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25 Questions

Que. 1 A sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select
the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice.
Let her go to the exhibition in the district art gallery.

1. She may be allow to go to the exhibition in the district art gallery.

2. Let her been going to the exhibition in the district art gallery.
3. She may be allowed to g​ o to the exhibition in the district art gallery.
4. She may being allowed to ​gone to the exhibition in the district art gallery.

Correct Option - 3
The correct answer is Option 3) i.e. She may be allowed to ​go to the exhibition in the district art gallery.

An imperative sentence does not normally have a subject. It is used to express a command or
The imperative sentence in the passive voice takes the following form:
Let + object + be + past participle.
Example: ​
Help him. (Active Voice)
Let him be helped. (Passive Voice)
If a request for permission is given an active voice, the structure in passive voice will be:
Subject + may be + V3.
Let me go there. (Active Voice)
I may be allowed to go there. (Passive Voice)
Following this structure, we get the 3rd option as the correct answer.
Following these steps, we finally get- She may be allowed to ​go to the exhibition in the district art

If a moral suggestion is given an active voice, the structure in passive voice will be:
Object + should be + V3.
Help the needy. (Active Voice)
The needy should be helped. (Passive Voice)

Que. 2 Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank and make a meaningful sentence.
He had his own line of thinking and would defend his views with ______.

1. conversion
2. conviction
3. conversation
4. convention

Correct Option - 2
The correct solution is option 2.
The word 'conviction' means a firmly held belief or opinion.
So, as he had his line of thinking, he defended his views. So, 'conviction' is the correct word.
Let us look into the meaning of other words:

'conversion' means the process of changing or causing something to change from one form to another.
'conversation' means a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news
and ideas are exchanged.
'convention' means a way in which something is usually done.

Que. 3 Choose the word which best expresses nearly the same meaning of the given word.

1. Windy
2. Stormy
3. Anxiety
4. Serene

Correct Option - 4
The correct answer is 'Serene'.
Key Points
The word 'calm' means peaceful, quiet, and without worry.
Example: He has a very calm manner.
The synonyms of the word 'calm' are "peacefulness, placidity, quiet, serenity".
From the synonyms of the word, we can say that 'serene' is the same in meaning.
The word 'serene' means peaceful and calm, or (of a person) not worried or excited.
Example: He approached the job with the serene confidence that he could succeed where others
had failed.

Hence the correct answer is option 4.

Additional Information
Let's see the meaning of the other given words:
Windy: With a lot of wind.
Stormy: With the strong wind, heavy rain, and often thunder and lightning.
Anxiety: Something that causes a feeling of fear and worry.

Que. 4 Select the most appropriate word for the given group of words.
The fear of being enclosed in a small space or room

1. Hydrophobia
2. Aerophobia
3. Acrophobia
4. Claustrophobia

Correct Option - 4
The correct solution is option 4.
'Claustrophobia' means an extreme or irrational fear of confined places.
So, the most appropriate word for the given group of words is 'Claustrophobia'.
Let us look into the meaning of other words:

'Hydrophobia' means an extreme or irrational fear of water, especially as a symptom of rabies in

'Aerophobia' means an abnormal and persistent fear of flying.
'Acrophobia' means an extreme or irrational fear of heights.

Que. 5 Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment. If there is no need to
substitute it, select No improvement.
I courteously asked her where was she going but she did not reply

1. No Improvement
2. will she go
3. she was going
4. was she gone

Correct Option - 3
The correct solution is option 3.
'was she going' is grammatically incorrect for an assertive sentence (a simple sentence).
The correct word must be 'she was going' as the sentence is not asking the question directly but stating the
question which was asked.

Que. 6 Directions: Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences
in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. Many Ayurveda experts also suggest waiting for at least half-n-hour after meals before having water.
B. This could leave one dehydrated.
C. But sometimes while you successfully resist the urge of having water at mealtime, you may completely
forget having it for hours and in this entire process lose 2-3 hours of the day.
D. There is a popular perception that drinking water while eating your food or immediately after it could
affect your digestion.

