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JUBILEE LIFE INSURANCE 27.2.2. Commitments in respect of bank guarantee ‘The Company has, at the request of corporate clients arranged performance guarantees from a bank for Rs. 19.11 million (2019: Rs, 6.52 milion), which is secured by the lien of the same amount against bank deposits held with the bank, The bank guarantees will expire by December 17, 2022, eee (Pupeesin 000). 28 NET PREMIUM / CONTRIBUTION REVENUE Gross Premium / Contribution Regular Premium / Contribution Individual Poicies* Frist year 9,320,223 Second year renewal 8,691,258 Subsequent year renewal 23,772,374 “otal Regular Premium / Contribution Individual Policies 41785 855 ‘Single premium / contribution individual polices 797/526 Group polices without cash values 7,335,938 Less: Experience refund (290,910) ‘Total Gross Premium / Contribution 867 408 Less: Reinsurance Premium / Contribution ceded On inva if ist year business (68,238) (n individual te second year business (60,038) (n individual ie renewal business (253,589) On singe premium / contribution inividual pocies ® On group policies (985,302) Less: Experience refund from reinsurers 58,420 insurance commision on rk premium / contribution 67,366 (1,231,380) Net Premium / Contribution a3 ™ Individual polices ae those underwritten on an individual basis, and indlude joint life policies underwritten as such. ANNUAL REPORT 2020 (Pupeesin 000). INVESTMENT INCOME Income from equity securities Fair value through profit or loss = Dividend income 2,355,826 ‘Avallable-for-sale = Dividend income Income from Mutual Funds Fair value through profit or loss = Dividend income ‘Avallable-for-sale = Dividend income - Income from debt securities Held to maturity Return on debt securities 1,005 Fair value through profit or loss Return on debt secures 7,337,265 ‘Avallable-for-sale Return on debt securities 4,558,862 8,877,133 Income from term deposits Return on term deposits 1,314,786 12,581,768 NET REALISED FAIR VALUE GAINS / (LOSSES) ‘ON FINANCIAL ASSETS At fair value through profit or loss Rese gens on: = Equity secures 2400 = Mutel Funds = Debt secures wie 7795616 Realsed losses on: ~ Equity securities (1,869,976) = tual Funds - ~ Debt securities (3,200) Tara 78) ‘Avallablefor-sale Reased gens on: = Eauity secures 23,682 = tal Funds “Debt scutes 199310 23,002 JUBILEE LIFE INSURANCE 31 32 33 Realised losses on ~ Equity secures Debt securities NET FAIR VALUE ( LOSSES) / GAINS ON FINANCIAL ASSETS AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH PROFIT OR LOSS Net unrealised gains / (losses) on investments at far value through profit or loss Less: Impairment in value of available for-sale securities Less: Investment related expenses OTHER INCOME Return on bank balances Gain on sale of fixed assets Foreign exchange gain Miscellaneous income NET INSURANCE BENEFITS Gross Claims Claims under individual policies by deat by insured event other than death by maturity by surrender by partial withdrawal ‘Total gross individual policy claims Claims under group policies by deat by insured event other than death Total gross policy daims ‘Total Gross Claims Less: Reinsurance recoveries (On individual ite daims (On group lie aims a related expenses Net Insurance benefit expense 457 CELEBRATE Le 2020 2019 — (Rupees in'000) (247,289) (62,595) (99,333) (1,575) (346,622) 4.170) 5,936,523 To A54728) (7,126,357) 8,970,626 (72,723) (15,407) (125,316) (51,502) 902,717 238,424 285,801 11,908 4,051 365 6,035 2,551 1,706 253,248 2,176,538 1,807,237 37,222 39,768 3,856,522 3,144,344 14,538,553, 9,846,341 2,691,013, 73,299,848 2,655,007 7,553,486 4,707,333 3,913,639 7,362,340 5,907,127 Be (464,277) (Za0807) (1,377,280) (944,506) (1,841,557) 11,165,313) 