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Keys UNIT 6: FUTURE JOBS (12th form)

I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others
1 A. leader B. steady C. feather D. leather
2 A. moment B. monument C. monster D. monsoon
3 A. execute B. example C. existence D. executive
4 A. curriculum B. character C. careful D. cease
5 A. funny B. dune C. dull D. money
II. Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the others.
6 A. answer B. active C. abbey D. financial
7 A. altitude B. recover C. comedy D. library
8 A. adventurous B. geometry C. astronomy D. centigrade
9 A. language B. evidence C. disadvantage D. products
10 A. primitive B. particular C. continuous D. connected


I. Choose the best answer among A,B,C or D that best completes each sentence.
11. Students over 25_______ a different category.
A. fall into B. hold into C. are kept into D. fall at
12. The working condition is so bad that I don’t know how to _____it.
A. put up with B. stand up with C. put up D. stand with
13. We______ Mr Brown to be a fine worker.
A. accept B. look C. believe D. regard
14. He took a _____ interest in his son’s education.
A. strong B. keen C. deep D. sharp
15. Job_____ are advertised in Situations Vacant.
A. places B. positions C. seats D. vacancies
16. Several candidates were_______ a second interview.
A. asked for B. left for C. called for D. requested for
17. ________ he hasn’t any formal qualifications, he has manage to do very well.
A. Despite B. Although C. If D. Whereas
18. He said the government would do its best to _____the problem of unemployment.
A. answer B. decide C. solve D. open
19. I’m going to South Carolina________ the semester is over.
A. when B. while C. during D. at
20. Although born in Germany,_______ a citizen of the United States in 1940.
A. but Albert Einstein became B. that Albert Einstein became
C. Albert Einstein became D. since became Albert Einstein
II. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting.
21. The government has promised to deal to the problem of unemployment among young people.
22. The benefits which we gain from working are more greater than what many people are realizing
23. The organization that is very necessary for volunteers who will go to work in remote areas
24. Engineering is a profession in which puts scientific knowledge to practical use.
25. Solar energy is the only way to solve the problem of energy shortage now which we’ve been much worried about it
III. Word formation.
26. We were ……………….. aware of dager. (keen) keenly
27. She summarized her plan very ……………….. (neat) neatly
28. Children living in inner-city areas may be ……………….. disadvantaged. (educate) educationally
29. Faulty goods should be returned to the ……………….. (manufacture) manufacturers
30. Put an ……………….. in the local paper to sell your car. (advertise) advertisement
31. Some companies are fighting for ……………….. of the software market. (dominate) domination
32. She shows a ……………….. to work on her own initiative. (willing) willingness
33. This is a highly ……………….. product. (market) marketable
34. He resigned from the company in order to take a more ……………….. job. (challenge) challenging
35. I was suddenly overcome with an ……………….. desire to hit him. (control) uncontrollable
IV. Fill in the gap with a suitable preposition.
36. The singer was accompanied ……………….. the piano by her sister. On/ at
37. The website gives you tips on interviewing ……………….. colleges. for
38. Next week, I will be interviewing Spielberg ……………….. his latest movie. about
39. You will be at an advantage if you have thought about the interview questions ……………….. advance. in
40. My words made no impression ……………….. her. on
41. In this lecture I shall concentrate ……………….. the early years of Charles’s resign. on
42. Her comment was unfortunately close ……………….. the truth. to
43. I felt unqualified to comment ……………….. the subject. on
44. It is important to try and learn ……………….. experience. from
45. I try to do my job ……………….. the best of my ability. to

I. Fill in the blank with the most suitable word.
There are a great many careers in which the increasing emphasis is (46) ……. specialization. You find these careers in
engineering, in production, in statistical work, and in teaching. but there is an increasing (47)………. for people who are able
to take a great area (48) ………. a glance, who perhaps don’t know too much (49)……..any field. We call these people
“generalists”. (50)………these “generalists” are particularly needed for (51)……… administration, where it is their job to
organize (52)………….people’s work, begin it and judge it. The specialists (53)……………one field; his concern with
technique (54)……… He is a trained man; and his educational background (55)…………properly technical or
professional. The generalist and the administrator deals with people; his concern is (56) ………………leadership , with
planning, and with direction giving. He is an educated man. Very rarely is a specialist capable of being an administrator. and
very rarely is a good generalist (57)……….a good specialist in a particular field. Any organization (58) …………..both kinds
of people, though different organizations need them in (59) ……….proportions. It is your task to find out during your training,
into which the two kinds of jobs you (60) ………….., and to plan your career accordingly.
46. A. about B. for C. on
47. A. question B. problem D.demand
48. A. in B. with
49 A. to B. into D.about
50 A. yet B .however C.and D,but
51 A. positions B. relations C.places D.connections
52. A. any B. other C.some D.many
53. A. needs B.likes C.understand D.notices
54. A. but also B. and
55.A. works B. gets C.has
56.A.with B. of
57.A. not B. both C.also D.being
58.A.has B. needs C.have D.want
59. A. different B.great C.the same D.small
60.A. want B. choose

I. Join each pair of these sentences into one sentence , using relative pronouns :
61. Helicopters can land near the center of a large city. They don’t need a long runway
Helicopters which don’t need a long runway can land near the center of a large city
62. Mozart spent the last years of his life in Vienna. His birthplace was Salzburg
Mozart, whose birthplace was Salzburg, spent the last years of his life in Vienna.
63. The world was to be a great adventure for him. He knew very little about the world .
The world, which he knew very little about, was to be a great adventure for him.
64. I was reading upstairs. There was a knock at the door .
whien I was reading upstairs, there was a knock at the door .
65. A woman answered the phone. The woman asked me to call back later.
A woman who answered the phone asked me to call back later.
66. A book was left behind on the desk. The book belongs to John.
A book which was left behind on the desk belongs to John.
67. Some books are borrowed from the library. We mustn’t write in the books.
We mustn’t write in the books which are borrowed from the library..
68. I always received unfailing guidance from two teachers. I have the gook luck to have two good teachers
I always received unfailing guidance from two teachers, whom I have the gook luck to have.
69. French is spoken in many parts of the world. French is a Romance language.
French, which is a Romance language, is spoken in many parts of the world.
70. His stepmother was not very kind to him. He was living with her .
His stepmother, with whom he was living, was not very kind to him.

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