1. C,D,B,A
2. A,D,B,C
3. B,D,C,A
4. D,A,C,B

Correct Option - 4
The correct answer is 'D,A,C,B.'
Key Points
Let's look at the sequence of the sentence.
​Statement D is the opening of the sentence as it introduces the subject and the independent
statement of the passage through a perception that "drinking water while eating your food or
immediately after it could affect your digestion".
Statement A is the second statement of the sentence as it further elaborates the sentence through
the expert's suggestion that advises us to wait for half an hour after meals before drinking
Statement C is the third statement of the sentence as it tells contrast if you do that previously
told in B then sometimes you forget to drink after half an hour and you lose 2-3 hours of
the day in drinking water.
Statement B is the last statement of the sentence and it adds the consequences of losing 2-3
hours of drinking water which make one dehydrated.
Hence, the correct sequence is 'D,A,C,B'.
Correct Order

D. There is a popular perception that drinking water while eating your food or immediately after it
could affect your digestion.
A. Many Ayurveda experts also suggest waiting for at least half-n-hour after meals before having
C. But sometimes while you successfully resist the urge of having water at mealtime, you may
completely forget having it for hours and in this entire process lose 2-3 hours of the day.
B. This could leave one dehydrated.

Que. 7 Identify the segment in the sentence which contains the grammatical error.
Platinum is costlier than any other metals found on earth.

1. costlier than
2. Platinum is
3. any other metals
4. found on earth

Correct Option - 3
The correct solution is option 3.
In the given sentence, 'costlier' is in comparative degree but the comparative degree is used only when we are
comparing between two objects.
Here, 'any other metals' is grammatically wrong because instead of metals, we should use metal as we are
comparing platinum with each and every metal found on earth (indicates the singular form).
Correct sentence: Platinum is costlier than any other metal found on earth.

Que. 8 Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

A change of heart

1. A change in one's opinion

2. To have a heart transplant
3. To have a second opinion
4. To fail to fulfil a promise

Correct Option - 1
The correct solution is option 1.
The idiom 'A change of heart' means to change your opinion or the way you feel about something.
Example: She was going to sell her house but had a change of heart at the last minute.

Que. 9 Which of these is opposite in meaning to the word ''remittance''?

1. Debt
2. Subsidy
3. Deposit
4. Alimony

Correct Option - 1
Option 1.
Remittance means a sum of money sent in payment or as a gift.
Debt means a sum of money that is owed or due.
Subsidy means a grant or contribution of money.
Deposit means a sum of money paid into a bank or building society account.
Alimony means a husband's (or wife's) provision for a spouse after separation or divorce; maintenance.

Que. 10 Select the option that corrects the misspelt words in the given sentence.
These references are adiquate for your presentation at the university.

1. These references are adiqute for your presentation at the university.

2. These references are adequate for your presentation at the university.
3. These references are adiqquate for your presentation at the university.
4. These references are addiquate for your presentation at the university.

Correct Option - 2
The erroneously spelt word is 'These references are adequate for your presentation at the university.​'.
Key Points
The correct spelling is 'adequate'.
It means 'enough for what you need'. (आवश्‍यकता के अनुसार पर्याप्त)
Example: Make sure you take an adequate supply of water with you.
Thus, the correct answer is Option 2.

Correct Sentence: These references are adequate for your presentation at the university.

Que. 11 Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank and make a grammatically correct
I was annoyed because the decision ________ without my knowledge.

1. was make
2. had made
3. were made
4. was made

Correct Option - 4
The correct solution is option 4.
The given sentence is in the simple past tense (as we can assess this from the phrase 'I was annoyed'). So, the
correct answer is 'was made'.

Que. 12 In the following question, out of the four alternatives, choose the word which is opposite in
meaning to the given word and click the button corresponding to it.

