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them to the police. Suicide is viewed as a shameful act to

Beyond rates: the tragedy be concealed. Families are often ostracised and there may
be implications for marriage prospects for girls in the
of suicide in Pakistan family. For these reasons the actual incidence of suicide
and attempted suicide may be underestimated in Pakistan.
Murad M Khan as MRCPsych'
Martin Prince MD MRCPsych 2 Suicide and Islam
'Department of Psychiatry,The Aga Khan University, Stadium The relationship between religious belief and suicide has
Road, PO Box 3500, Karachi-74800, Pakistan; 2Section of been well known since the first published governmental
Epidemiology, Institute of Psychiatry, De Crespigny Park, Denmark social statistics appeared during the early and mid-
Hill, London SE58AF, UK nineteenth century. Earlier studies compared suicide
Correspondence to: Dr Khan rates between Catholics and Protestants. Both Masaryk"
and Morselli 5 noted that in a given district or area,
Catholics, who led a more ordered life through extensive
TROPICAL DOCTOR, 2003, 33, 67-69 ritual and subordination to the Church hierarchy, had
lower suicide rates than Protestants. Durkheim'' also
concluded that religion had an independent role in
Introduction suppressing suicide, basing his contention not only of
the study of Catholics and Protestants but also of Jews.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Simpson and Conklin 7 compared suicide rates of Chris-
between 500000 and 1.2 million people worldwide die tian and Islamic countries using a 71-nation cross-
from suicide each year '. Acknowledging it as a global national analysis and confirmed Durkheim's earlier
tragedy, the WHO has noted with concern the significant hypothesis that traditional religion plays an important
problem of underreporting, an upward trend in the role in the suppression of suicide.
younger age groups and lack of comprehensive national Cross-cultural studies show that the rate of suicide is
preventive strategy in many member countries. low in Muslin countries. In a collection of essays edited by
While the subject is receiving considerable attention in Headley'', seven countries (i.e. Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Syria,
the West, it remains largely neglected in many countries of Jordan, Kuwait and Pakistan) with a majority Muslim
the developing world. Pakistan's population of 140 population were surveyed. They all showed a relatively
million makes it the seventh most populous country in low rate of suicide compared to Western countries.
the world. Of its population 97% are Muslims and 70% While suicide is a condemned act in most major
live in rural areas. Karachi, situated in the south on the religions of the world Islam has declared it as an
shores of the Indian Ocean, is the largest city with a unforgivable sin with perpetrators being condemned to
population of more than 12 million. It is also the main hell'', which may partly explain the low suicide rate in
commercial and business centre. The national per capita Muslim countries, including Pakistan.
income is US$440, with a third of the population living
below the poverty line. With a Gross Domestic Product of
$63.6 billion, 31% is spent on defence, 2% on education Suicide 'rates' in Pakistan
and less than I % on health/. An early report based on police records showed 89
suicides (average 18(year) over a 5-year period (1959-
1963)10. A similar study repeated for the years 1974-78
Suicide in Pakistan
showed 25 suicides (average 5(year)1l. A survey of all
Suicide is an under-studied and under-researched subject suicides reported in a national newspaper over a 2-year
in Pakistan. Basic epidemiological data, for example, on period (1996 and 1997) showed 306 suicides nationally
national rates are not known. Like many developing (average I53(year; for Karachi: 85(year)3. All four
countries, Pakistan does not report suicide mortality provinces of the country (Sindh, Punjab, Balochistan
statistics to the WHO. A variety of social, legal and and North-West Frontier Province) and more than 35
religious factors complicate accurate reporting and data cities were represented.
collection.'. Over the last few years, reports and articles on suicide
The law in Pakistan (based on a tenet of Islam) have been appearing regularly in the lay press I2- 14 , with
considers suicide and attempted suicide as a criminal several non-governmental and government organizations
offence punishable with a jail term and (or a heavy reporting their figures. For example, a report by the
financial penalty. Every suspected case must be taken to Human Rights Commission of Pakistan showed 2000
one of the government hospitals designated as a 'medico- suicides nationally (average 250(month) in an eight-
legal centre'. Only medico-legal centres are authorized to month period (January-August 2000), compared to 2100
receive forensic cases and the police conduct an inquiry suicides (average 175(month) in 199912. Another report by
into the incident. Although prosecution is rare, harass- the Lawyers for Human Rights and Legal Aid reported
ment and extortion of money from the victims' families is 210 suicides nationally in the first 2 months of 2001[3. The
not uncommon. Hence many are taken to private Sindh Police gave a figure of 233 suicides (average 33(
hospitals which neither register the cases nor report month) for a 7-month period (January to July 2000) for

