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1 Nov, 2022 14:57 / Home / World News

‘WWIII has already

e!ectively begun’ – Nouriel
According to the renowned
economist, “everything will split in

FILE PHOTO. Dr. Nouriel Roubini speaks at Sheraton New

York © John Lamparski / Getty Images for Concordia

A new world war is practically underway,

“certainly in Ukraine and cyberspace,”
economist Nouriel Roubini explained.

Last week, the New York University

professor was interviewed by Der Spiegel
and listed some of the world’s most acute

Recalling a recent event hosted by the

International Monetary Fund, he referred to
historian Niall Ferguson who “said in a
speech there that we would be lucky if we
got an economic crisis like in the 1970s —
and not a war like in the 1940s.”

When speaking about major global threats,

Roubini mentioned the ongoing conflict
between Russia and Ukraine, adding that
Iran and Israel are “on a collision course”
as well.

“I read that the Biden administration

expects China to attack Taiwan sooner
rather than later,” the economist said,
summarizing that “World War III has
already e"ectively begun.”

The rivalry between Washington and

Beijing is driving tension to a large degree,
Roubini noted, adding that the US has
banned the export of certain
semiconductors to China and is pressuring
European nations into cutting trade ties with
the country on national security grounds.
He believes that a breakup of the
globalized world is looming.

READ MORE: ‘Doctor Doom’ predicts worst

crisis in half-century

“Trade, finance, technology, internet:

Everything will split in two,” he predicted.

It was not clear if non-allied nations would

pick the US side in the confrontation, he
said. “I asked the president of an African
country why he gets 5G technology from
China and not from the West. He told me,
we are a small country, so someone will spy
on us anyway. Then, I might as well take
the Chinese technology, it’s cheaper,” the
economist revealed to Der Spiegel.

The professor is concerned that the political

systems in the US and Europe may not be
able to deal with the problems, leading to a
rise of right-wing governments.

Nouriel Roubini came to prominence for

predicting the financial crisis of 2008-09
and was dubbed ‘Doctor Doom’ by Wall

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Trends: China, Russia, US


‘WWIII has already effectively

begun’ – Nouriel Roubini — RT
World News
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7: zircon7788, Richland Bricsland ,

antoni monti, George Kosich,

Richland Bricsland
A Basic History Lesson will tell you.
You Fight Russians, You Die ! now

Reply 0 + −

SP Spu7nik
battle is between Real Wealth vs
Fiat Ponzi 3m

Reply +1 + −

NG NGBrown
Did he say that the US drive to rule
the world and punish rivals and
even competitors was a root cause,
or was everybody more or less
equally guilty? What makes this guy
the go-to guru on the future of the
world? 3m

Reply +1 + −

HO Hong
War only started by Western
countries . They are power hungry
& please keep it for yourself. 4m

Reply 0 + −

Sam Smith
It's very interesting and telling that
all these J people are at the
forefront of the WW3 message like
this Doctor Doom and Jeffrey
Sachs. It's like they are promoting a
certain message with their
messengers . . . hum, I wonder
why? 5m

Reply +1 + −

WW4 ends when ISISrael gets
pushed off into the ocean. 6m

Reply +3 + −

BO Booties
May the Russians win and America
break up into small states. It is the
one causing all the problems in the
world today 7m

Reply +2 + −

Alex Peter
Three years ago to be precise, by
USA dropping a biological weapon
throughout the world, attempting
first humanicide in known history,
followed by now a 3-year special
war through media against each
living person on this planet. We are
all equal according to them: we all
need to die. The effect of this
experiment will remain within us
for decades. Not to forget that
each government without
exception (a few that tried were
killed on the spot and replaced)
was a complicit. This last is the one
that is the most traumatizing
actually. 7m

Reply +4 + −

Richland Bricsland
WW3 is just the same as WW1 & 2.
Won by Russians. That's all. 8m

Reply +3 + −

...And the Empire of Lies has
effectively already lost. 9m

Reply +4 + −

HP Hpaspacespvtltd
There will be east worl and west
world 10 m

Reply 0 + −

Silas Barasa
I advise the so called Ukrainian
nationalists to find refugee in UK
and US being the principal
architects of this conflict 10 m

