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Batch 2020-24

Akshat Ranakoti 2018129 G

Supervisor: Mr. Umang Garg

Problem Statement:
Develop an innovative Generative AI solution that combines two images and generate
another image with the help of Machine Learning Algorithms. The idea is to use flutter
which is a cross-platform framework, this will help the user to generate images or
wallpapers of their own choice.

Key Components and Objectives:

3D Modeling: Develop a robust 3D modeling system that accurately replicates the building's
interior, including rooms, corridors, and points of interest
GPS Integration: Integrate GPS technology to precisely determine the visitor's location
within the building or complex and provide real-time positioning data.
Avatar Synchronization: Create an avatar that represents the visitor and synchronizes
with their physical movements in real-time, allowing them to navigate the virtual
environment seamlessly.
User-Friendly Interface: Design an intuitive user interface that enables visitors to interact
with the AR system effortlessly, including selecting destinations, viewing information
about rooms or areas, and receiving directions
Information Overlay: Implement an information overlay system that provides details about
specific rooms, facilities, or points of interest as visitors approach them, enhancing their
understanding of the environment.
Multi-Platform Compatibility: Ensure the solution is compatible with a range of devices, such
as smartphones, tablets, and AR glasses, to cater to a diverse user base.
Data Management: Develop a backend system for managing and updating the 3D models,
room information, and GPS data to keep the system current and accurate.
Customization: Allow building owners or administrators to customize the virtual
environment to suit the specific needs and branding of their facility.
Scalability: Ensure that the system can be easily scaled to accommodate larger or
more complex buildings and adapt to future technological advancements.

Expected Outcomes:
The successful development of this AR-based navigation system will result in an
engaging and practical solution that simplifies the process of finding specific locations
within a building or complex for visitors. It will not only improve user experience but also
have potential applications in various sectors, including hospitality, healthcare, education,
and large-scale event venues.

Constraints and Challenges:

Accuracy: Achieving high accuracy in 3D modeling and GPS positioning is crucial to
ensure a seamless user experience.
Hardware Requirements: Consider the hardware limitations of different devices and
ensure the system can function effectively across a range of platforms.
Battery Life: Optimize the system to minimize battery drain on mobile devices or AR glasses.
Data Privacy: Address privacy concerns related to tracking visitor movements within
a building and ensure data security.
User Adoption: Develop an intuitive interface to encourage user adoption and acceptance
of AR technology.

The successful execution of this project will revolutionize the way visitors navigate and
interact with indoor spaces, improving their overall experience while visiting a new place
or facility.

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