Component One: Organizational Information

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Lesson Planning Template

ED 3501
Fall 2023

Component One: Organizational Information

Grade Grade 4
Name(s) Miss Fornwald
Unit(s) /
Social Studies Topic(s) / Natural Resources
Strand (s)
Start/Stop Position
Start: 12:40 pm
Times + of Lesson
End: 1:50 pm 1/?
Lesson within
Duration: 1 hour, 10 minutes
Duration Sequence:

Component Two: Description and Rationale

As a group, we will read the article about the Leduc Oil Discovery. Then we will split up to read
parts of the textbook and answer questions within our workbooks. It covers information about
natural resources, where they are found, and how we get access to them. This is near the
beginning of this unit, so there is little prior knowledge required, although I’m sure they already
know lots of this information.

Oil is a massive industry in Alberta. Many of the students parents work in the field. Not only is it
important for them to have an appreciation for what their parents do, but also how it helps us
achieve our basic needs (shelter). In addition, it is a massive part of our economy, which is
another important aspect of social studies.

Component Three: Learner Outcomes

Learner Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how elements of
(GLOs) physical geography, climate, geology and paleontology are integral to the landscapes
(or equivalent) and environment of Alberta.
Values and Attitudes:
Appreciate the variety and abundance of natural resources in Alberta
Outcome(s) Knowledge and Understanding:
(SLOs) What are the significant natural resources in Alberta, and where are they located (e.g.,
(or equivalent)
mineral deposits, coal, natural gas and oil, forests)?
How are natural resources used by Albertans (i.e., agriculture, oil and natural gas,
forests, coal)?

Component Four: Learning Objective(s) and Assessment Evidence

Objective(s) Students will be able to explain the significance of natural resources to Albertans.

Lesson Planning Template
ED 3501
Fall 2023
Learning Objective Driving Question(s) Response(s)

Students will be able to explain the To make the plastic water bottle you’re
Tell me one way you used a natural
significance of natural resources to drinking out of, they had to use oil
resource today?

Component Five: Pre-Lesson Preparations

Materials and Equipment
• Social textbooks
• Social worksheets
• Whiteboard
• Dry erase markers
• Highlighters
• Beads

Component Six: Body (introduction, activities, closure)

Introduction Time
Attention − “We started a new section in social studies yesterday... tell me what you
Grabber know.”
3 min.
− Write headline: Natural Resources in Your Life – any ideas what will be
talked about after your headline hunt yesterday??
Description Students got a chance to look over the chapter yesterday, so I just want to
and refamiliarize them with what they have already read and see if they have any N/A
Rationale predictions.
Activities Allotment
Learning − We will read “1947 – The Leduc Oil Discovery” as a class. Mr. Mackin
Activity #1 began it yesterday, but we will read the whole thing over again as a
chance to review.
o The reading is pretty heavy with lots of large words so I will ask
students to highlight words they struggled to understand. At the 20 min.
end of a couple of paragraphs, we will pause and go through
words were are struggling with.
o Reading will be completed popcorn style.

Learning − Create a visual mind map of the most important information in that
Activity #2 reading. I want students to start giving me information, but I definitely
would like to cover these points:
o New jobs
o Increase in population... 5 min
o Economic revolution
o Agriculture -> gas province
o Helped companies related to oil industry

Transition − Divide into groups of 3.

o Pick a number from 1 – 10. Then we will make groups based on 5 min.
who picked the same number.
o Can work anywhere within the classroom

Lesson Planning Template
ED 3501
Fall 2023
o Point out that the back corner seems to be a problem area.
Whoever sits there needs to be on their best behaviour...
otherwise it may be taken away.
Learning − Read pages 66-71 in groups.
Activity #3 − Complete first 3 pages of questions.
o First group to finish the first page (must be QUALITY work) will
each receive 3 beads.
− Walk around and formatively assess each student’s learning.
− With 10 minutes left, get students to do five jumping jacks. This will be a 32 min.
way to get their attention for my next point, but also to give them a
movement break.
− Warn students that you are going to ask them to share one key piece of
information so it can be added to the mind map.
− They likely will not get all of this work done, but I will give them time in
tomorrow’s lesson to complete it.
Closure/Cliffhanger Time
Assessment − Each group is going to have to share one point that they learned after the
of Learning: reading (think, pair, share)
o This will allow me to get a grasp of each group’s understanding.
o Discussion with their peers will make them think deeper about the
− If I do not receive some of the answers I’m looking for, I’ll ask these
o What is a natural resource? What are some examples of natural 5 min.
o How do they get oil from the oil sands? (clear trees, shovels move
sand, oil sand + hot water, bitumen separates and gets cleaned,
restore land)
o Bitumen? (thick tar made of oil)
− Students will be let out for recess.

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