Reply +1 + −

GO Gone
WW3? We need to finish the 2nd
one first. 10 m

Reply +1 + −

Harold L. Pelham
I simply HOPE the War-mongers
will just let allow us to enjoy ONE
MORE Christmas because I recently
bought / purchased this real neat
like real heavy well made Jesus-
Bells to go up over above the
garage door!!!! Go along with all
our other 600-700 Jesus-lights we
put up to Celebrate /
Commemorate his BIRTHDAY each
and every year!!!! AH COME ON
MAN as Old-Sleepy-Creepy-
DEMENTIA-Boy says all the time
PULEASE!!!!!!!!! 11 m

Reply 0 + −

Roubini is right so far. And when
the West keep escalating, WWIII will
be their last escalation. All in the
name of their narcissistic
entitlement and supremacy
delusion. 13 m

Reply +3 + −

John J
"Split in two". It is happening in the
US. A split between the US Cabal
foreign policy and millions of
Americans who want no part of the
War. Congress has a major
problem, the US public will not
fight for Ukraine or Taiwan. 14 m

Reply +2 + −

Silas Barasa
UK and US are the principal
architects of the current crisis. I
hope the progressive world
isolates their sinking empires 15 m

Reply +4 + −

PE PeterPiper
Dr Doom has reputation of being
correct on 2008 debacle. That was
never really fixed and since has
been papered over by trillions in
new money created by ZIRP and
QE. That has never been done in
history, so you know that game will
end with crash. The Russians and
Chinese and Brics are getting out in
front of coming disaster and giving
smaller countries a chance to
survive with an alternative to dollar
system which only steals their
sovereignty and resources. 15 m

Reply +2 + −

Whenever Western capitalism
collapse West impose War on
First they impose colonisation on
the rest of the world
Then WW1, WW2 and now WW3
19 m

Reply +9 + −

AR Archangelmichael
us PUSHES AROUND . It is a Lie.
But the US is accustomed to Lying.
Not a decent way to compete with
other through creativity, hard work,
innovation, ... Just using dirty tricks.
Mafia style, ... to gain an edge.
Spreading fear and disinformation.
20 m

Reply +5 + −

Well, that's one way of achieving
population reduction to the
claimed 2 billion that the WEF
secretly want. 21 m

Reply +3 + −

Harold L. Pelham
was it who began BUILDING UP
Communist Red China starting
heavily in the late 198o's???? Does
anyone out there care to take a
stab at who that was maybe just
throw out a complete off the wall
guess???? Geesh!!!! Oy Vey!!!! 22 m

Reply 0 + −

patrick piel
mr. jewzy wants war. just like ww2.
but jewzy going to loose! 23 m

Reply +3 + −

Grace Zee
patrick piel, Why... why would
Jews want a war like WW2, if we
wanted a war at all (which we
don't) it wouldn't be that one
19 m

2 more replies

Simon Filimon
My hope is LatinA sides with China
and Russia. This part of the world
is riddled with American bullets.
24 m

Reply +9 + −

The establishment fear of muh
"far-right" is the expression a
tyrant has when it's imposed
despotism isn't accepted anymore
and the voice from the nation
starts to growl. 24 m

Reply +1 + −

The WORLD is much more than
NATO & Russia. The rest of the
world will be outside the ambit of
Even if China opens a front with
Taiwan, the US does not have
resources to open two fronts, if
NATO is already engaged with
Russia, And in a confrontation with
Russia, the war will not be
conventional, as Russia cannot
engage conventionally with 30
countries and with its existence at
stake the nuclear doctrine will be
triggered. The ensuring exchange
will neutralize both NATO and
Russia within hours, or at best 2
days. Not days or weeks... as the
nuke strikes will be to inflict
maximum crippling damage.
China will probably move into
Taiwan, even before the mushroom
clouds have settled.. and at that
stage there will be no one to
confront it.
So, yes, the world will be affected
by a NATO-Russia conflict. UK & EU
will be rendered inhabitable, but
the US & Russia are too vast to be
totally wiped out.. and will stagger
back to recovery in 8 to 10 years,
and start picking up the pieces.
But both will be shadows of their
past and China will dominate the
new landscape while the US and
European continent lick the
wounds of their radiation burns.
Asia will rise and the tropics will be
cooler after a nuclear winter of 2-3
years.. the planet will see a lot of
radiation related deaths and
population will decline from 8
billion to about 3.5 to 4 billion.
Australia and NZ would be the
healthiest of places, far removed
from the brunt of wind-borne
radiation, if less than 1000
warheads are used. If the
warheads exceed 1500, then the
entire globe will be contaminated,
barring the poles.
Yes.. the world will be crippled but
it is still not a world war.. for the
world is greater than the sum of
NATO & Russia. 25 m