Tropical Doctor April 2003, 33 67


the province of Sindh 14 . While these figures suggest an Pakistani society is largely male dominated and women
apparent increase in suicides over previous years, they have limited autonomy in areas such as education, career
could also reflect an earlier underrecording rather than a or choice of marital partner '''. Divorce is so stigmatized it
real increase over time. is not a realistic option for women. Few women have jobs
giving them economic independence and invariably,
divorced women have to go back to their parents' home.
Suicide and economic factors Under Islamic law, the father also has the right to custody
It has been speculated that deteriorating economic of children over 7 years of age. There is therefore
conditions and increasing poverty are responsible for the enormous pressure on women to continue in the marriage,
increase in rates 2,12 . Like many developing countries, even an obviously unhappy one. Factors associated with
Pakistan finds itself caught in a vicious cycle of depression in Pakistani women include low self-esteem,
dependency on international financial institutions and early marriage, hostile in-laws, and lack of a confiding
an increasing spiral of debt. For example in the financial relationship with husband/". Recent evidence also sug-
year 1999-2000, while $673 millions were transferred into gests a high incidence of domestic violence towards
Pakistan from major financial donors, $1206.6 millions women-l.
were transferred back against debt servicing and repay-
ment, giving a negative net amount of $538.8 millions 15. Beyond rates: the challenge of suicide prevention
The rigid enforcement of structural adjustments as the
sole mechanism for strengthening an already weakened Although it would be easy to dismiss the problem of
economy frequently leads to increases in social inequity: suicide in Pakistan as insignificant as rates of suicide, even
this has a direct impact on the health sector, particularly with the recent apparent increase, are probably quite low
on the most vulnerable members of the population, compared to other countries it is important to look
among them the unemployed and mentally ill. beyond rates and numbers. As in any other country,
suicide is a serious public health problem in Pakistan but
with limited resources, poorly developed mental health
Suicide and mental illness services and strong sociocultural sanctions against it, is
much more difficult to tackle.
While poverty and adverse economic conditions may have There is compelling evidence indicating that adequate
impacted on suicide rates in recent years, the role of prevention and treatment of some mental and behavioural
interpersonal relationship problems and mental illness as disorders can reduce suicide rates, whether such interven-
important contributory factors in attempted suicide and tions are directed towards individuals, families, schools or
suicides respectively, should not be overlooked'S". Popu- other sections of the general community. With such high
lation-based prevalence studies from Pakistan give high rates of depression, undiagnosed mental disorders and
figures for depression. In one study, 44.4% (male 25.5% interpersonal problems in Pakistan, innovative treatment
and female 57.5%) of the cohort was found to be modalities need to be developed. Programmes involving
depressed for more than a year 16 . community-based interventions through primary health
Similarly Mumford et aI.17.18 in two studies found the care workers (PHeW) and integrating mental health into
prevalence of anxiety/depression in 66% and 60% of primary healthcare are the most promising-e.
women and 25% and 15-33% of men, respectively. The Studies in Pakistan also show that about 40% of clients
authors concluded that the high prevalence of depression of traditional healers suffer from mental illness23. Since
in Pakistan might be because of the higher proportion of there are few specialized professionals, the community
the population experiencing social adversity. turns to the available traditional healers. Involvement of
It would appear that mental illness (especially depres- traditional healers in the care of the mentally ill is an
sion) may be under-recognized and treated in Pakistan important mental health initiative in developing countries.
and this could be another contribution to a pool from Professionals can give healers accurate information about
which many suicides are drawn. mental and behavioural disorders, encourage them to
Taken as a whole, deteriorating economic conditions, function as referral agents, and discourage practices such
erosion of public confidence in national institutions as starvation and punishments. For their part, profes-
coupled with an unstable political system may have sionals can come to understand the healers' skills in
created a sense of foreboding in the general population. dealing with psychosocial disorders 22 .
Against this background, traditional protective factors of To reduce the incidence of suicide in young people
religion and cultural values may be losing their effect school-based interventions which include crisis manage-
leading to higher rates of distress and depression, leading ment, self-esteem enhancement, development of social
to suicide. skills and healthy decision making are some of the
effective intervention strategies, as proposed in the
WHO Suicide Prevention Programme",
Women, marriage and suicide
Government has an important role to play in terms of
Another area of consideration is that of marital status and the legal status of attempted suicide, which clearly reflects
suicidal behaviour. Although gender difference in suicides the larger societal attitude and response to it. The broader
is similar to other countries with men outnumbering aim of suicide prevention has to include the legal status of
women by two to three times, married women seem to be attempted suicide. The 'criminalization' of attempted
particularly at risk', This finding is consistent with studies suicide has lead to stigma, avoidance of seeking help,
of psychiatric morbidity in Pakistan, which also show lack of involvement of the professionals and limitations in
higher rates in married women compared to single women developing innovative programmes of suicide prevention.
or married menl''. It adds further weight to a growing There is therefore an urgent need to change the law in
body of evidence that, instead of protecting against Pakistan.
psychiatric morbidity, marriage is a significant source of The decriminalization of suicide and attempted suicide
stress for women in Pakistan. will contribute to a change in the public attitude towards