1. Receive
2. Impart
3. Bestow
4. Entrust

Correct Option - 1
The word 'bequeath' means 'leave (property) to a person or other beneficiary by a will'. Thus option 1 is
correct as it is the antonym. The word 'impart' means 'bestow' and 'bestow' means 'confer or present (an
honour, right, or gift)'. The word 'entrust' means 'assign the responsibility for doing something to

Que. 13 Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the given sentence
in direct speech.
Leela informed the children that they would go to Shimla the following week.

1. Leela asked the children, "We will go to Shimla the next week."
2. Leela said to the children, "We will go to Shimla the following week."
3. Leela said to the children, "We will go to Shimla next week."
4. Leela said to the children, "We are going to Shimla the next week."

Correct Option - 3
The correct answer is 'Leela said to the children, "We will go to Shimla next week."
Key Points
The given sentence is a statement.

The given sentence:

the they would go to Shimla the
Leela informed that
children following week.
subject object that reported speech

'would' is the past form of 'will'. So, in the direct speech 'simple future tense' should be used.

The sentence will get converted to:

Leela said to the children, "We will go to Shimla next week."
subject reporting verb object reported speech(simple future tense)

Hence, option 3) is the answer.

Important Points
When a sentence is converted from direct speech into indirect speech:

If the reporting verb is in 'Past tense', the reported speech would undergo a backshift of tense.
Modal verbs (will, may, can) would take their past forms (would, might, could).
Pronouns would change according to the subject of the reporting verb.
"said to" will get converted to "told", "asked", "commanded", "requested" etc. depending on the
tone of the narrator.
Time and place must often change when going from direct to reported speech.
Next week/month/year --> the following week/month/year


Indirect: Nayan said that she liked to eat ice cream.

Direct: Nayan said, "I like to eat ice cream."

Que. 14 Select the most appropriate word for the given group of words.
A person who is recovering after an illness or medical treatment.

1. Altruist
2. Senile
3. Athlete
4. Convalescent

Correct Option - 4
The correct solution is option 4.
'Convalescent' means recovering from an illness or medical treatment.
So, the most appropriate word for the given group of words is 'Convalescent'.
Let us look into the meaning of other words:

'Altruist' means unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of other charitable acts motivated purely
by altruism.
'Senile' means having or showing the weaknesses or diseases of old age, especially a loss of mental
'Athlete' means a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise.

Que. 15 Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment. If there is no need to
substitute it, select No improvement.
Emperor Ashoka have conquered Kalinga before he embraced Buddhism.

1. was conquering
2. had conquered
3. No Improvement
4. has conquered

Correct Option - 2
The correct solution is option 2.
The given sentence is in the past tense whereas 'have conquered' is in the present perfect tense.
So, the correct word must be 'had conquered'.

Que. 16 Select the correct active form of the given sentence.

The man-eating tiger will be captured tomorrow by the forest officers.

1. The forest officers will have captured the man eating tiger tomorrow.
2. The forest officers will be capturing the man eating tiger tomorrow.
3. The forest officers will capture the man-eating tiger tomorrow.
4. The man eating tiger will capture the forest officers tomorrow

Correct Option - 3
The correct answer is- The forest officers will capture the man-eating tiger tomorrow.
Key Points
The structures for both the active and passive forms for future indefinite tense are given below:
Active form- Subject + shall/will + V1 + Object
Passive form- Object + shall/will + be + V3 + by + subject

She will play football. (active)
Football will be played by her. (passive)
Following this structure in active voice form, we get the 3rd option as the correct answer.

Following these steps, we finally get- The forest officers will capture the man-eating tiger tomorrow.
Additional Information

The passive voice is not possible for the following tenses as the auxiliary verb 'be' can't be used
together twice:
​Modal continuous tense
Example: I should be helping others more often.
Future continuous tense
Example: I will be visiting Agra soon.

