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TML204 Recreation and Leisure Management


Submitted by:
RIVAS, JANIELA - 2201411
YEE, MARY MISSY - 2201867

TML204 TTH 2:30-3:30

Submitted to:
Ass. Professor, TMP204

December 7, 2023
What does sustainability mean to you?
Janiela: Sustainability, for me, is the ability to live in a place where I don’t harm any forms of
living organisms in the environment, but care for it instead by doing sustainable practices.
Currently, I feel that it is significant to understand and practice their Waste-to-Health program.
By recycling, I will have the ability to make more things like DIY artworks and organizers, without
buying from any stores. I believe that our environment is filled with waste and it is inevitable for
it to be stopped. So, instead we should recycle our waste to create objects that are useful and

Missy: In my opinion, sustainability is a comprehensive way of living and working with the
environment that makes sure current needs are satisfied without risking the ability of future
generations to satisfy their own. It involves purposeful decisions and actions that strike a
balance between social, economic, and environmental factors in order to promote peaceful
coexistence of humans and the environment. The use of resources, preserving the environment,
equality for all, and building a resilient and inclusive future for all are all parts of sustainable
living. To put it simply, sustainability, in my understanding, is our responsibility to protect the
environment by making sure we have the resources needed for present and future generations.

Hannah: Sustainability, in my opinion, is taking every possible measure to make sure that the
environment is not being harmed. It's about substituting, if feasible, harmless and natural
methods and practices for our current ones. In my view, sustainability begins with everyone of
us doing our part to reduce our own energy use, utilize water wisely, avoid using plastics, and
follow the three Rs. Sustainability is also the act of caring for the environment in order to prevent
depleting natural resources and compromising future generations' capacity to satisfy their
everyday needs.

Shiela: For me, sustainability involves balancing economic, environmental, and social factors to
ensure long-term well-being and the preservation of natural resources. Sustainability aims to
promote responsible resource use, minimize waste and pollution, protect ecosystems, and
foster social equity. It entails actions like resource conservation, waste reduction, and
promotion of renewable energy.

Resort's Initiatives:

Soneva Fushi is a luxury eco-friendly resort that has received numerous awards for its
commitment to sustainability. Nestled between immaculate beaches and glistening oceans, the
resort is situated on a private island in the Maldives. The resort's commitment to sustainability is
evident in every aspect of its operations, from its use of renewable energy to its sustainable
activities and practices.

The following are some of Soneva Fushi's notable initiatives, policies, and sustainable

Solar Energy: The resort is powered by a large solar array, which provides a significant portion
of its energy needs. This lessens the resort's carbon impact and lessens its reliance on fossil
fuels. With Soneva Fushi's current solar photovoltaic capacity of 694kWp, they can generate
956,945 kWh annually. This reduces their diesel consumption by 287,084 litres. In other words,
it avoids the greenhouse gas emissions that would result from an ordinary automobile being
driven for around three million kilometers. To further cut down on energy use, the resort also
makes use of energy-efficient appliances and lighting.
Zero-Waste Policy: In addition to its use of solar energy, Soneva Fushi has implemented a
zero-waste policy. This indicates that the resort's objective is to send zero waste to landfills by
recycling or composting as much waste as feasible. To do this, the resort has put in place a
variety of initiatives, such as the usage of composting toilets and an extensive recycling
program. Additionally, the resort features an on-site glass factory where leftover glass is
recycled into stunning glassware and artwork.

Waste-To-Wealth: The resort's main goal is to lessen its total environmental effect. Their most
prominent practice is their Waste-To-Wealth Program, wherein they use their waste to make
items that are useful and beautiful. They believe each business operates to make a profit, and in
order to do so, they recycle and create goods that will benefit them. The Polystyrene that is
used to preserve the fresh food that is delivered to the resort offers their greatest challenge.
This huge, extremely lightweight, and difficult to process material was delivered in large
quantities to the resort. Consequently, they powder it, mix it with some crushed glass and
cement, and end up with a lightweight concrete building block. The finished product may be
better than what is currently accessible. It reacts well to pressure, is lightweight, and is

Composting: The Maldives, where Soneva Fushi is located, lack fertile soil suitable for plant
growth and the production of nutritious food. They therefore created fertile soil that they could
use to cultivate fruits and vegetables. One of their manufacturing methods is to mix food waste
collected from the resort's restaurant and tree trimmings from the wild. They break them up and
mix them together to create the perfect mixture of rich, organic compost for their vegetable

Sustainable Sourcing: Soneva resorts are built to world-leading sustainability standards. Their
villas are built with environmentally friendly wood and fast-growing bamboo. They visit suppliers
directly to gain firsthand knowledge of how they cultivate and harvest their trees, as opposed to
only depending on certification schemes. Furthermore, Barefoot in Sri Lanka is the source of the
hand-woven textiles used in the interiors of their villa and restaurant. Women in rural
communities who work for Barefoot nearly entirely are able to work locally without having to
move away from their family. Child labor is not employed. Production lines and factories do not
exist. Barefoot has been offering its employees an atmosphere that fosters innovation, fair
wages, and training for more than 40 years.

