list of tasks with deadlines she expected me to meet. She
seemed stressed out. I promised her I would finish everything and got down to
work. I looked at my schedule and planned my day. I began to feel

ã Jason R. Levine, 2022
At around 8:30, I trained an employee who had recently been hired. I was
showing him the ropes. He often messed things up. My manager was
disappointed in him because he wasn’t dedicated enough. He was always
standing around; he didn’t notice what needed to be done. She said we
shouldn’t have taken him on. I was sure he would be laid off.

I explained what he had to do and demonstrated how to do it. He took down my

instructions and got started. I supervised his work. He didn’t follow through, so
I took over. He said he had to use the restroom. Then, he just disappeared. I
almost lost my patience. I ended up doing nearly everything myself.

My cell phone rang. I let it go to voicemail.

I went to the break room to get a coffee. We’d run out of milk, and I couldn’t find
the sugar. I wasn’t paying attention and spilled hot coffee on the floor and all
over my pants. While I was cleaning it up, a colleague came in to discuss a
project we were collaborating on. She explained that she had to take a leave of
absence and needed me to cover for her. I asked her why she hadn’t brought
this up before. She told me that something had just popped up.

I could tell it was going to be one of those days.

ã Jason R. Levine, 2022
Vocabulary from Chapters 1 and 2


bring cover for end up doing follow through an alarm

something up someone something on something goes off
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
start do do something continue a an alarm rings
discussing someone’s that wasn’t task until it is
something work while the original completed
they are plan
head to work hire someone kneel down lay someone line up
¯ ¯ ¯ off ¯
go to work employ put both ¯ get in line
someone knees on the terminate
¯ ground someone’s
take employment
someone on
mess up pop up run out of take take over
¯ ¯ something something ¯
do something appear or ¯ down take control of
badly or in occur use all of ¯ something
the wrong suddenly something write
way something


a deadline shades a sip

¯ ¯ ¯
the latest time or date to covers pulled over a small taste of a drink
complete something windows to block the light


dedicated overwhelmed
¯ ¯
devoted; committed feeling that something is too much to

ã Jason R. Levine, 2022

one of those days show someone the ropes

¯ ¯
a day where many things go wrong show someone the basic way of doing
something (especially at a job)

Chapter 3 – A bit about me

Read the questions about the chapter.

1. How long has he been working at his company?

2. Does he like his job?

3. What’s his relationship like with his colleagues?

4. What’s his apartment like?

5. What does he say about his last relationship?

6. What do his parents want him to do?

7. What does he like to do in his free time?

8. Does he like to cook?

9. How does he feel about social media?

10. Why doesn’t he ask for a raise?

Listen to the chapter. When you finish, try to answer the questions.

ã Jason R. Levine, 2022
Listen to the chapter again while reading the text. Then, change or add to your

My job is okay, I guess. I’ve been working at the same company for about five
years now. I’ve never had any major problems, but I don’t enjoy it much, either. I
get along with my colleagues, for the most part. I’m not close with any of them,
though. Everyone pretty much keeps to themselves. Once in a while someone
organizes a social activity, like a drink at a bar. I’ve gone a couple of times. It’s
pretty awkward, definitely not my thing. I get that I come across as an introvert. I’m
really not, though. I mean, I know I’m not outgoing, but I like spending time with

I live alone. Well, I have a cat. I rent a one-bedroom apartment on the fifth floor of
a big complex located just north of downtown. It’s super-convenient. It’s close to
stores and public transportation, so it’s easy to do errands after work and on the
weekends. I’ve lived there since I moved to the city, which was about eight years
ago. My apartment isn’t bad, all things considered, although it’s kind of expensive
for what it is. It doesn’t get much light. Plus, the kitchen is really small. I’ve thought
about looking for a better place, but I haven’t gotten around to it.

I’m not in a relationship at the moment. I haven’t really been looking. Actually, I
was with someone until just a few months ago. We clicked right away. I truly
believed we were the perfect match. I even thought we’d get engaged. We spent
all our time together. Then, we broke up. I don’t really feel like going into it. It’s kind
of complicated. Let’s just say it didn’t work out (and it’s for the best).

My parents are getting old. Last year they decided to move down South because
the weather is warmer. I haven’t gone to visit them yet. They keep bugging me
about it. I’ll do it one of these days. I should call more often to check on them.

