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Morning News Snippet

May 30, 2022

Bangladesh market snapshot Economy

Last closing BB raises policy rate to tame inflation
DSEX Index 6,369.33 The Bangladesh Bank (BB) raises the benchmark interest rate, for the
% change 2.11%
first time in nearly two years, signalling more actions to manage
DS30 Index 2,346.94
soaring consumer prices under impact of both local and global
% change 1.71%
inflation. The central bank raised on Sunday the repo rate by 25 basis
DSES Index 1,399.74
points to 5.0 per cent with "immediate effect". However, the BB has
% change 1.90%
Turnover (BDT mn) 8,336.19
kept the reverse REPO rate unchanged at 4.0 per cent. Economists
Turnover (USD mn) 99.24 view that the upward adjustment has no impact on the market as
% change 54.62% there is a cap on lending and deposit, 9.0 per cent and 6.0 per cent
Market Capitalization 5,164 respectively.
(BDT bn)
Market Capitalization 61.48 rate-to-tame-inflation-1653848127
(USD bn)
% change 1.66%
Source: Dhaka Stock Exchange interest-rate-5-429346

International market snapshot Taka depreciates again: USD 1 now Tk 89

Last closing The Bangladesh Bank today depreciated taka by 1.25 per cent to Tk
Dow Jones Industrial 33,212.96 89 per US dollar hours after banks suggested depreciating the local
Average currency by Tk 2. The interbank exchange rate of the taka stood at Tk
% change +1.76% 85.8 per dollar on December 30 and Tk 84.8 on May 29 last year. The
Nikkei 225 27,309.35 central bank has also fixed the BC (bills for collection) selling rate—at
% change +1.97% which banks sell US dollars to importers—at Tk 89.15 a US dollar in
FTSE 100 7,585.46 contrast to the existing Tk 88. The BB has so far depreciated the taka
% change +0.27% seven times this year.
Source: Bloomberg -bank-
Exchange rate -page/bdt-to-fall-
Currency BDT further-by-tk-110-against-dollar-1653848204
USD 87.90
EUR 94.3 Private sector credit flow up to 12.48pc
GBP 110.93 Private-sector credit flow increased further in April 2022 following
INR 1.13 rising demand for loans, particularly for trade financing, to settle
Source: Bangladesh Bank import-payment obligations. The credit flow rose to 12.48 per cent in
April on a year-on-year basis, from 11.29 per cent a month before. It
was 2.32 percentage points lower than the Bangladesh Bank's (BB)
Money market
target of 14.80 per cent for the second half (H2) of the current fiscal
Date Call Money Weighted
year (FY), 2021-22. Meanwhile, outstanding loans with private sector
Rate Range Average (%)
rose to Tk 13,096.31 billion in April 2022 from Tk 11,643.31 billion in
26-May-2022 4.00-5.25 4.73 the same month of 2021. The amount was Tk 11,888.55 billion in
26-May-2022 4.00-5.25 4.75 June 2021.
Source: Bangladesh Bank
Price % Change in-apr-hits-38-month-high
Brent Crude (Oil), 120.49 +0.89%
USD/bbl. Govt mulls doubling source tax on exports
Gold Spot, USD/t oz. 1,859.10 +0.29%
While export growth is projected to slow in the months ahead amid a
Cotton, USd/lb. 122.95 -1.11% gloomy global financial outlook, the government mulls raising the
Source: Bloomberg source tax on export earnings to 1% from 0.5% in the forthcoming

Please see penultimate page for additional important disclosures. UCB Stock Brokerage Ltd. (“UCB”) is a foreign broker-dealer unregistered in the USA. UCB research is
prepared by research analysts who are not registered in the USA. UCB research is distributed in the USA pursuant to Rule 15a-6 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
solely by Rosenblatt Securities Inc., an SEC registered and FINRA-member broker-dealer.
Morning News Snippet
May 30, 2022

national budget.

Bank and NBFI

NBFIs asked to report BB on irregularities

The Bangladesh Bank on Sunday asked the country’s non-bank
financial institutions to preserve loan documents properly for ensuring
a smooth recovery and inspection of loans. The central bank came up
with the instruction as many NBFIs do not preserve loan- and lease-
related documents properly and thus create different complexities. As
per the latest BB circular, the NBFIs will have to keep loan documents
placed before the board for sanction, evaluation, approval, renewal,
rescheduling, write-off and interest waiver along with the related
documents on board decisions on the issues.

Square pharma to manufacture drugs in Kenya this July
Square Pharmaceuticals has constructed a state of the art
pharmaceutical plant at EPZ Athi River in Machakos County of Kenya.
It is expected to be commissioned in July this year. Square looks to
get hold of the $30 million drug market in Kenya and five other East
African countries — Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and South
Sudan — and fulfill the unmet demands of medicines in those

IBN Sina Pharma to operate natural medicine unit separately

IBN Sina Pharmaceutical Industry wants to separate its natural
medicine unit and hand it over to the newly-formed IBN Sina Natural
Medicine Limited subject to approval by the shareholders in its next
annual general meeting. Currently, IBN Sina Pharma has two
manufacturing units in its factory at Gazipur. One unit produces
pharmaceutical medicine and the other unit manufactures natural
medicine. The drugmaker will transfer the natural medicine unit's
assets and liabilities to the IBN Sina Natural Medicine Limited.

National Bank to issue Tk500cr bond for capital requirement

National Bank Limited will issue subordinated bonds worth Tk500
crore. The bank will issue the bond to strengthen its regulatory capital
and to comply with the Base l-III capital requirement. The decision is
subject to the approval of the regulatory authorities.
Morning News Snippet
May 30, 2022 -bank-issue-

Monthly mobile data usage doubles since Covid
The monthly internet usage of mobile subscribers has more than
doubled ever since the coronavirus pandemic began as more people
are being pushed online for work and entertainment purposes. The
average monthly data usage of a single mobile customer was 2
gigabytes (GB) in March 2020 while it now stands at around 4.5 GB.
The average monthly data usage surged 23 times from 2008 to 2022.

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Buy 12 Months More than +15%

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Underweight 12 Months Less than -5 %

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