Que. 17 Directions: Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the
sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A. Yvon Chouinard's Patagonia which was founded in 1973, sells hiking and other outdoor clothing in over
10 countries.
B. This will amount to around $100 billion every year, Yvon Chouinard said.
C. Under the new ownership structure, any profit not reinvested in running the company would go to
combating climate change.
D. Yvon Chouinard, the billionaire founder of outdoor fashion retailer Patagonia said that he has given away
his company to a charitable trust.

1. B,A,D,C
2. A,B,D,C
3. D,C,B,A
4. C,B,D,A

Correct Option - 3
The correct answer is 'D,C,B,A.'
Key Points
Let's look at the sequence of the sentence.
​Statement D is the opening of the sentence as it introduces the subject and the theme of the
passage which is "Yvon the billionaire founder of Patagonia has given his company to
charitable trust.
Statement C is the second statement of the sentence as it adds more information that under this
ownership structure any profit is not reinvested in running the company instead it will go
into combating climate change.
Statement B is the third statement of the sentence as it adds an idea of how much the company
profit the company gets every year which is about 100 billion per year.
Statement A is the last statement of the sentence and it gives the concluding statement and
description of the company by telling us that Yvon's Patagonia was founded in 1973 and sells
hiking and other outdoor clothing in over 10 countries.

Hence, the correct sequence is 'D,C,B,A'.

Correct Order

D. Yvon Chouinard, the billionaire founder of outdoor fashion retailer Patagonia said that he has
given away his company to a charitable trust.
C. Under the new ownership structure, any profit not reinvested in running the company would go to
combating climate change.
B. This will amount to around $100 billion every year, Yvon Chouinard said.
A. Yvon Chouinard's Patagonia which was founded in 1973, sells hiking and other outdoor clothing in
over 10 countries.

Que. 18 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.


1. Delicate
2. Heavy
3. Tight
4. Strong

Correct Option - 4
The correct answer is 'Strong'.
Key Points
Let's understand the meaning of the given word:
Feeble: With no energy or power; weak.(बिना ऊर्जा या शक्ति के ; कमज़ोर।)
Example: Some of these have a neutral reaction, others react as feeble acids.
Strong: Physically powerful(used about a person); able to lift or carry heavy things.(शारीरिक
रूप से मजबूत; भारी सामान उठाने या ढोने में सक्षम।)

After seeing the above explanation, we can say that 'Feeble' is the opposite of 'Strong'.
Therefore, the correct answer is Option 4.
Additional Information
Let's understand the meanings of the other given options:
Delicate: Easy to damage or break.(नाज़ुक, आसानी से टू ट जाने वाला)
Heavy: Weighing a lot; difficult to lift or move.(भारी; जिसे उठाना या हिलाना मुश्किल हो)
Tight: Fixed firmly in position and difficult to move or remove.(किसी स्‍थान पर कसकर बँधा
हुआ जिसका हिलना या जिसे हिलाना कठिन हो)

Que. 19 In the question given below, a set of four sentences P, Q, R & S is given, which when properly
sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Arrange the sentences in the correct order and mark the
P. Apart from that, the major participants threw their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities
behind the war effort.
Q. World War II was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945 and is the deadliest conflict in human history,
marked by 70 to 85 million fatalities.
R. A state of total war emerged after the formation of alliances, directly involving more than 100 million
people from more than 30 countries.
S. The vast majority of the world's countries, including all the great powers, eventually formed two opposing
military alliances: the Allies and the Axis.