I don’t really have any hobbies. Well, I like to read and watch movies. I don’t go
out much. I drink but only on special occasions. I used to go to concerts a lot. I
haven’t been to one in a long time. I don’t like to cook, but I do it anyway. I play
tennis from time to time, just for fun. I was on a team and competed in tournaments
when I was a teenager. I’m a bit overweight. My doctor says I ought to get more
exercise than I do.

I used to hate social media, but now I’m on it a lot. It’s not because I like it. I’m just
used to using it. I can’t help it, really. I guess you could say I’m addicted to it. It
seems like most people are these days. There’s this dating app a friend of mine
talked me into getting. So far it’s been useless. I mean, the people it connects me
with have similar interests, but they’re not attractive. Or they’re good-looking, but
you can tell they’re either boring or arrogant (or worse).

ã Jason R. Levine, 2022
Lately I’ve been buying a lot of stuff online. Most of it I don’t really need. The weird
thing is that sometimes I even forget that I’ve ordered it. I need to be more careful
with money. I spend way too much. I’d ask for a raise at work, but I know they
wouldn’t give it to me.

My job is okay, I guess. I’ve been working at the same company for about five
years now. I’ve never had any major problems, but I don’t enjoy it much, either.
I get along with my colleagues, for the most part. I’m not close with any of them,
though. Everyone pretty much keeps to themselves. Once in a while someone
organizes a social activity, like a drink at a bar. I’ve gone a couple of times. It’s
pretty awkward, definitely not my thing. I get that I come across as an introvert.
I’m really not, though. I mean, I know I’m not outgoing, but I like spending time
with people.

I live alone. Well, I have a cat. I rent a one-bedroom apartment on the fifth floor
of a big complex located just north of downtown. It’s super-convenient. It’s close
to stores and public transportation, so it’s easy to do errands after work and on
the weekends. I’ve lived there since I moved to the city, which was about eight
years ago. My apartment isn’t bad, all things considered, although it’s kind of
expensive for what it is. It doesn’t get much light. Plus, the kitchen is really
small. I’ve thought about looking for a better place, but I haven’t gotten around
to it.

I’m not in a relationship at the moment. I haven’t really been looking. Actually, I
was with someone until just a few months ago. We clicked right away. I truly
believed we were the perfect match. I even thought we’d get engaged. We
spent all our time together. Then, we broke up. I don’t really feel like going into
it. It’s kind of complicated. Let’s just say it didn’t work out (and it’s for the best).

My parents are getting old. Last year they decided to move down South
because the weather is warmer. I haven’t gone to visit them yet. They keep
bugging me about it. I’ll do it one of these days. I should call more often to check
on them.

I don’t really have any hobbies. Well, I like to read and watch movies. I don’t
go out much. I drink but only on special occasions. I used to go to concerts a
lot. I haven’t been to one in a long time. I don’t like to cook, but I do it anyway.
I play tennis from time to time, just for fun. I was on a team and competed in
tournaments when I was a teenager. I’m a bit overweight. My doctor says I ought
to get more exercise than I do.

I used to hate social media, but now I’m on it a lot. It’s not because I like it. I’m
just used to using it. I can’t help it, really. I guess you could say I’m addicted to
it. It seems like most people are these days. There’s this dating app a friend of
mine talked me into getting. So far, it’s been useless. I mean, the people it

ã Jason R. Levine, 2022
connects me with have similar interests, but they’re not attractive. Or they’re
good-looking, but you can tell they’re either boring or arrogant (or worse).

Lately I’ve been buying a lot of stuff online. Most of it I don’t really need. The
weird thing is that sometimes I even forget that I’ve ordered it. I need to be more
careful with money. I spend way too much. I’d ask for a raise at work, but I know
they wouldn’t give it to me.

Vocabulary from Chapter 3 of One Day


break up with bug someone check on click with come across

someone about someone someone as
¯ something ¯ ¯ ¯
end a ¯ see if immediately seem to be
romantic bother someone is like someone
relationship someone okay
get around to go into ought to talk someone work out
doing something ¯ into something ¯
something ¯ should ¯ have a good
¯ discuss convince result
to finally do something in someone to do
something detailed way something
you intended
to do


an apartment complex an introvert errands

¯ ¯ ¯
a group of buildings a person who feels short trips to attend to
that contain more comfortable everyday business (e.g.,
apartments focusing on their inner food shopping)


awkward convenient outgoing

¯ ¯ ¯
uncomfortable or involving almost no friendly and socially
embarrassing trouble or effort confident

ã Jason R. Levine, 2022

all things considered for the most part

¯ ¯
taking everything into account mostly or usually
keep to yourself one of these days
¯ ¯
spend time alone some time in the near future

ã Jason R. Levine, 2022
Fill in the gaps with correct forms of the vocabulary from the list above. When
you’re finished, check your work.