68 Tropical Doctor April 2003, 33


this behaviour. Despite the fact the Islamic religion 21 Fikree F, Bhatti LI. Domestic violence and health of
strongly condemns suicide as an unforgivable sin, the Pakistani women. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 1999;65:195--201
suicidal person is frequently seen not as a sinner, but as a 22 The World Health Report 2001. Mental Health: New
victim. This is especially true when suicide occurs as a Understanding, New Hope. Geneva: World Health Organiza-
tion, 2001
result of unbearable conditions such as poverty or
23 Saeed K, Gater R, Hussain A, Mubbashar M. The
intolerable treatment of a woman by her spouse. The prevalence, classification and treatment of mental disorders
suicidal behaviour is then seen as an understandable among attenders of native healers in rural Pakistan. Soc
reaction to traumatic events and pain. Psych Psych Epidemiol 2000;35:480-5
There is a need for more and better information on
suicidal behaviour. Data collection at district, provincial
and national levels should be developed. The information
could be used for analytical epidemiological studies of
characteristics of high-risk groups and the changes in
those characteristics that take place over time. Pakistan
Urethral strictures: 'once a
should be encouraged to report mortality data on suicide
to the WHO.
stricture, always a stricture'
At a macro level, the issue of poverty alleviation needs
to be addressed and equitable, fair and just social policies A Bazo LMS FRCS(Edin) K Rao MS FRACS
formulated. The high prevalence of depression in Pakistan Leicester General Hospital, UK
appears to be related to the high levels of social adversity Correspondence to: Alvaro Bazo, 17 Cardwell Court, Braithwell,
experienced by the population. Suicide prevention there- Rotherham 566 7AN, 5 Yorks, UK
fore poses a formidable challenge to governments, policy E-mail:
makers, aid donors and mental professionals alike.
TROPICAL DOCTOR, 2003, 33, 69-71

