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The Municipality of Quezon, Palawan is one of the municipalities in the Second District of
Palawan. It is a First-Class Municipality with a total land area of 94, 921 hectares and is
considered one among the largest municipality in the Province of Palawa. It is located between
117 deg 45 -118 deg 35’36 longitude and 8 deg 45’4-9 deg 30’ 15” latitude and is bounded on
the Northeast by the towns of Aborlan and Narra, on the Southeast by the Municipalities OF
Sofronio Espanola and Brooke’s Point, respectively and South by Rizal. The western coastline is
bordered by Treacherous Bay, Malanut Bay, Narode Bay and West Philipippine Sea.

The municipality's continual growth and development is the result of its potential economic
opportunities in agriculture, fishing, and mining.

The municipality is blessed with abundant resources such as rich deposits of minerals, forests,
and a vast tract of farmland areas.

On the other hand, the market for natural minerals expected to grow for the coming two decades.
The trade for both gross and finished products is also expected to increase. This indicates the
existence of international players for the proposed mining and quarry. This is expected to
continue in the future.

Based on the study conducted by M.Y. Calibo, C.A. Arcilla, R.M. Ong, M.L.G. Tejada and J.P.
Rafols (2011) Occurrences of nickel in different host phases of a laterite deposit: An example
from Berong, Philippines. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts. Mineralogical Magazine 75:613
In the three Ni-Co laterite profiles discovered at the Barangay Berong Quezon deposit in
Palawan, the Philippines, scientists discovered various kinds of serpentine veins that were
detected in the harzburgite bedrock and saprock. The goal of their study is to understand the
behavior and local enrichment of Ni in serpentine. The research conducted by them also look at
the presence of garnierite and Mn-oxyhydroxides in the analyzed deposit.


The general goals of this plan are to assess the extent and quality of mineral reserves that can be
exploited to improve the economic growth of municipalities and the province. Mining or
extraction of mineral reserves in the area must be both environmentally and economically

The main objective of the feasibility study on the proposed target area is

1. To determine the size of the local mineral deposit and establishing the site's boundaries;

2. To identify the appropriate quality of the nickel mining in the target area
3. To identify the appropriate quantity that can be explore minder, processed and supplied to
the international market;

Location of the target area
The target project area is located at Makaagnaw, So.
Tungib, Bgy. Berong Quezon, Palawan with an area
HECTARES and fall under Forestland/ Timberland
and Unclassified Public Forestland (UPF).


The target area and the surrounding area are

characterized by low relatively flat topography
with small hills, creeks, streams and uphill.
Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 6.6
meters or 21.7 feet above mean sea level.


The target area belongs to the tropics and the

climate season is divided into the wet and the dry
season. Generally, the dry season is from January
to May and the wet season is June to December.

The topographic environment has a huge impact on the vegetation in the area. The low
weed grows on the lowlands and hills and reaches several tens of cm tall. Bamboo can be noticed
growing in big clusters around waterways. Rice fields and farms are frequently planted along
minor streams and rivers. The vegetation on the east side consists of modest bushes and virgin
woodland. The mountains are frequently covered in virgin forests. It was mostly made up of
latifoliate plants, with needle-leaf trees found at high altitudes.


To evaluate the mineral resources or reserve the following visiting are approached and methods
will be applied:

1. Literate, review assess previous work date to understand the general geology of the area
2. Conduct geological mapping at 1;10,000 to 1:20,000 scale
3. Topographic survey on most potential part or area.

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