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Name: _____________________________________________________ Grade & Section: _____________________________

I. Identification. Write your answer on the line before each number.

________________________1. A group of persons living under one roof, sharing the same kitchen and housekeeping arrangements.
________________________2. A household but not a family.
________________________3. A start of the family and sacred to Christians, Muslims, and Jews.
________________________4. It means to be sanctified
________________________5. The sociologist who gives the definition that a family is a group of persons united by ties of marriage,
blood or adoption.
________________________6. They are the basic social unit in the society.
________________________7. A type of family that compose of father, mother, and the children.
________________________8. A type of family headed by only one parent.
________________________9. A government program that aims to help families to cope poverty.
________________________10. She is the saint who is a great example of our experiences in the family.

II. Arrange the scrambled words about members of the family.

III. Make a family list and describe your relationship with each member.


IV. Essay. Answer the questions below in a paragraph form compose of not less than five (5) sentences.

1. Explain the importance of having a family.

2. In your observation, what are the important keys for a happy marriage?

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