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University: Sayed Jamal-u-din Afghani

Class: 3rd
Subject: Network Operating System
Unit: 9 is Environment Variables
Teacher: Khalid Shinwari
Members of group: Shafiq, Said Rahman, Habib gull, Ziaurahman
Q1: What is environment variables?
A/S: In Linux and UNIX based systems environment variables are a set of dynamic
Named values, store within the system that are used by applications
Launched in shells or subshells.
In simple words, an environment variables is a variable with name and on associated value.
Q2: What is environment in linux?
A/S: In computer Operating System, an environment is an area that contains
Information about the behavior a programs and applications.
Q3: What is variable in linux?
A/S: A variable is a character string to which we assign a value.
The value assigned could be a number, text, filename, device, or
Any other type of data.
A variable is nothing more than a pointer to the actual data.
The shell enables you to create, assign, and delete variables.
Q4: What are the types of Environment Variable?
A/S: There are two types of environment variables:
User environment variable (set for each user)
System environment variable (set for every one)
Q5: What is User environment variable?
A/S: User environment variables, as the main suggests, are environment variables that are
specific to each user account.
Q6: What is System environment variable?
A/S: System has an environment directive which set environment variables
For executed processes.
Q7: What are the Difference between User environment variable and System environment
A/S: System environment variables are globally accessed by all users.
User environment variables are specific only to the currently
Logged-in users.
Q8: Write those files which hold user information?
Files those hold users’ information are as follows:
1. etc/passwd – Where the user’s name, and other pertinent information are stored.
This includes the password unless your system is using shadow passwords.
2. /etc/shadow – Where the user’s password is stored if you are using shadow passwords.
3. /etc/group – Where group names are stored.
4. /etc/aliases – Where the user’s name is matched to a nickname for e-mail.
5. /etc/sudoers – A list of users with special privileges along with the commands they can
Q9: What is /etc/passwd file?
/etc/passwd is a text file that contains the attributes of (i.e., basic information about) each user or
account on a computer running Linux or another Unix-like operating system.
Q10: What is user ID?
User ID is the user’s unique numeric identification number, which is used by the system for
access control.
Multiple choice questions

1: How many types of file system?

A: 4 b: 2 C: 3 d: 5

2: maximum partition in fat 32 are?

a) 1GB b) 32 GB c)64 GB d) 2TB

3: how many types of environment variable?

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d)6
4: how many maximum partition size in NTFS?
a) 1 Tb b)4 TB c) 2 TB d) 32 GB

5: file those who user information are?

a) Etc/passwd b) etc/shadow c) etc/group d) all of correct

6: which command store information about all logins and log out?

a) Var/run/utmp b) var/log/wtmp c) var/log/btmp d) all of false.

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