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To conduct a comprehensive reading assessment on incoming Grade 9 students, aiming to identify

their current reading levels, strengths, and areas needing improvement, in order to tailor instruction
accordingly for the upcoming academic year.

Summary/Narrative Report:

The recognition of the diverse reading abilities of students and the necessity to meet their
individualized learning requirements drove our initiative to administer a reading assessment for the
incoming Grade 9 batch.

Preparation Phase:

A committee was constituted comprising English department teachers, a school counselor, and the
assessment coordinator.

The "Reading Comprehension Assessment Toolkit (RCAT)" was chosen for its age-appropriateness
and comprehensive assessment capabilities.

Training sessions were held for the teachers to ensure uniform administration of the assessment.

Assessment Administration:

The test was administered over a span of two days, ensuring a comfortable environment for the

Proctors noted students' demeanor and any notable behaviors during testing, to account for any
outliers or anomalies in the results.

Data Compilation & Analysis:

Results were compiled and analyzed over the following week. Three main categories were defined:
'Above Average', 'Average', and 'Needs Improvement'.

A significant 60% of the students were found to be in the 'Average' bracket, 25% in the 'Above
Average', and 15% in the 'Needs Improvement' category.

The data was further broken down to identify common areas of strengths, such as vocabulary
recognition, and areas of challenge, like inferential comprehension.

Next Steps & Recommendations:

A meeting was conducted with the English department to discuss findings. Special emphasis was
placed on strategies to support the 15% of students who need more targeted assistance.

Supplementary reading materials and resources were suggested for the 'Needs Improvement'
category, and advanced reading materials for the 'Above Average' group to further challenge and
enhance their skills.

An initiative to pair 'Above Average' readers with those needing improvement in a peer-mentoring
capacity was proposed.

Conclusively, the reading assessment has granted invaluable insights into the reading capabilities of
our incoming Grade 9 students. With the data on hand, the academic team is better equipped to
provide a more tailored and effective learning experience for our students in the forthcoming year.

Remember, this is a hypothetical report and can be adjusted according to the actual data and
specifics of the situation.

"Brigada Eskwela" is a nationwide initiative in the Philippines wherein stakeholders, such as parents,
alumni, civic groups, local businesses, and local governments, volunteer to help public schools
prepare their facilities before the school year starts. It involves cleaning classrooms, repairing
facilities, and other preparations to ensure that students have a conducive learning environment.

Accomplishment Report


To mobilize the community, local businesses, and government units in ensuring that [School Name]'s
facilities and grounds are prepared, safe, and conducive to learning for the academic year [Year].

Summary/Narrative Report:

Recognizing the significant role that a conducive learning environment plays in a student's
educational journey, we embarked on this year's "Brigada Eskwela" with increased fervor and

Mobilization & Outreach:

Sent out letters of invitation and calls for volunteers, materials, and donations three weeks prior to
the event.

Engaged with local businesses, alumni groups, and government units to gather resources.

Secured commitments from over 300 volunteers, including parents, alumni, local youth groups, and
representatives from the local government.

Activity Breakdown:

Cleaning Drive: Cleaned over 40 classrooms, 2 laboratories, the school library, and communal areas.

Repair & Maintenance: Completed essential repairs on 10 classrooms, the main gate, and repainted
sections of the school façade.

Garden Revival: Revitalized the school garden, planting ornamental plants and vegetables. An
initiative led by the parent-teachers association (PTA) and local youth volunteers.

Supply Distribution: Using funds raised and donated materials, assembled and distributed 500 sets of
school supplies for underprivileged students.

Community Engagement:

Organized a mini-community fair on the last day, celebrating the spirit of "Bayanihan" (communal
unity). Local businesses set up stalls, parents cooked and sold dishes, and students showcased
various performances.

Funds raised from the fair were allocated to the school's health and wellness program.


Conducted a simple ceremony to recognize all the volunteers, donors, and partners who made the
event successful.

Plaques of appreciation were handed to significant contributors, and certificates were distributed to
all volunteers.

The success of "Brigada Eskwela" [Year] at [School Name] is not only measured by the readiness of
our school facilities but also by the strengthened spirit of community collaboration. With the
combined efforts of various stakeholders, we are confident that our students will have a fruitful and
enriching academic year
please make an accomplishment report about an initial reading assessment on incoming grade 9


Accomplishment Report


To carry out an initial reading assessment on incoming Grade 9 students with the aim of discerning
their reading comprehension levels, fluency, and vocabulary knowledge, which will facilitate
targeted and effective instructional planning for the upcoming academic year.

