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1. WAP to find the roots (real, complex) of a quadratic equation.

import cmath # Importing the complex math module

def find_roots(a, b, c):

# Calculate the discriminant

discriminant = b**2 - 4*a*c

# Check if the discriminant is positive, negative, or zero

if discriminant > 0:

# Real and distinct roots

root1 = (-b + (discriminant ** 0.5)) / (2 * a)

root2 = (-b - (discriminant ** 0.5)) / (2 * a)

return root1, root2

elif discriminant == 0:

# Real and equal roots

root = -b / (2 * a)

return root,


# Complex roots

root1 = (-b + cmath.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)

root2 = (-b - cmath.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a)

return root1, root2

# Input coefficients from the user

a = float(input("Enter the coefficient a: "))

b = float(input("Enter the coefficient b: "))

c = float(input("Enter the coefficient c: "))

# Call the function and print the roots

roots = find_roots(a, b, c)

print("Roots:", roots)

2. WAP to accept a number ‘n’ and

(a) Check if ’n’ is prime

(b) Generate all prime numbers till ‘n’
(c) Generate first ‘n’ prime numbers
(d) This program may be done using functions.

# Define a function to check if a number is prime

def is_prime(num):
"""Check if a number is prime."""
if num < 2: # If the number is less than 2, it's not prime
return False
for i in range(2, int(num**0.5) + 1): # Check divisibility up to the square root
of the number
if num % i == 0: # If the number is divisible by any i, it's not prime
return False
return True # If no divisors are found, the number is prime

# Define a function to generate all prime numbers up to a given number

def generate_primes_up_to_n(n):
"""Generate all prime numbers up to 'n'."""
primes = [num for num in range(2, n + 1) if is_prime(num)] # Use the
is_prime function to filter prime numbers
return primes

# Define a function to generate the first 'n' prime numbers

def generate_first_n_primes(n):
"""Generate the first 'n' prime numbers."""
primes = [] # Initialize an empty list to store prime numbers
num = 2 # Start checking for primes from 2
while len(primes) < n: # Continue until the desired number of primes are
if is_prime(num): # If the current number is prime
primes.append(num) # Add it to the list of primes
num += 1 # Move on to the next number
return primes # Return the list of first 'n' prime numbers

# Accept a number 'n' from the user

n = int(input("Enter a number 'n': "))

# (a) Check if 'n' is prime

if is_prime(n):
print(f"{n} is a prime number.")
print(f"{n} is not a prime number.")

# (b) Generate all prime numbers till 'n'

primes_up_to_n = generate_primes_up_to_n(n)
print(f"Prime numbers up to {n}: {primes_up_to_n}")

# (c) Generate first 'n' prime numbers

first_n_primes = generate_first_n_primes(n)
print(f"First {n} prime numbers: {first_n_primes}")

3. WAP to create a pyramid of the character ‘*’ and a reverse pyramid

def create_pyramid(height):

"""Create a pyramid of '*' with the given height."""

for i in range(1, height + 1):

print(' ' * (height - i) + '*' * (2 * i - 1))

def create_reverse_pyramid(height):

"""Create a reverse pyramid of '*' with the given height."""

for i in range(height, 0, -1):

print(' ' * (height - i) + '*' * (2 * i - 1))

# Accept the height of the pyramids from the user

height = int(input("Enter the height of the pyramids: "))

# Create and print the pyramid



# Create and print the reverse pyramid

print("\nReverse Pyramid:")


4. WAP that accepts a character and performs the following:

(a) print whether the character is a letter or numeric digit or a

special character (b) if the character is a letter, print whether the
letter is uppercase or lowercase

# Accept a character from the user

char = input("Enter a character: ")

# (a) Check whether the character is a letter, numeric digit, or a special


if char.isalpha():

if char.isupper():

print(f"{char} is an uppercase letter.")

elif char.islower():

print(f"{char} is a lowercase letter.")


if char.isdigit():

print(f"{char} is a numeric digit.")


print(f"{char} is a special character.")