Reply +4 + −

Harold L. Pelham
JCS_INRU, SO! Here that truly
GREAT World / Global LEADER
Russian President Vladimir
Putin has stated repeatedly
that he will do whatever is
required to PROTECT / DEFEND
Mother Russia and ALL her
peoples PERIOD.... 17 m

1 reply

Bundle of Perceptions
WWII has never ended, it simply
turned into a covert war. The
Fascists were never uprooted, and
the rest of the world mostly sat on
their hands and waited while the
undercover Fascists went around
the world murdering as many
Socialists and Communists as they
could. The Nazis and Fascists are
starting to come out into the open
now, and they are getting ready to
resume WWII in a continuation of
the hot war. 26 m

Reply +3 + −

Bundle of Perceptions, Your
insight makes perfect sense....
the Americans facilitated the
build up of Nazi Germany....
and on V Day Europe, the anglo
americans started covert
attacks on Russia... they never
stopped fighting in WW2.... it's
interesting that the people of
the west were always led to
believe the Iron Curtain was
built to keep people in the 'bad'
East from fleeing to the 'good'
West.... that was bullshit.... the
Iron Curtain was to the keep
the western saboteurs out. 3 m

1 reply

MA MartininAfrica
What if Russia didnt invade
Ukraine and simply strengthened
its border defenses if it seriously
felt threatened. In modern warfare
, as we have seen, technology is far
more important than Stalin style
land barriers 26 m

Reply 0 + −


MartininAfrica, The west would
had still invaded Russia. This
conflict have nothing to do with
Ukraine. It all about exploiting
Russia resources. The west
underestimated Russia and
overated themselves. 16 m

1 reply

EV Evgeny
Yes, (almost) everyone is just
pretending that we aren't. 26 m

Reply +2 + −

Jher Braj
Gather some cheetos and toilet
paper and waite for the worse to
pass. 29 m

Reply +2 + −

TD td603
Obviously, we're in WW3. The
question is how many casualties
there are going to be? Millions?
Billions? 29 m

Reply −1 + −

Richland Bricsland
Only little UK hacks itself. 30 m

Reply 0 + −

Durandus von Meissen

When the global internet is
severed, and it most certainly will
be if the current trajectory is not
positively amended otherwise, we
will be living in a literal,
communication gated community
worldwide, if not a wholesale
collapse of internet viability. What
better way to blind whole
populations to what is occurring
over the horizon of their own
hovels? Americans will become
abject prisoners rendered blind
and deaf not only to the greater
world community, but among
themselves. We will be living in the
80's once again with zero prospect
of returning to our recent normal.
A new Dark Ages. 32 m

Reply 0 + −

Ruy Penalva
No, his is wrong. What has started
is a change of the world status
quo. A multipolar world. Now, if
this would start a third world war is
another matter. 32 m

Reply 0 + −

TO toaster
Ukraine doesn't matter that much -
if only the Americans hadn't ignited
the fire of extreme nationalism
there, peace would the law of the
land. Taiwan is the same - had the
Americans left the Chinese deal
with their own issues themselves
'in the family', there would not be a
potential armed conflict there
either. 33 m

Reply +2 + −

Marko Jhorr
toaster, I think you missed the
point, its NOT about Ukraine.
Ukraine is just a tool of the
USA. 32 m

1 reply

It’s kind of an accurate landscape,
we’ll see. 36 m

Reply 0 + −

West done a very big mistake: Not
russia must be in war! not Russia
must be sanctioned! West must be
friend with russia!! the enemy is:
CHINA! CHINA must be distroyed!
this a mess! 38 m

Reply 0 + −

? Comment has been deleted

Richard Rivera
Smesh, I hope this isnt another
Jew reference when yall are out
there "killing Nazis" . i see a lot
of these and it makes me
wonder if russians are the real
nazis 39 m

1 reply

Sean L
Can we all just stop fighting and
have a cookout? 43 m

Reply +1 + −

vder kalen
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty;
was a bilateral treaty between the
United States and the Soviet Union
on the reduction and the limitation

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