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International Journal of Preventive, Curative & Community Medicine

Volume 4, Issue 2 - 2018, Pg. No. 1-3

Peer Reviewed & Open Access Journal

Holistic Health and Wellbeing: How to Achieve it

NS Dharmshaktu1
Principal Advisor, Public Health, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.

DOI: htps://

According to WHO the health is “a state of complete physical, mental, social wellbeing and not merely
absence of disease or inirmity”, which has been widely used for last 70 years for all pracical purposes
but it is now realized that many areas are let uncovered and needs amendment. Author jusiies that
emerging concept of holisic health and wellbeing, SDG indicators of 2016-2030, global warming etc., are
demanding more domains to be addressed. It is recently also realized that sustainable development goals
will be diicult to achieve in 2030 by member countries if environmental health, healthy yoga lifestyle and
community engagement are not included in universal health coverage approach. Through a deiniion of
health it may be possible to create advocacy on priority areas needing resource mobilizaion to achieve
holisic health and wellbeing. This aricle is expressed by the author in his personal capacity.

Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals, Universal Health Coverage, Health for all
Introduction Background upon which Holistic Health &
wellbeing should be considered
The definition of health was given by World Health
Organizaion (WHO) in 1948 as “a state of complete physical, Medical data on the magnitude of morbidity and mortality
mental, social wellbeing and not merely absence of disease caused by major health problems at the global, naional,
or inirmity.” This simple yet very efecive deiniion has and state levels as well as data esimates available on
been widely used for seven decades and has been helpful to comparison of major diseases burden as done by diferent
countries for developing health policy guidelines, planning agencies/insitutes need to be viewed keeping in mind
and educaion purposes. WHO Health Assembly set the the following:
target of Health for All in May 1977 to be achieved by the
end of the year 2000, which was followed subsequently • Assessment of their quality;
by advocaing Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) set • Assessment of diseases which occur in repeated
by United Naions in the year 2000 for achievement by episodes, generally more than once a year such as
2015 and now the target of achievement of Sustainable Inluenza, including other acute respiratory infecion,
Development Goals (SDGs) set by United Naions in 2016 diarrheal disease, etc.;
for achievement by 2030 for the member countries. Over • The level of parasitaemia or viremia due to disease of
the period it has been realized that the income and GDP public health importance of the paricular organism
alone do not result into holisic health and wellbeing. in the apparently healthy populaion as a threat of
Therefore, the Bhutan government has adopted the gross future epidemic and endemicity;
naional happiness and not gross naional product to • The populaion already infected by a major disease and
achieve happiness and wellness of their people. currently under incubaion period, which is bound to
be reported later on, etc.;

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How to cite this aricle: Dharmshaktu NS. Holisic Health and Wellbeing: How to Achieve it. Int J Preven Curat Comm Med 2018;
4(2): 1-3.

Copyright (c) 2018 Internaional Journal of Prevenive, Curaive & Community Medicine (ISSN: 2454‐325X)
Int. J. Preven. Curat. Comm. Med. 2018; 4(2) 2

• Esimate of diseases which are showing associaion development by states.

