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Define Psychology: Psychology is defined a modern disciplined science of behavioral and mental process. In early 17th and 18th century, science was one word that was used for Physics, Biology, Chemistry, etc. Later, Psychology got information and they gathered enough facts. Knowledge was searched and then it became a separate study, subject and a separate field. Psychology is a psycho-socio cultural prospective because the new study is about behavior that is being influenced from one society to other societies. It is also makes us understand the study of gender biasness from different societies and the change of gender biasness. Psychology is an academic and applied discipline involving the scientific study of mental processes and behavior. Psychology also refers to the application of human activity relating to individuals daily lives and the treatment of mental illness. Contemporary psychologists were divided into group: a) those who worked in basic areas of Psychology and b) those who worked in applied areas of Psychology. Psychologists in the basic areas concluded research on psychological process such as emotions, thinking, learning, etc. by using scientific methods. They came up with various theories and conclusions. They worked mainly in government agencies or research units. A) The Basic Fundamental/ Experimental research units of Psychology are: 1. Biological Psychology: In this, Psychologists study the nervous systems and other organs which provide the basis for behavior; animal behavior as well. 2. Sensation & Perception: It is concerned with how the sensory organs operate and how we interpret incoming sensory information in the process of perception. 3. Learning & Memory: It specializes in how we learn and remember new information, new skills and new habits. 4. Cognition: Psychologists in this area are concerned with intelligent actions, thinking, preserving, planning, imagining, creating, speaking, listening and problem solving. 5. Developmental Psychology: Here, psychologists are concerned with changes taking place in people during the course of their life as they grow from birth to old age. 6. Motivation & Emotion: In this branch of Psychology, Psychologists study the need which guides behavior such as hunger, thirst, etc. It also studies the need for achievement in relationships and the nature of feelings & moods that colors human experiences. 7. Personality: Psychologists study the ways of behavior that characterizes our personality. 8. Social Psychology: In this psychology, psychologists study the influence of other people on our behavior. 9. Socio-Cultural Psychology: In this the psychologists focus on ethics and cultural factors and in modern times they focus on Gay & Lesbian behavior.

10. Educational Psychology: Studies how will a human learn in an educational institute or setting. 11. Evolutionary Psychology: It considers its studies on physical, biological characteristics which are passed on from one generation to other through hereditary factors like genes. B) Applied Psychology: Definition: In Applied Psychology, psychologists use knowledge acquired by Psychologists in the basic area to solve and prevent human problems such as emotional instability, martial difference, job dissatisfaction, etc. The areas in which applied psychologists work are: mental health centers, industries, schools and medicine centers. They experiment in areas like: 1. Clinical Psychological: Clinical Psychologists understand and treat personal problems and correct abnormal behavior. 2. Counseling Psychology: Psychologists in this field help people with personal career choices and school problems. 3. Industrial/ Organizational Psychology: Psychologists focus on ways to match employees to jobs satisfaction, to train or to motivate workers by promoting job satisfaction & developing good relations among workers. 4. Health Psychology: Psychologists focus on how work pressure, conflicts, hardships and other factors contribute to poor health. Thus, this branch of Psychology helps prevent diseases, controlling their anger. Research Methods in Psychology: Research Psychology is the study of behavior for use in academic settings and has many areas to it, such as, abnormal psychology, biological psychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, personality & social psychology and all these branches have research components. Applied psychology is in contrast to Research Psychology as Research psychology is conducted in broad manner with standard of scientific methods composed of both qualitative and quantitative, statistical method which will generate and evaluate explanatory hypothesis with regard to psychological phenomenon i. e qualitative psychological research utilizes a broad spectrum of observational methods, including actions, research structured interviews and participant observation to enable gathering of rich information. Statistical method dominates well-known standardized tests and creates the situation as per experiments required. Thus most psychologists will be involved in both researching and in applying at same point on their career. When an area of interest required specific training and specialized knowledge in applied areas, psychological association establishes a governing body to manage traiing requirements and similarly, requirements are laid down for university degree in psychology.

The research methods in Psychology are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introspective method Observational method Co-relation method Case study Survey research.

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