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(we are doing things now, at the moment)


always often usually sometimes rarely never always often usually sometimes rarely never

( we do things usually, sometimes, every day .)

I am + Ving
He She It We You They

Im not + Ving
He She It We You They

is + Ving are + Ving

Am I + Ving ? Is he + Ving ? Is she isnt + Ving Is it Are we arent + Ving Are you + Ving ? Are they
Am I working?


I We dont You They

always often usually sometimes rarely never


He She doesnt +Vs It

always often usually sometimes rarely never

Do I Do we Do you Do they Does he Does she Does it




Yes, I am. - No, Im not. He is working. He isnt working. Is he working? Yes, he is. No, he isnt. We are working. We arent working. Are we working? Yes, we are. No, we arent.

I am working.

Im not working.

I get up at 7. I dont get up at 6. Do I get up at 6? Yes, I do. No, I dont.

He gets up at 7. He doesnt get up at 6. Does he get up at 6? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.

Spelling rules
Most verbs add + ing study - studying work working play playing cons. + e e + ing write writing drive - driving If verbs end in If verbs end in one vowel + one cons. double cons. + ing swim swimming run - running

Spelling rules 3rd person singular

Most verbs add

- s

s/-ss/-sh/-ch/ - x, add fish fishes watch watches dress dresses

If verbs end in

If verbs end in cons. + y


visit visits play plays write writes

- es

- ies

fly flies cry - cries

go - goes do - does have - has


want ________ like _________ need ________ love ________ prefer ______ hate ________ have (=possess) belong _______ Sorry, I dont know. see ________ understand ________ hear ________ forget ___________ know ________ remember _________ mean ________ seem ____________ I need your help.

Do you understand me?

Before the main verb: always _translation_ usually __________ often ___________ sometimes _________ rarely ____________ never ____________ BUT after the verb to be She often arrives late. She is often late.

We put at the end of the sentence: every day ___________ in the morning __________ every week __________ in the evening __________ every year __________ in the afternoon ________ at night ____________ on Monday ____________ at midday ___________ on Tuesday ___________ at 6 oclock ______ on Friday morning ___________

It is possible to put the time expression at the beginning of the sentence

I go to the bank every Friday. Every Friday I go to the bank.


(we did things yesterday, 2 days ago, last week, in 2005 )

PRESENT PERFECT I We You They He She It Ved have V3 I We You They He She It

(we have just/already done it.)

TO BE I He She It We You They I He She It I Was he she it we Were you they

Yes, I was./No, I wasnt.



? ?

Yes, he was. /No, he wasnt. Yes, she was. No, she wasnt. Yes, it was. No, it wasnt. Yes, we were./No, we werent. Yes, you were./No, you werent. Yes, they were./no, they werent

Ved havent V3

I Ved Have We ..? You V3 They He Ved Has She ..? V3 It


We You werent They


Ved V3


Ved V3

I was tired. I wasnt tired. Was I tired? Yes. I was. /No, I wasnt. We were tired. We werent tired. Were we tired? Yes, we were./ No, we werent.

I have done it. I havent done it. Have you done it? Yes, I have. - No, I havent. He has done it. He hasnt done it. Has he done it? Yes, he has. - No, he hasnt.

PAST SIMPLE I He She It We You They

(we did things yesterday, 2 days ago, last week, in 2005 )

TO HAVE I He She It We You They I he she have..? it we you they


Before the main verb: already ___________ just _____________ ever _____________ never ____________ We put at the end of the sentence: recently _______________ yet __________________ today ________________ this week/year __________


didnt have


He had a dog. He didnt have a dog. Did he have a dog. Yes, he did. /No, he didnt.

Ive just had dinner. He has never been to China. Have you ever been to Russia? Ann hasnt had a holiday this year. Have you heard from Tom recently?


(we did things yesterday, 2 days ago, last week, in 2005 )

REGULAR & IRREGULAR VERBS I He She It We You They I he she V1 ? it we you they

I He She It We You They

2 days/weeks/years ago __________ last month/week/year ___________ yesterday ______________ in 2005 _________________ yesterday morning ___________the day before yesterday _________ I played football yesterday. I didnt play football last week. Did you play football yesterday? Yes, I did. /No, I didnt. She went to the cinema last Sunday. She didnt go to school last Sunday. Did you go to the cinema last Sunday? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.