Correct Option - 3
The correct answer is 'QSRP'.
Key Points
Q. World War II was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945 and is the deadliest conflict in human
history, marked by 70 to 85 million fatalities.
This sentence should come first as it introduces the subject, which is World War II, its duration,
and the impact it had in terms of human fatalities.
S. The vast majority of the world's countries, including all the great powers, eventually formed two
opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis.
This sentence should come next as it talks about the formation of the two military alliances
which is a result of the start of the war.
R. A state of total war emerged after the formation of alliances, directly involving more than 100
million people from more than 30 countries.
This sentence logically follows the previous one. After the formation of the alliances, a state of
total war emerged involving more than 100 million people from over 30 countries.
P. Apart from that, the major participants threw their entire economic, industrial, and scientific
capabilities behind the war effort.
Finally, this sentence should come last as it describes the extent to which the major participants
committed their resources to the war.
Hence, the correct answer will be Option 4.

Que. 20Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment. If there is no need to
substitute it, select No improvement.
Whom you think, will be selected as the Head Boy of the school?

1. Which you thought

2. Whom you thinking
3. No Improvement
4. Who do you think

Correct Option - 4
The correct solution is option 4.
The word 'whom' should be used to refer to the object of a verb or preposition, whereas 'who' should be used
to refer to the subject of a sentence.
Here, 'who' is the correct word because the subject of the sentence is being referred to.

Que. 21 In the following passage some of the words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and
select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.
A young man walks toward me with a stick slung across his back and a (1) ______ of sheep at his feet, which
carry him down the path (2) ______ a crowd of rowdy children. An older man follows, weatherworn but still
(3) ______, a rifle over his left shoulder. He clicks his tongue to (4) _____ the flock. Behind him are two
women on horses; I guess (5) ______ are his wife and daughter.

Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 1.

1. army
2. shoal
3. horde
4. flock

Correct Option - 4
The correct answer is 'Option 4' i.e. 'Flock'.
Key Points
The most appropriate option to fill in blank number 1 in the sentence is option 4) 'flock'.
A 'flock' is a group of birds or sheep.
Given the context of the sentence where a young man has a stick slung across his back, which is
typically how a shepherd would carry a shepherd's crook, it's most likely that he is tending a flock of

Therefore, the correct sentence is: 'A young man walks toward me with a stick slung across his back and a
flock of sheep at his feet, which carry him down the path (2) ______ a crowd of rowdy children. An older
man follows, weatherworn but still (3) ______, a rifle over his left shoulder. He clicks his tongue to (4) _____
the flock. Behind him are two women on horses; I guess (5) ______ are his wife and daughter.'
Additional Information
Here are the explanations for all the options:
'Army' is a large organized body of armed personnel trained for war, especially on land. This
doesn't fit in the context of the sentence as we're talking about a group of animals, not people.
'Shoal' refers to a large group of fish or sometimes invertebrates, especially when they are
swimming together. This term isn't appropriate here as we're discussing land animals.
'Horde' generally refers to a large group of people, and it often carries a negative connotation.
It's not typically used to refer to groups of sheep.

Que. 22 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 2.

1. likeness
2. like
3. likely
4. liking

Correct Option - 2
The correct answer is 'Option 2' i.e. 'Like'.
Key Points
The most appropriate option to fill in blank number 2 in the sentence is option 2) 'like'.
The preposition 'like' is used in comparisons to compare one thing with another, or to illustrate
Here, it is used to show the way the young man with a flock of sheep at his feet is moving down the
path in a manner similar to a crowd of rowdy children.

Therefore, the correct sentence is: 'A young man walks toward me with a stick slung across his back and
a flock of sheep at his feet, which carry him down the path like a crowd of rowdy children. An older man
follows, weatherworn but still (3) ______, a rifle over his left shoulder. He clicks his tongue to (4) _____ the
flock. Behind him are two women on horses; I guess (5) ______ are his wife and daughter.'
Additional Information
Here are the explanations for all the options:
'Likeness' is a noun that refers to the fact or quality of being alike; resemblance. In this context,
it doesn't fit grammatically in the sentence.
'Likely' is an adjective meaning 'probably' or 'with great likelihood'. It doesn't fit in this context
because it's not comparing anything.
'Liking' is a noun referring to a feeling of regard or fondness for something or someone. It is
not relevant in this context.