4,887 7,283 728,825,518 ATO 33.4 3344 Claim Development ANNUAL REPORT 2020 ‘The table below illustrates claim development patter for last five years (including current year) where more than 110% of claims are normally reported after the end of the year in which the claim event occurred. The pattern is shown separately for group and individual business (excluding those disclosed in notes 34.1.5 to 34.1.7) Reported outstanding daims Individual Life Unt Linked Group ufe ‘Accident & Health Overseas Individual Family Tekaful Group Family Takaful ‘Accident & Health Family Tokaful Other reserves Individual Life Unit Linked ‘Accident year 2016 Estimate of ultimate claims costs: ‘At end of accident year 660,171 One year later 869,979 ‘Two years later 898,711 “Three years later 908,491 Four years later 910,715 Current estimate of cumulative claims 30,715 Less: Cumulative payments to date (10,735) ‘Sum of 2016 to 2020 outstanding ciaims Claims prior to 2016 Liability recognised in the statement of nancial postion Conventional Business ‘Accident year 2016 Estimate of ukimate claims costs: ‘Atend of accident year 1,078,361, One year later 41,239,725 ‘Two years later 1,246,871 Three yeas later 1,248,097 Four years later 1,248,847 Current estimate of cumulative claims 1,288,847 Less: Cumulative payments to date (1,239,421) 9.826 ‘Sum of 2016 to 2020 outstanding claims Claims prior to 2016 Liability recognised in the statement of financial postion 2017 33,460, 41,152,877 1,180,752 41,191,056 T9156 (1,191,056) 2017 1,253,870, 1,397,432 1,400,054 1,402,052, 102,052 (1,380,019) 22,082 ve a (Pupees in i) 334. B12 B15 B16 33.13 Bla 3317 19.4 2018 2019 929,960 1,120,048, 1,268,303 1,437,084 1,299,921, - Taga TART (1,299,421) (1,426,304) 500 10,780, 2018 2019 1,360,085 1,652,441 1,583,707 1,935,114 1,594,441 . Tae 1,935,114 (4,562,137) (1,881,247) 32,304 53,8657 JUBILEE LIFE INSURANCE 33.1.3 Individual Family Takaful ‘Accident year Estimate of ulimate claims costs: ‘At end of acident year One year later ‘Two years later “Three years later Four years later Current estate of cumulative claims Less: Cumulative payments to date ‘Sum of 2016 to 2020 outstanding caims Claims prior to 2016 2016 3.846 6,988 6,988 6,988 6,988, 6,588 (6,988) Liability recognised in the statement of nancial postion 33.4.4 Group Family Takaful ‘Accident year Estimate of ukimate claims cost: ‘Atend of accident year One year later Two years later Three yeas later Four years later Current estimate of cumulative claims Less: Cumulative payments to date ‘Sum of 2016 to 2020 outstanding claims Claims prior to 2016 2016 a2 812 2,962 2,962 2,962 2,962 (2,962) Liability recognised in the statement of financial postion 2017 23,785 44579 4753 4753 a7 (47,523) 2017 55,092 2018 94765 124,201 125,616 T5616 (125,616) 2018 7571 83,167 83,467 3567 (79,017) 4550, 2019 136,124 193,351 TST (15150) ai 2019 42,716 51,695 31,695 (45,958) 5737, 33.1.5. For Accident and Health business, claims experience over the past 5 years indicates that claims reported after the end of the year in which the claim event occurred were less than 10% threshold therefore, the claim development table for Accident & Health business is not disclosed. 33.1.6 In Overseas business, as the policy Is issued to a single policy holder group which does not reflects claim development as @ whole, nor would it reflect a purposeful analysis, hence the same has not been disclosed. 