Sustainable Water: Since 2008, Soneva Resort has been manufacturing their own drinking
water, and they were among the first resort companies worldwide to ban branded bottled water.
They have prevented the creation of 1,500,000 plastic bottles during the last ten years. Soneva
Water is prepared on-site in reusable glass bottles after being filtered, mineralized, alkalized,
and bottled. Through charitable organizations like Water Charity and Thirst Aid, a portion of
Soneva Water's profits support more than 500 clean water projects in more than 50 countries,
supplying clean water to over 750,000 people. Soneva Water also stops further marine plastic
pollution and contributes to the reduction of plastic waste on nearby islands.

Sustainable Fishing: The traditional pole and line method used to catch tuna is both
environmentally and socially sustainable with its catch levels of one man, one hook, one fish.
Since Soneva Fushi's construction, fishermen on the nearby island have been supplying them
with sustainably obtained seafood. Not much transit occurs, there is no freezing, and the catch
is cooked the same day.
Coral Restoration Program: At Soneva Fushi, one of the largest coral restoration projects in
the world was started in 2022 by the Soneva Foundation and Coralive. They want to propagate
50,000 coral fragments annually with a one-hectare coral farm that has 432 tables with 120
coral fragments each. By growing corals that have been shattered, damaged by storms, or
saved from locations where they are going to be destroyed, they want to restore the 20-hectare
reef to its previous condition 25 years from now by covering it with out-planted corals over the
next decade.

Consider the impact of these initiatives on the environment, local communities, and

Environment: A resort's dedication to reducing its environmental impact is one of its main
sustainable initiatives. Soneva resorts help to preserve delicate ecosystems by using
resource-saving practices including water and energy-saving measures. By keeping waste out
of landfills and encouraging appropriate waste management, their implementation of recycling
and trash reduction initiatives lessens the impact on the environment. Moreover, they actively
participate in biodiversity conservation initiatives, safeguarding the region's flora and fauna and
maintaining the environment's long-term health.

Local Communities: Soneva resorts acknowledge the symbiotic relationship between tourism
and local populations, extending their influence beyond environmental issues. One important
benefit of sustainable initiatives is the development of employment opportunities within the
community. As an equal opportunity employer, its continuing recruiting drive strives to establish
a more fair representation of female and male hosts at Soneva by offering a secure and
respected living and working environment with a clear career path. Soneva resorts act as
catalysts for holistic development by supporting healthcare and education programs, in addition
to community involvement projects, which improve the general well-being of the local populace.
Soneva, for example, provided funding to Care for Children so that they could establish a
National Foster Care Training and Resource Center in Chiang Mai. This center will serve as the
strategic management and delivery hub for Care for Children's nationwide training program. In
Thailand, there are over 50,000 vulnerable and orphaned children residing in institutional care.
Their goal is to assist the government in guaranteeing that every kid has the chance to live with
a family of their own.

Guests: Soneva resorts play an important role in educating guests about environmental and
cultural initiatives, developing a sense of responsibility among tourists. By offering informative
programs, guided tours, and interactive experiences, resorts create opportunities for guests to
connect with and appreciate the local environment and culture. This can raise awareness of
responsible tourism among guests and urge them to adopt sustainable practices. In order to
improve its guests' overall eco-conscious experience, Soneva Resorts also provides
eco-friendly amenities including energy-efficient lighting, organic shampoos, and locally
produced goods. Lastly, a commitment to sustainability can enhance the resort's reputation,
attracting environmentally conscious guests and fostering positive relationships with the local
community. This may help the resort become more profitable and successful in the long run.

Guest Engagement:

As part of their active participation in marine conservation initiatives, Soneva's marine

biologists examine the reef. Through the Marine Conservation Expedition, visitors can
participate in micro-plastic and coral bleaching surveys, assist in collecting critical data, and
clean up the beach alongside the resort's marine biologist.
Through the Coral Planting experience, guests may also contribute to the restoration of
coral reefs and coral nurseries. Following a brief introduction, guests will be brought to a floating
platform in the lagoon where they will attach the already prepared coral pieces to frames that
will eventually be dropped to the sandy bottom. The guest will get images every six months to
inform them of the development of the coral pieces they have planted, which will serve as donor
colonies for the restoration of the reef.