# (b) If the character is a letter, print whether it is uppercase or lowercase

5. WAP to perform the following operations on a string

(a) Find the frequency of a character in a string.

(b) Replace a character by another character in a string.
(c) Remove the first occurrence of a character from a string.
(d) Remove all occurrences of a character from a string

def find_frequency(char, string):

"""Find the frequency of a character in a string."""

frequency = string.count(char)

return frequency

def replace_character(old_char, new_char, string):

"""Replace a character by another character in a string."""

new_string = string.replace(old_char, new_char)

return new_string

def remove_first_occurrence(char, string):

"""Remove the first occurrence of a character from a string."""

index = string.find(char)

if index != -1:

new_string = string[:index] + string[index + 1:]

return new_string


return string

def remove_all_occurrences(char, string):

"""Remove all occurrences of a character from a string."""

new_string = string.replace(char, '')

return new_string

# Accept a string from the user

input_string = input("Enter a string: ")

# (a) Find the frequency of a character in a string

char_to_find = input("Enter the character to find its frequency: ")

frequency = find_frequency(char_to_find, input_string)

print(f"The frequency of '{char_to_find}' in the string is: {frequency}")

# (b) Replace a character by another character in a string

old_char = input("Enter the character to replace: ")

new_char = input("Enter the character to replace it with: ")

string_after_replace = replace_character(old_char, new_char, input_string)

print(f"The string after replacement is: {string_after_replace}")

# (c) Remove the first occurrence of a character from a string

char_to_remove_first = input("Enter the character to remove the first occurrence:


string_after_remove_first = remove_first_occurrence(char_to_remove_first,

print(f"The string after removing the first occurrence of '{char_to_remove_first}' is:


# (d) Remove all occurrences of a character from a string

char_to_remove_all = input("Enter the character to remove all occurrences: ")

string_after_remove_all = remove_all_occurrences(char_to_remove_all,

print(f"The string after removing all occurrences of '{char_to_remove_all}' is:

6. WAP to swap the first n characters of two strings.

def swap_first_n_characters(str1, str2, n):

"""Swap the first 'n' characters of two strings."""

if n <= min(len(str1), len(str2)):

new_str1 = str2[:n] + str1[n:]

new_str2 = str1[:n] + str2[n:]

return new_str1, new_str2


return "Invalid input: 'n' is greater than the length of one or both strings."

# Accept two strings from the user

string1 = input("Enter the first string: ")

string2 = input("Enter the second string: ")

# Accept the value of 'n'

n = int(input("Enter the value of 'n' for swapping: "))

# Swap the first 'n' characters of the two strings

result = swap_first_n_characters(string1, string2, n)

# Print the result

print("Result after swapping first", n, "characters:")

if isinstance(result, tuple):

print("String 1:", result[0])

print("String 2:", result[1])


7. WAP to create a list of the cubes of only the even integers appearing in the
input list (may have elements of other types also) using the ’for’ loop

def cube_of_even_integers(input_list):

"""Create a list of cubes of even integers from the input list."""

result_list = []

for element in input_list:

if isinstance(element, int) and element % 2 == 0:


return result_list

# Accept a list from the user (may have elements of other types)

input_list = eval(input("Enter a list (may have elements of other types): "))

# Create a list of cubes of even integers using a 'for' loop

result = cube_of_even_integers(input_list)

# Print the result

print("List of cubes of even integers:", result)

8. WAP to accept a name from a user. Raise and handle appropriate

exception(s) if the text entered by the user contains digits and/or special

def validate_name(name):

"""Validate the entered name and raise exceptions if needed."""

for char in name:

if not char.isalpha() and char != ' ':

raise ValueError("Invalid character in the name. Only alphabets and spaces are

# Accept a name from the user


user_name = input("Enter your name: ")

# Validate the entered name


# If the validation passes, print the name

print("Entered name:", user_name)

except ValueError as e:

# Handle the exception by printing the error message

print("Error:", e)

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