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NREMT Practice Test Bank - Multiple Choice

restrain the patient is all that is required

to prevent causing unnecessary injury.

33. Immediately following a gen- You selected B; This is correct!

eralized seizure involving ton-
ic-clonic activity, most patients: Reason:Most generalized (grand mal)
• A:have a slow heart rate be- seizures last 3 to 5 minutes and are fol-
cause of cardiac depression dur- lowed by a lengthy (5 to 30 minutes) pe-
ing the seizure. riod called the postictal phase, in which
• B:are unresponsive but gradu- the patient is unresponsive at first but
ally regain consciousness. gradually regains consciousness. Dur-
• C:experience prolonged ap- ing the seizure itself, the nervous system
nea and require positive-pres- releases excess adrenaline (epineph-
sure ventilations. rine); therefore, tachycardia, even after
• D:return to a normal level of the seizure has stopped, is common. Ap-
consciousness but cannot recall nea is common during a seizure; howev-
the event. er, breathing usually resumes after the
seizure has stopped. Many patients are
tachypneic following a seizure; this is
the body's attempt to eliminate excess
carbon dioxide that accumulated in the
blood during the seizure. Unlike grand
mal seizures, petit mal seizures (also
called absence seizures) can last for just
a fraction of a minute, after which the pa-
tient fully recovers immediately with only
a brief lapse of memory of the event.

34. Which of the following organs You selected A; This is correct!

are contained within the right up-
per quadrant of the abdomen? Reason:The liver and gallbladder lie
• A:Liver and gallbladder within the right upper quadrant of the
• B:Stomach and gallbladder abdomen. Most of the stomach is within
• C:Liver and spleen the left upper quadrant, as is the entire
• D:Liver and stomach spleen.

35. You respond to a baseball field You selected D; The correct answer is A;
for a person who was struck
by lightning. When you arrive, Reason:The process of triaging multiple

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