Summary/Narrative Report:

Understanding the intrinsic role that reading skills play in academic success, especially as students
transition to higher grades, our team initiated an assessment to gauge the capabilities of our
incoming Grade 9 students.

Preparation Phase:

Collaborated with a committee consisting of English department teachers and educational

assessment experts to select an appropriate assessment tool.

Chose the "Comprehensive Reading Assessment System (CRAS)" for its comprehensive approach to
evaluating reading skills tailored to the Grade 9 level.

Trained our teachers to ensure a standardized administration of the assessment.

Assessment Execution:

The assessment was conducted over a three-day period, dividing the students into manageable
groups to ensure focus and minimal disruption.

In addition to the written assessment, students were asked to read selected passages aloud to
evaluate their fluency and pronunciation.

Data Analysis & Findings:

Assessment results were compiled and evaluated within the subsequent week.

Students were categorized into three proficiency bands: 'Advanced', 'Proficient', and 'Developing'.

Preliminary findings showed that 40% of the students fell into the 'Proficient' band, 35% in
'Advanced', and 25% in 'Developing'.

Common areas of strengths included vocabulary recognition, while challenges were noted in
inferential comprehension and critical analysis of text.

Implications & Future Steps:

Teachers have been briefed on the findings, allowing them to adjust their lesson planning and
instructional methods accordingly.

Students identified within the 'Developing' band will be given additional support through
supplemental reading materials, targeted group sessions, and individualized attention where

A peer mentorship program, pairing 'Advanced' readers with 'Developing' ones, is under
consideration to foster collaborative learning and support.

In conclusion, the initial reading assessment for the incoming Grade 9 students has furnished us with
invaluable insights. Armed with this knowledge, our educational team is better prepared to cater to
the distinct needs of our students, ensuring that they receive the necessary support and challenges
to optimize their reading skills and overall academic performance in the coming year
Accomplishment Report: Reading Assessment for Incoming Grade 9 Students

Part 1: Basic Details

Title of Activity: Reading Assessment for Incoming Grade 9 Students

Date: August 7, 2023

Venue: ABC High School Auditorium

Objective: To assess the reading proficiency and comprehension levels of incoming Grade 9 students
in order to tailor classroom instructions to their specific needs and enhance the overall learning

Part 2: Narrative Report

1. Introduction/Rationale/Objectives:

The foundational importance of reading skills to academic success cannot be overemphasized. As

students progress to higher grades, the complexity and demands of reading materials
correspondingly increase. Hence, it's pivotal to ascertain their reading capabilities early on, ensuring
that educators can provide necessary interventions, resources, and additional support if needed. The
objective of this assessment was not only to determine students' reading levels but also to gain
insights into their strengths, areas of improvement, and diverse needs.

2. Narration of Accomplishments:

The Reading Assessment for Incoming Grade 9 Students was successfully conducted at ABC High
School Auditorium, with a turnout of 95% of the incoming Grade 9 student population.

a. Preparation and Logistics: Weeks prior to the assessment, teachers and staff underwent training
sessions to ensure the standardized administration of the assessment tools. Necessary materials
were prepared, including reading passages, comprehension questions, answer sheets, and guidelines
for students. The school's auditorium was chosen as the venue to provide a comfortable and
spacious environment conducive for testing.
b. Administration of the Assessment: On the day of the activity, students were briefed about the
process and the importance of the assessment. They were then given a set amount of time to read
selected passages and answer comprehension questions. The questions ranged from factual recall to
inferential understanding to gauge the breadth and depth of the students' comprehension.

c. Data Collection and Analysis: Following the assessment, the answer sheets were collected,
checked, and analyzed by a team of educators. Preliminary findings suggest that approximately 80%
of the students are reading at or above the grade level, while the remaining 20% may require
additional support. This data is invaluable for teachers as they develop their instructional plans for
the academic year.

d. Feedback and Forward Planning: A post-assessment meeting was held among educators to discuss
the findings and strategize on how best to support students, especially those identified as needing
extra assistance. Plans were put in place to conduct one-on-one sessions, initiate reading
intervention programs, and incorporate diverse reading materials suited for various reading levels.

In conclusion, the Reading Assessment activity was a significant step towards understanding our
incoming Grade 9 students' reading proficiencies. The insights garnered will undoubtedly play a
critical role in shaping a more responsive and effective educational experience for them in the
coming year.

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