Ved V2

didnt + V1


Irregular verbs
Infinitive be [bi:] become [bkm] begin [bgn] Past Simple (V2)
was[wz] were [w:]

became began [bgn] blew [blu:] brought [br:t] built [blt] burnt [b:nt] bought [b:t] caught [k:t] came [keim] cost [kst] cut [kt] did [dd] drew [dru:] dreamt [dremt] drank [drk]

Past Participle (V3) been [bi:n] become [bkm] begun [bgn] blown [ brought [br:t] built [blt] burnt [b:nt] bought [b:t] caught [k:t] come [km] cost [kst] cut [kt] done [dn] drawn [dr:n] dreamt [dremt] drunk [drk] driven [drvn] eaten [i:tn] fallen [f:ln] fed [fed] felt [felt] fought [f:t] found [fand] n] forgotten [fgtn] forgiven [fgvn] got [gt] given [gvn] gone [gn] hung [h] had [hd] heard [h:d] hit [ht] held [held] hurt [h:t] kept [kept]



Past Simple (V2) knew [nju:] led [led] left [left] lent [lent] let [let] la lit [lt] lost [lst] meant [ment] met [met] put [pt] read [red] rang [r] ran [rn] said [sed] saw [s:] sent [sent] set [set] shook [k] shot [t] shut [t] sang [s] sat [st] slept [slept] spelt [spelt] spent [spent] stood [std] swept [swept] swam [swm] took [tk] taught [t:t]

Past Participle (V3)


bring [br] build [bld] burn [b:n] buy [bai] catch [k] choose [u:z] come [km] cost [kst] cut [kt] do [du:] draw [dr:] dream [dri:m] drink [drk] drive [draiv] eat [i:t] fall [f:l] feed [fi:d] feel [fi:l] nd] forget [fget] forgive [fgv] freeze [fri:z] get [get] give [gv]

lead [li:d] leave [li:v] lend [lend] let [let]

led [led] left [left] lent [lent] let [let] lit [lt] lost [lst] meant [ment] met [met] put [pt] read [red] ridden [rdn] rung [r] risen [rzn] run [rn] said [sed] seen [si:n] sent [sent] set [set] shot [t] shut [t] sung [s] sat [st] slept [slept] spelt [spelt] spent [spent] stood [std] swept [swept] swum [swm] taught [t:t]

lose [lu:z] mean [mi:n] meet [mi:t] put [pt] read [ri:d] ring [r] run [rn] see [si:] sell [sel] send [send] set [set] shoot [u:t] shut [t] sing [s] sit [st] sleep [sli:p] speak [spi:k] spell [spel] spend [spend] stand [stnd] sweep [swi:p] swim [swm] teach [ti:] tell [tel]

fell [fel] fed [fed] felt [felt] fought [f:t] found [fand] flew [flu:] forgot [fgt] fo got [gt] went [went] grew [gru:] hung [h] had [hd] heard [h:d] hit [ht] held [held] hurt [h:t] kept [kept]

hang [h] have [hv] hear [h] hit [ht] hurt [h:t] keep [ki:p]

Infinitive think [k] understand [,ndstnd]

Past Simple (V2) thought [:t] threw [ru:] understood [,ndstd]

Past Participle (V3) thought [:t] understood [,ndstd]


Infinitive wear [we] win [wn]

Past Simple (V2) wore [w:] won [wn]

Past Participle (V3) worn [w:n] won [wn] written [rtn]


QUESTION WORDS What [wt]________ Who [hu:]_______ When [wen] ________ Where [we]______ Why How [h] _______ How old _______________ How much [m]_________ How many [mn] _______ What colour [kl] _______ What time



on in front of


behind next to above


Short adjectives
Positive Comparative
(add - er)

ADJECTIVES. Degrees of comparison. Long adjectives

Positive Comparative
(more + adj)

Irregular adjectives
Positive Comparative Superlative

(add the -est)

(the most + adj.)

long big happy

longer bigger happier

the longest the biggest the happiest

popular careful
Spelling rules

more popular more careful

the most popular the most careful

good bad little old

better worse less older elder

the best the worst the least the oldest the eldest

1. If one- syllable adjectives ends in a single vowel and a consonant (except -w), we double the consonant and add er or est.

big bigger the biggest, fat fatter the fattest 2. If a two- syllable adjective ends in y before a consonant, we change y to -i" and add er or est happy happier the happiest, busy busier the busiest
p o l i t e , s t up i d , c o m m o n , s i m p l e , ha nd s o m e , g e nt l e , na r r o w , p l e a s a nt etc.

3. With some common two- syllable adjectives we can either add -er and -est or use more and the most:

MUCH - MANY Many before countable nouns many friends, many apples Much before uncountable nouns much sugar, much money

I have a lot of friends. + Do you have many friends? ? I dont have many friends. There are a few apples on the table. I have a little money with me.

in negative sentences and questions

A FEW - A LITTLE A few before countable nouns a few friends, a few apples A little before uncountable nouns a little sugar, a little money

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