My job is okay, I guess. I’ve been working at the same company for about five
years now. I’ve never had any major problems, but I don’t enjoy it much, either. I
get along with my colleagues, __________________. I’m not close with any of
them, though. Everyone pretty much _____________________. Once in a while
someone organizes a social activity, like a drink at a bar. I’ve gone a couple of
times. It’s pretty ___________, definitely not my thing. I get that I come across as
an ___________. I’m really not, though. I mean, I know I’m not __________, but I
like spending time with people.

I live alone. Well, I have a cat. I rent a one-bedroom apartment on the fifth floor of
a big complex located just north of downtown. It’s ______________. It’s close to
stores and public transportation, so it’s easy to do ___________ after work and on
the weekends. I’ve lived there since I moved to the city, which was about eight
years ago. My apartment isn’t bad, ______________________, although it’s kind
of expensive for what it is. It doesn’t get much light. Plus, the kitchen is really small.
I’ve thought about looking for a better place, but I haven’t __________________
to it.

I’m not in a relationship at the moment. I haven’t really been looking. Actually, I
was with someone until just a few months ago. We _______ right away. I truly
believed we were the perfect match. I even thought we’d get engaged. We spent
all our time together. Then, we __________. I don’t really feel like going into it. It’s
kind of complicated. Let’s just say it __________________ (and it’s for the best).

My parents are getting old. Last year they decided to move down South because
the weather is warmer. I haven’t gone to visit them yet. They keep _______ me
about it. I’ll do it one of these days. I should call more often to check on them.

I don’t really have any hobbies. Well, I like to read and watch movies. I don’t go
out much. I drink but only on special occasions. I used to go to concerts a lot. I
haven’t been to one in a long time. I don’t like to cook, but I do it anyway. I play
tennis from time to time, just for fun. I was on a team and competed in tournaments
when I was a teenager. I’m a bit overweight. My doctor says I __________ get
more exercise than I do.

I used to hate social media, but now I’m on it a lot. It’s not because I like it. I’m just
used to using it. I can’t help it, really. I guess you could say I’m addicted to it. It
seems like most people are these days. There’s this dating app a friend of mine
______________ getting. So far it’s been useless. I mean, the people it connects
me with have similar interests, but they’re not attractive. Or they’re good-looking,
but you can tell they’re either boring or arrogant (or worse).

ã Jason R. Levine, 2022
Possible answers for questions about Chapters 1-3

Chapter 1 - Getting ready

1. What day was it? It was Monday.

2. Did his alarm go off? Yes, it did.

3. Did he brush his hair? No, he combed it.

4. Why did he heat up water? He heated up water to make coffee.

5. What was he looking for? He was looking for his keys.

6. Did he forget to lock the door? No, he didn’t.

7. Is his friend a man or a woman? His friend is a man.

8. Were they able to find seats on the bus? Yes, they were.

9. Where did the bus take them? It took them across town.

10. Where do you think he went next? _______________

Chapter 2 – The morning

1. Was he late for work? No, he wasn’t.

2. How did his manager seem? She seemed stressed.

3. What was the new employee like? He wasn’t dedicated enough.

4. How did the training session go? It went badly.

5. Did he answer his phone? No, he didn’t.

6. What does he usually have in his coffee? He usually has milk and sugar.

7. What was he doing when his colleague came in? He was cleaning his

8. Why did the colleague want to take time off? We don’t know.

ã Jason R. Levine, 2022
9. What does “one of those days” mean? It means a day when many things
go wrong.

10. What do you think happened next? _______________

Chapter 3 – A bit about me

1. How long has he been working at his company? He’s been working at his
company for about five years.

2. Does he like his job? He doesn’t hate it, but he doesn’t enjoy it.

3. What’s his relationship like with his colleagues? He usually gets along
with them.

4. What’s his apartment like? It’s not great, but it’s in a good location.

5. What does he say about his last relationship? He thought they were right
for each other, but it didn’t work out.

6. What do his parents want him to do? They want him to visit them.

7. What does he like to do in his free time? He likes to read and watch

8. Does he like to cook? No, he doesn’t, but he does it anyway.

9. How does he feel about social media? He used to hate it but now he uses
it a lot.

10. Why doesn’t he ask for a raise? He doesn’t think the company would give
him one.

ã Jason R. Levine, 2022

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