Que. 23 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 3.

1. strong
2. sick
3. thin
4. slow

Correct Option - 1
The correct answer is 'Option 1' i.e. 'Strong'.
Key Points
The most appropriate option to fill in blank number 3 in the sentence is option 1) 'strong'.
In this context, 'strong' refers to the older man's ability to keep up with the young man and the flock of
sheep, despite his weatherworn appearance.
It is an adjective that describes someone who is physically powerful, in good health, or able to
withstand adverse conditions.

Therefore, the correct sentence is: 'A young man walks toward me with a stick slung across his back and
a flock of sheep at his feet, which carry him down the path like a crowd of rowdy children. An older man
follows, weatherworn but still strong, a rifle over his left shoulder. He clicks his tongue to (4) _____ the
flock. Behind him are two women on horses; I guess (5) ______ are his wife and daughter.'
Additional Information
Here are the explanations for all the options:
'Sick' is an adjective that describes someone suffering from ill health. In this context, it would
contradict the action of the man following the flock with a rifle on his shoulder.
'Thin' is an adjective that describes someone as having little flesh or fat on their body. While it
could potentially fit in the context, it doesn't tell us anything about the older man's capabilities or
'Slow' is an adjective that describes someone or something moving or operating at a speed that
is less than usual, desired, or expected. In this context, it would not align well with the action of
the older man following the young man and the flock.

Que. 24 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 4.

1. punish
2. claim
3. encourage
4. dress

Correct Option - 3
The correct answer is 'Option 3' i.e. 'Encourage'.
Key Points
The most appropriate option to fill in blank number 4 in the sentence is option 3) 'encourage'.
In this context, 'encourage' refers to the action of the man clicking his tongue to prompt or motivate
the flock of sheep to keep moving or to change direction.
Therefore, the correct sentence is: 'A young man walks toward me with a stick slung across his back and
a flock of sheep at his feet, which carry him down the path like a crowd of rowdy children. An older man
follows, weatherworn but still strong, a rifle over his left shoulder. He clicks his tongue to encourage the
flock. Behind him are two women on horses; I guess (5) ______ are his wife and daughter.'
Additional Information
Here are the explanations for all the options:
'Punish' means to inflict suffering, pain, or loss upon; to harm or hurt. This doesn't fit the
context, as it wouldn't make sense for the man to be punishing the flock by clicking his tongue.
'Claim' typically means to assert or maintain as a fact. It doesn't fit this context, as the man isn't
asserting anything about the flock, he's simply guiding them.
'Dress' usually refers to putting on clothes or arranging something in a particular way. It does
not fit the context, as the man isn't dressing the flock, he's guiding them.

Que. 25 Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank number 5.

1. them
2. these
3. they
4. this

Correct Option - 3
The correct answer is 'Option 3' i.e. 'They'.
Key Points
The correct answer is "they".
The pronoun "they" is used here to refer to the two women on horses mentioned earlier in the
The use of "they" in this context suggests that the speaker is speculating about the identities of these
two individuals.
The word "guess" is a clear indication of this speculation.

Therefore, the correct sentence is: 'A young man walks toward me with a stick slung across his back and
a flock of sheep at his feet, which carry him down the path like a crowd of rowdy children. An older man
follows, weatherworn but still strong, a rifle over his left shoulder. He clicks his tongue to encourage the
flock. Behind him are two women on horses; I guess they are his wife and daughter.'
Additional Information
Let's examine each of the options:
"Them" is an object pronoun and would not fit in this sentence because we need a subject
pronoun to refer back to the two women.
"These" is a demonstrative pronoun typically used to specify or point out something closer to
the speaker. It wouldn't fit in this sentence because we need a subject pronoun.
"This" is a singular demonstrative pronoun and would not be appropriate because it's referring
to two people, so a plural pronoun is needed.

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