MT Rushmore

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Mt. Rushmore Comprising of the Top Four European World Leaders from the 20th Century

1. Introduction

Many European world leaders have great virtues as well as legacies. Studying and

appreciating the efforts of all past leaders, which are enjoyed today, is important. Every leader is

characterized by strengths and weaknesses, which define how great a leader is. Greatest leaders

maximize their strengths and try not to be affected by their shortcomings (Wilde). Greatness in

leadership is typically attained through deliberate focus and the laborious pursuit of individual

and group improvement; this improvement necessitates striving for self-awareness,

understanding of leadership competencies, and a willingness to continue growing. The greatest

European leaders that will be addressed in this paper are Willy Brandt of German, Margaret

Thatcher, who is a British leader and was the prime minister of the United Kingdom, Vaclav

Havel of the Czech Republic and Winston Churchill, who is a great British leader.

2. Greatest Achievements

2.1. Willy Brandt

Willy Brandt was a highly-rated German leader for various milestones that he achieved.

Brandt is recognized for multiple achievements, including improving the relations between East

Germany, other communist nations in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, which proved to
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help strengthen the economic condition of the European Community (The Editors of

Encyclopaedia Britannica). Willy became famous through this achievement which is considered

his greatest. Willy Brandt's achievement was through his times as the mayor of West Berlin,

where he was elected to the parliament after world war 2. The leader reaped from this effort by

being honored with a Nobel Price for Peace in 1971. Willy Brandt also had more achievements,

including being named the Man of the Year by Time magazine in 1970.

2.2 Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher was a promising leader with a unique politics and style of leadership.

Margaret earned most achievements through her reign in British administration, including

becoming the first woman to lead a major political party in the UK. Her greatest achievement is

Tony Blair and New Labour, which she also considers her greatest achievement. "The Iron

Lady", her nickname that was coined due to her uncompromising leadership style, had other

achievements, which include being the first lady to be elected as the Head of Government in

Europe ("Margaret Thatcher"). The iron lady also successfully handled the crisis in the Iranian

Embassy. Margret Thatcher is also greatly remembered for her involvement in implementing the

free market economy in Britain. She was able to impose economic policies which aided in

lowering the state's inflation rate. Margaret is also remembered for ensuring that Britain's war is


2.3 Vaclav Havel

Vaclav Havel was the president of the Czech Republic as well as a standing-out leader

who many people adored. The achievement of Vaclav Havel is realized in one instance and is

considered his greatest achievement. Havel stood out as the opposition and opposed the
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communist regime (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, "Vaclav Havel | Biography, Plays,

and Facts"). The leader asked people of totalitarian countries to engage in their daily lives and

assume that the regime did not exist. Havel was a man of his word because he also walked the

talk; he practiced whatever he preached. Vaclav is considered a true leader because he did not

change his ways after the fall of communism. The leader further understood reconstruction's

importance, unlike other leaders focusing on destruction.

2.4 Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill was a key player in Britain's politics, leading them to victory in world

war 2 when he was the Prime Minister. Winston Churchill is greatly honored for his role in

world war 2. Churchill and his men were welcomed into war when Germany invaded Belgium.

He ferried hundreds of thousands of British soldiers to France for the war by using Navy ships.

The leader blocked the Germans from transporting food materials into its port in the North Sea

through his navy. After being given full control to head the airforce department in the UK,

Churchill also developed several tactical military strategies and ensured that the UK contributed

to its allies (Rosenberg). Winston Churchill also had several other achievements, such as

receiving the Nobel Price for his writings. Churchill also fought to impose the minimum wage,

which covered workers in diverse industries. The leader became the Lord of Admiralty.