33.1.7. For Accident and Health Takaful business, claims experience over the past 5 years indicates that claims reported after the end of the year in which the claim event occurred were less than 10% threshold therefore, the claim development table for Accident and Health Takaful business is not disclosed, ANNUAL REPORT 2020 ay ae (Rupees in '000) mana ae acquisiion exrenses venue nnn bare onal Commission to agents on first year premiums / contributions 3,160,996 Cronin wget a oe cranes aun ‘Commission to agents on subsequent renewal premiums / contributions 524,178 cromstenngotson sige res / vb oe oultnonuambapnn ot go dee nvate tt tom ooo tos erat sows Remuneration to insurance intermediaries on group policies: co soe oo testes etn mo cee inc clos eenon samo Tring eee ‘hs woe wn bere oun Depreciation - Right-of-use assets 104,321, oe a Rent, rates and taxes: 3,872 Legal and professional charges 19,436 wire or rota cot voto beee se curser ‘coe Tani ons von cee Eau: sa ‘Staff welfare 25,576 Coa bam mou sis tacts ve a von Samer JUBILEE LIFE INSURANCE 35 35.2 461. CELEBRATE Lee 2019 Note (Pupeesin 00) MARKETING AND ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES Employee benefit cost, 354. 144301 Traveling expenses 44732 ‘Advertisements & sales promotion 719,958 Pritng and stationery a9 Depreciation 173,595 Deprecation- Rightotse assets 127,58 Amortsation 85 Rent rates and taxes z2294 Leal and professional charges 32,559 Utes 50019 Entertainment 9,964 Vehicle running expenses 18,351 Office reais and maintenance 193,476 ‘Anpointed actuary fees 13,798 Bank charges 16,323 Postages, telegrams and telephone 109,998 Staff welfare 20,819 Genera insurance 31,260 Training expenses 16,520 ‘Annual Supervision fees to SECP 50,000 Bad and doubt debts 10,82 Director Fee 6,400 Miscellaneous expenses Employee benefit cost Salaries, allowance and other benefits Charges for post employment benefit ‘Administration expenses are net of common costs amounting to Rs, 39.25 milion (2019: Rs. 40.85 milion) shared ‘with Jubilee General Insurance Company Limited, an associated undertaking, on account of joint operating activities for Accident & Health Business, 2019 (pees 000) ————- OTHER EXPENSES ‘Auditors’ remuneration - nate 36.1 12,974 Donation = note 36.2 14,500 ‘Subscriptions 330 27,804 ‘Auditors’ remuneration ‘Audit fee Half yearly review ‘Shariah Compliance Audit - Window Takaful Operations ‘Taxation services| Fee for the aut of provident and gratuity funds Certification charges & othe Professional Services Out-of-pocket expenses ‘Sindh Sales Tax on services 36.21 37 38 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 2019 (Rupees in 000). Details of Donations ‘Aga Khan Health Services, Pakistan ‘Aga Khan Planning and Building Services, Pakistan Ration Drive - Distribution of Ration Bags Government of Sich’s COVID-19 Emergency Fund Patient Behbud Society of AKUH ‘Aga Khan Rural Support Programme “The Layton Rahmatula Benevolent Trust Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre ‘Aga Khan Education Services, Pakistan ‘The Aman Foundation ‘Al-Mehrab Tibbi Imdad ‘Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust 1,000 None of the directors and any oftheir spouses had any interest inthe above donee. 4,500 2500 1000 1,000 2,500 1000 1,000 2019 FINANCE COST (pees in 000). Mark up on borrowing Interest expense on lease lability 40,581 112,201, 152,782 INCOME TAX EXPENSE For the year Current Deferred For prior year Relationship between tax expense and accounting profit Profit before tax (3,416,367 ‘puerta ate of 29% 7 Peru ofewes 303 Eat of eange ox te seas ones 35 Strespense orth year nies FARNINGS PER SHARE “There is no diutive effect on the basic earings per share of the Company, which is based on: ew (Rupees in ‘000) ————- Profit (efter tx) forthe year 2886331 pan (Number of shares in 000) rested Weighed average ube of onary shares outstanding as at year end __ 877264 87,264 = (Rupees) -—-—- estes Base earings pe sare 305. 208 CELEBRATE I~ 162

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