For anyone interested in learning more about Soneva's Namoona Baa program, the
company provides a Namoona Island Visit, which entails a trip to the nearby island of Maalhos
accompanied by a Soneva staff member. The journey opens with a tour of the island's
sustainability initiatives and attempts to Reduce, Recycle, and Inspire local communities,
including Maalhos' Eco Centro, the old garbage burning area, and water bottling factory
(Soneva Water).

Guests may also discover methods that have been passed down from one generation of
fisherman to the next with Soneva's Traditional Thai Fishing Experience. This sustainable
fishing excursion allows guests to practice and refine their fishing techniques by the light of the
moon and stars.

Soneva also offers a trip called The Slow Life Journey, which includes a tour of the Eco
Centro and organic gardens and provides tourists with an in-depth understanding of the
company's sustainable philosophy. Guests may witness how Soneva maximizes the use of the
island's coconuts, from composting to producing coconut oil. The guests will then head to the
gardens around Fresh in the Garden to learn about permaculture methods before picking
ingredients to be used in a three-course lunch.

Reflect on opportunities to enhance guest engagement in sustainable practices.

The Soneva resort could think about introducing interactive educational programs to
enhance guest engagement with sustainable practices. The Soneva Resort should also
continue to host guided tours that showcase the resort's sustainability initiatives in order to
strengthen the bond between guests and environmental responsibility. Lastly, take use of
technology by including sustainability tips into the resort's mobile app. This will provide guests
access to up-to-date information and motivate them to make conscious choices while visiting.

Team Collaboration:

As some would say, collaboration is the key to sustainability. By bringing together

diverse perspectives, skills, and experiences, collaboration can generate new ideas, technology,
and business models that are more sustainable and inclusive. Soneva is a thriving community
working hand in hand with the environment to craft beautiful, beyond bespoke experiences
where discovery is a way of life. Here are some ways the Soneva Fushi Resort communicates
and collaborates on sustainability initiatives:
Senova Resorts has well-defined sustainability goals and often conducts training
programs to raise awareness among employees about sustainability initiatives. This includes
educating staff about resource conservation, waste reduction, and other sustainable practices.
The Resort corporates with personal accountability into its internal practice and policies.
Employees and Volunteers are encouraged to be proactive in their roles and take ownership of
their own regular training. Workshops are provided for the importance of individual responsibility
and its roles in achieving the resort’s mission.
The Soneva Resort established a regular communication channel, like conferences,
meetings, emails, etc. To help keep employees informed about the progress of sustainability
initiatives. Members from other departments are also involved in this to ensure a comprehensive
approach to sustainability, which fosters teamwork and enables departments to exchange ideas
and insights. Soneva Resorts tracks its sustainability performance through the use of reporting
and monitoring methods. The team may better comprehend the results of their work and
promote ongoing development by discussing these reports among themselves.

Soneva Resort doesn’t limit themselves in enhancing their sustainability practices, they
will always find ways to further promote sustainability within their resort. Exactly like how its
founders lived a sustainable lifestyle. Their deeds never cease to inspire and establish a
standard that everyone involved must reach. Their dedication to sustainability is evident in their
leadership. Leaders that actively promote and assist sustainable projects offer a good example
for the team and emphasize how important these initiatives are. As a result of this, by routinely
evaluating and improving sustainable procedures, the Soneva Resort continuously improved
every day. At the Soneva Resort, both beginners and employees find meaning in their job since
they are aware of how their efforts affect good social and environmental impact. It encourages
the team to identify areas in need of development, learn lessons from both achievements and
failures, and modify strategies as necessary. Additionally, they set measurable standards for
sustainability that are in line with the resort's overall goals. This gives the team clear goals to
strive toward and makes it possible to monitor progress over time.


Sustainability must become part of our everyday life. For now, it may be difficult to stop
producing waste, but at least, we now know how to minimize it. We need to protect our
environment, and commit to sustainable practices. For it is important for us to preserve our
natural resources like clean air, water, and wildlife for the next generations to come.

As it wraps up, this reflection has helped us better understand how important sustainable
practices are to establishing a peaceful resort atmosphere. The resort is committed to a variety
of practices, such as sustainable sourcing, marine conservation, waste-to-wealth programs, and
solar energy, with the aim to contribute to a positive impact on the environment, empower local
communities, and offer guests an enriching and responsible experience. After some thought, we
realized that the resort's dedication to sustainability is consistent. It's evident that sustainable
practices are not just a responsibility but a pathway to creating a harmonious balance between
ecological preservation, community well-being, and guest satisfaction. And as students, we
reaffirm that we are dedicated to working toward a sustainable and green environment going

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