3. Crisis Management

3.1 Willy Brandt

Willy Brandt laid a wreath at the memorial to the Warsaw Ghetto, which commemorated

the courage of many Jews who lost their lives in the ghetto while trying to free themselves from

the German oppressors. Brandt then fell on his knees with his head tipping forward slightly.
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Will's actions signified he did what would be done when words could not work. The act was for

persuasion of forgiveness for the Germans who caused the murder (The Editors of

Encyclopaedia Britannica). The actions by Willy Brandt were considered honest because it was

never planned, and even his close aides were as surprised as other people. Brandt also visited

Germany's eastern neighbor and signed the Treaty of Warsaw. Signing the treaty signified that he

had accepted the loss of former German territories in Eastern Europe that had become part of

Poland after world war 2. Brandt played a key role in the reconciliation between the East and the

West, leading to peaceful revolutions between Germany and Poland, reunification, and finally, a

real partnership between the two countries. Brandt's gesture is reflected in Germany's two–euro

coin and greatly inspires people today.

3.2 Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher portrays her ability to handle crises through Iraq's invasion of Kuwait

and the Falklands crisis. She developed a positive relationship with the Soviet leader Mikhail

Gorbachev which was a doorway to the end of the cold war. Thatcher attained victories but was

never generous to those defeated through words or deeds, thus unable to bring harmony

("Margaret Thatcher"). There were damaging features of Thatcher while handling the Gulf

Crisis: the advocacy for using chemical weapons against Iraqi and her secrecy. She saw that

communication with the United States was too important to be shared with the responsible

leaders. Thatcher's use of chemical weapons comes as advice to the government in case Iraq also

used chemical weapons. The way that Thatcher handled the crisis led to her fall because

mismanaging problem led to losing confidence in allies and bypassing proper processes, which

were a danger to the political position.

3.3 Vaclav Havel

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Vaclav Havel depicts true leadership in crisis times as a Czech Republic citizen. Through

Vaclav Havel, Czechoslovakians got liberty from Iron Curtain, marked by lacking political and

civil freedom (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, "Vaclav Havel | Biography, Plays, and

Facts"). Havel used his voice and pen to fight for the well-being of the people of the Czech

Republic. Havel believed leaders could rise beyond their power and interests and act following

the people's interest. Havel also faced several shortcomings during his reign, including economic

difficulties and international tensions. Havel emphasized the importance of dialogue between the

states after the "Velvet Divorce". Floods hit parts of the country, and Vaclav's response was

visiting the victims and mobilizing resources to assist them. Effective communication and

commitment made it possible for the leader to emerge victorious during crises.

3.4 Winston Churchill

During the reign of Winston Churchill, he faces many crises, including military and

domestic turmoil. Churchill believed in union and understood that only united Britain could

secure victory over the Nazis. Other leaders, except Churchill, thought that the only chance

Britain could survive after the defeat of France was begging Hitler for mercy. Churchill's first

action was uniting the nation, which was dispirited (Rosenberg). He was also instrumental in

strengthening the people during a rapidly deteriorating military situation. Churchill spoke to the

government each time, discussing the latest military developments, thus preparing them for the

Nazi onslaught. Churchill understood the risks associated with the war but instilled confidence in

Britain that they would triumph.

4. Moral Character

4.1 Willy Brandt

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During his tenure, people were treated right because Willy Brandt was a man of the

people. Several people conversed with Brandt, and they confirmed that he was a man of humour

and warmth. Brandt's treatment of the people is also realized through the efforts of Brandt to

peace and rebuild ties with East Germany, the Soviet Union, Poland and Czechoslovakia. Brandt

also launched several domestic reforms for the good of the people. He found national and

international policies, which helped him achieve incredible feats (The Editors of Encyclopaedia

Britannica). Mistreatment of people occurs with the Red Army Faction as the main victims. The

terrorists encountered maximum security jail where a number of them and also their leaders were

held. There were also several allegations of improper conduct and infidelity during the time of

Willy Brandt.