with global warming and climate change; • There should be a mandate to provide pre-requisites
• The determining factor of percentage of people who for basic ameniies of living and addiional fundamental
do not have basic ameniies of living such as food, needs to the community. This has to be done by all
shelter and water as these are important determinants the relevant sectors, private agencies, corporates,
of health and wellbeing; Non-governmental organizaions (NGOs), community
• Percentage of populaion not having other fundamental based organizaion (CBOs), etc.
needs for health and wellbeing such as educaion, • The development of inter-sectoral policy should
social jusice, equity, minimum basic annual income, enable people to achieve quality health, ensure equal
peace and sustainable eco-system, for example, about opportuniies and resources, and should enable people
90% of people sufering from Kala Azar in Bihar and to achieve their fullest health potenial.
Jharkhand state are from Mushar community most of • In the community, jan bhagidar as the representaive
who live in jhuggi/temporary setlements; of community, should be given orientaion on health
• People who have disability/disigurement or hormonal and wellbeing covering health promoive, prevenive
imbalances etc., can also enjoy good health. and protecive skills at their level so that they could
guide their fellow members.
Usefulness of Holistic Health and Wellbeing • The common plaform for engagement of community
should be at the primary health center (PHC) or urban
Holisic health and wellness approach is the integraion of health center level where all the sectors/stakeholders
mental, physical, social and environmental with healthy should converge to provide coverage for empowering
Yoga life style pracices and spiritual wellbeing would result the community on various prevenive, promoive, and
in more holisic approach to disease prevenion. Wellbeing protecive measures which will also efecively decrease
is associated with self-preserved health, awareness and load on secondary and teriary care hospitals.
pracice of good health behavior, social connectedness,
and producivity. Keeping in view all of the above points, Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
the revised deiniion of health is therefore suggested
by the author as “A state of complete physical, mental, • Following historic examples are noteworthy: During 3rd
environmental and social wellbeing including absence century BC, King Asoka is reported to have said, “I am
of determinants of disease in the body or in the close going to propagate medical herbs in all my kingdom
proximity that can cause harm by use or by contact with to help their availability to all my people as my ethical
the body.” responsibility to provide good health to people”. King
Henry VIII (1559–97) in the United Kingdom (UK) had
Spiritual yoga, and life style that are behavioral pracices praciced a system of social security to guard poor
leading to peace and wellbeing are covered by word people against social economic hardships. Universal
wellbeing in the above deiniion. The religious and cultural legal right to relief for every subject was provided under
pracices someimes also lead to peaceful and healthy life. the Poor Law in the 1600–1834 centuries in the UK.
Therefore, useful spiritual, cultural, and religious parameters • The UHC and access to health means everyone can
are also covered under wellbeing in the deiniion. The have it irrespecive of all barriers – geographical, caste,
above revised deiniion covers all the physical, social, creed, religion, age, etc., and the government has to
mental, environmental, useful spiritual, yoga, cultural, make their arrangement through proper set up.
and religious wellbeing dimensions of health and also • Criical areas for UHC would need a deiniion of health
parasitaemia/viremia without disease due to important and wellbeing for which the revised deiniion of health
underlying latent infecion of public health importance, given above should be adopted. A naional framework
hormonal, biochemical determinants, hazardous chemicals of UHC should be developed. It would need primary,
etc., are included in the word environment. secondary and teriary care health infrastructure
and training of staf, collaboraion, inter-sectoral
The Universal Health Coverage (UHC) should be designed convergence, primary health care, involvement of
on the basis of the revised deiniion of health that will private sector, NGOs, CBOs, community engagement,
lead to a beter understanding and atainment of holisic etc. It would need not just treatment alone but also
health and wellbeing. This will help in direcing focussed empowering the people to prevent, promote and
priority and mobilizaion of resources in the right direcion. protect them from illness. It will address the physical,
What needs to be done to promote holistic health mental, social, economic, environmental determinants
and wellbeing? of health and wellbeing to provide fundamental pre-
requisites for health as well – that is why it is called
• Create advocacy by organizing conferences/seminars, Universal Health Coverage in the irst place. It is
on the topic of holisic health and wellbeing policy important to realize that achieving the essence of UHC

ISSN: 2454-325X
DOI: htps://
3 Int. J. Preven. Curat. Comm. Med. 2018; 4(2)

heavily relies on primary health care. To support the 1986 Otawa.

basic primary health services at community level, the 3. Peigrew LM et al. Primary health care and sustainable
states have to develop a separate cadre of supporive development goals. The Lancet Nov 28th 2015;
public health specialists to guide and monitor for 386(10009).
sustaining primary healthcare services which will 4. Transiion from MDG to SDGs in India. WHO SERO.
provide a strong base for secondary and teriary level Background Paper for Consultaion 10-11 May, 2016.
health faciliies. The government may also need to 5. WHA Resoluion 30.43. May 1977.
have a naional public health regulatory authority to 6. United Naions Millennium Declaraion of Achieving
regulate the health services. MDG Goals by 2015. UNDP.
7. United Naions Declaraion of SDG Goal Target 2016-
References 2030. UNDP, UN Sustainable Development summit,
New York, 25-27th Sep 2015.
1. WHO. Health for All. 1978; 1. 8. Kishore J, Ray PC, Mandal RK. The pioneering Social
2. Otawa Charter for health promoion. Internaional Reformers of India (2nd Ediion). New Delhi 2017.
conference on Health promoion 11-21 November

ISSN: 2454-325X
DOI: htps://

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