A urethral stricture is a narrowing of the normal calibre of
World Health Organization. Preventing Suicide: a Resource
for Primary Health Care Workers. WHO/MNH/MBD/OO.4.
the urethra. Predominantly a male disease, the majority of
Geneva: WHO, 2000 cases are of unknown aetiology. Common causes are
2 Social Policy and Development Center. Social Development in infections, such as gonococcal and non-specific urethritis,
Pakistan: Annual Review 2000. Karachi: Oxford University balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO), trauma and increas-
Press, 2001 ingly iatrogenic.
3 Khan MM, Reza H. The pattern of suicide in Pakistan. Whatever the cause, there is a change in the lining of the
Crises 2000;20:31-5 urethra to a columnar epithelium lacking the waterproof
4 Masaryk T. Suicide and the Meaning of Civilisation. property of the normal pseudo-stratified epithelium. This
University of Chicago Press, 1970 leads to fibrosis and consequently more leakage of urine,
5 Morselli EA. Suicide: An Essay on Comparative Moral perpetuating the cycle. In addition, the involvement of the
Statistics. Appleton--Century, 1879 ostia of para-urethral glands leads to the formation of
6 Durkheim E. Suicide. Free Press, 1951
micro-abscesses hence contributing to the extension of the
7 Simpson ME, Conklin GH. Socio-economic development,
suicide and religion: A test of Durkheim's theory of religion stricture 1.
and suicide. Soc Forces 1989;67:945-64 Treatment aim is to minimize the complications
8 Headley LA, ed. Suicide in Asia and the Near East. Berkley: (bladder outflow obstruction, retention, sepsis, watering
University of California Press, 1983 can perineum), associated with longstanding strictures,
9 Chaleby KS. Issues in forensic psychiatry in Islamic and provide as long a stricture free period as possible.
jurisprudence. Bull Am Acad Psych Law 1996;24: 117-24 Cure, although not impossible, is difficult to achieve.
10 Ashraf M. The problem of suicide in Karachi. Pak Armed The normal male urethra measures approximately
Forces Med J 1964;14: 156 20 ern and comprises three parts: the prostatic urethra,
II Ahmed SH, Zuberi H. Changing pattern of suicide and the membranous urethra and the penile urethra. The
parasuicide in Karachi. J Pak Med Assoc 1981;31:76--8 aetiology and management of the stricture will vary
12 Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. The Dawn 6 Nov depending upon location. Prostatic urethral strictures
commonly occur after transurethral resection of the
13 Lawyers for Human Rights and Legal Aid. The Dawn 6
March 2001
prostate, membranous urethral strictures are most com-
14 Sindh Police Report. The Dawn 13 September 2001 monly after trauma, especially in pelvic fractures and
15 Bhutta ZA. Why has so little changed in maternal and child instrumentation, and infections. Penile urethral strictures
health in South Asia? BMJ 2000;321:809-12 are common in BXO and as a result of instrumentation.
16 Husain N, Creed F, Tomenson B. Depression and social The traditional treatment of stricture was, up to the
stress in Pakistan. Psychol Med 2000;30:395-402 development of the modern cystoscope, a blind proce-
17 Mumford DB, Nazir M, Jilani F, Baig IY. Stress and dure, either by blind urethrotomy or dilatation. Great
psychiatric disorder in the Hindu Kush: a community survey skill was required to do this.
of mountain villages in Chitral, Pakistan. Br J Psych The development of endoscopic equipment, particularly
1996;168:299-307 the Sachsse urethrotome-, which incorporates a cold knife
18 Mumford DB, Saeed K, Ahmad I, Latif S, Mubbashar M. in a cystoscope, has meant that initial evaluation and
Stress and psychiatric disorder in rural Punjab. A commu-
treatment is done visually. An 'optical' urethrotomy,
nity survey. Br J Psych 1997;170:473--8
19 Khan MM, Reza H. Gender differences in non-fatal suicidal
cutting the length of the stricture longitudinally at a 12 or
behaviour in Pakistan. Role of socio-cultural factors. Suicide 6 o'clock position, is therefore possible in a majority of
Life Threat Behav 1998;28:62-8 patients.
20 Naeem S. Vulnerability factors for depression in Pakistani With urethrotomy and/or urethral dilatation, the best
women. J Pak Med Assoc 1992;42:137-8 results are those obtained when dealing with short < I em

Tropical Doctor April 2003, 33 69

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