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Lesson 9

Wonders of Air

New Terminology

1. Atmosphere- The layer of air surrounding the earth.

2. Humidity - Water vapour in the air .

3. Inflate - Fill with air.

Answer the following questions-

Q1. What is it air ? Write the composition of air.

Ans. Air is a mixture of gases. Air is composed of 78% of nitrogen, 21% of oxygen, 0.03% of carbon
dioxide and 0.97% of other gases like helium, radon along with smoke and water vapour.

Q2. How is nitrogen present in the atmosphere used by plants?

Ans. Nitrogen cannot be used directly from the atmosphere by plants and animals. There are
certain bacteria present in the soil which convert this gas into nitrogenous compounds. These
nitrogenous compounds are absorbed by plants through the roots from the soil. Animals get
nitrogen when they eat plants .

Q3. What is atmosphere? Mention any four uses of atmosphere.

Ans. The layer of air surrounding the earth is called atmosphere.

Uses of atmosphere-

1. The atmosphere prevents the harmful rays of the sun from reaching the earth’s surface.

2. It prevents the temperature from becoming too high during the day and too low during the

3. It stops meteors from hitting the earth.

4. It provides the right amount of sunlight for photosynthesizing plants.

Q.4 List the four layers of atmosphere.

Ans: 1. Troposphere

2. Stratosphere

3. Ionosphere

4. Exosphere

Q.5List the four properties of air.

Ans:1. Air occupies space.

2. Air supports burning.

3. Air has weight

4. Air exerts pressure.

Q.6 Write any two ways by which air pressure is useful in our day to day activities ?

Ans: 1.To suck the drink from the straw.

2. It is also used to fill the syringe with a liquid medicine by the nurse.

Q7. How is air pollution harmful to us ?

Ans. Effects of air pollution-

1. Air pollution causes respiratory disease is like bronchitis and asthma.

2. Pollutants in the air also cause irritation to the skin and eyes.

3. Impurities and poisonous gases in the air cause damage to the monuments and other

Give reasons-

1.Anil wanted to pour out juice from a can. He made two holes on the lid of the cans.

R1. The air enters the can from one hole and pushes the juice out from the other hole . In this way
juice will pour out faster .

2. Some planets are hit by meteors.

R2. It is because these planets do not have atmosphere to protect them.

3.Mountaineers carry oxygen cylinder with them .

R3. It is because as we go higher breathing becomes difficult as the amount of oxygen decreases.

4. Gardeners prefer to bury dry leaves.

R4. It is because dry leaves are biodegradable, they will mix in the soil and make the soil fertile.

5. Mamta always complains of a headache and burning sensation in her eyes.

R5. It is due to air pollution.

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