4.2 Margaret Thatcher

The treatment of Margaret Thatcher is realized through her cooperation with the Black

and Ethnic Minority (BAME). During her reign, there were consequences for politicians who

stocked up racial hatred through coercive policing. Thatcher openly preached for the

immigration of the black. The speech on immigration and race soared her popularity, and she

was elected prime minister ("Margaret Thatcher"). Margaret Thatcher meant her words because

Britain's inner cities were burning after the election, and she contemplated arming police to quell


During Margaret's reign, it is noted that she hated working people and turned the nation

against them, leading to violence. The market economic policy that she implemented regarding

the free market is believed to be the cause of the financial crisis in the country. Through

Thatcher, the idea of the community was defamed, leading to a more divided society. Margaret

Thatcher's critics claim that her leadership was associated with pitched battles, inner-city riots
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and social unrest caused by the heated poll tax. Her policies induced suffering for many ordinary

working-class people in the country. During her reign, there was mass unemployment due to her

eliminating the manufacturing base. She also used virtual police state methods to suppress people

involved in the strike.

4.3 Vaclav Havel

Havel was able to treat people right through his determination to fight for people's human

rights. The struggles of Havel are easily visible as he was jailed several times by the communist

government while fighting for human rights. Havel advocated for the truth and stood up to a

communist regime, telling lies all day (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, "Vaclav Havel |

Biography, Plays, and Facts"). He paid for the truth by being detained for five years and having

broken health. Havel as the president stood up for open mindedness, toleration and civility for

the humiliated people especially for people like the Romany. A deep concern marked the

political career of Havel for the welfare of the people he served. There are no major allegations

concerning the mistreatment of people by Havel. Havel although supported the American and

British invasion and occupation of Iraq which attracted criticism both home and also abroad.

4.4 Winston Churchill

Through Churchill, Britain and the United States explored the idea of common

citizenship. Churchill is among the people whose virtues and vices have been revealed through

his personality and his role during the war. Churchill motivated citizens of Britain to resist

dictators and their assault on the rest of Europe (Rosenberg). Churchill is also considered a social

reformer because he introduced age pensions and other social innovations in Britain. Winston

Churchill's character is revealed through his ability to engage in public speaking and
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manipulation. His power assisted the country because he could offer morals and manipulate

people into protecting themselves. Churchill was also a skilled writer whose literature had a

lasting impact worldwide.

Mistreatment by Winston Churchill is realized through his actions during the Tonypandy

riots, where he deployed troops to control string miners, which led to the death of one Man.

Churchill also ordered the area bombing of German cities, where tens of thousands of people lost

their lives. Churchill failed to act during the Bengal Feminine, which caused the death of many

Indians. Churchill is known for his colonialist views and controversial comments on race and


5. Argument

The greatest world leaders for the European Mt Rushmore are Willy Brandt, Margaret

Thatcher, Vaclav Havel and Winston Churchill. Categorizing leaders according to greatness is

complex because all leaders have their legacies and shortcomings. According to the analysis, the

listed leaders are the greatest.

Willy Brandt is a key leader of West Germany and is considered to be among the greatest

leaders in Western Europe. During the Cold War, Willy Brandt was instrumental in promoting

social justice and strengthening the relationship between the East and West. Brandt is amongst

the greatest because he went beyond the norm and asked for forgiveness for his people by

kneeling. Considering his status, this was a surprising and intelligent way to ask for forgiveness

where words can fail. It was through that unselfish act that Germany and Poland developed a

reunion and a partnership.

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Margaret Thatcher's name also appears among the greatest; she was the first woman to

lead a political party. During Thatcher's tenure as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, the

state experienced significant political and economic reforms. Margaret Thatcher depicted the

achievements that women can make in politics. She had an uncompromising style of leadership

which gave ladies the courage to participate in politics. She is a great leader despite being

uncompromising because sometimes leadership requires uncompromising. The leader also led

the United Kingdom through various successes, showing the true definition of a great leader.

Vaclav Havel is regarded as the champion of democracy, making him one of the greatest leaders.

Havel was a key figure in Czechoslovakia because he advocated the importance of dialogue

between states. Havel is regarded as a great leader because he fought for the people's freedom,

even though he was not powerful. The leader's true intention for the people is depicted through

several arrests that he encounters, which helps. Vaclav, also a writer, used his pen and voice to

preach against communism, which brought a positive yield. The greatness of the leader shows

that he did not change his ways after ascending to power, and whatever he said, he also practised.

The list of the greatest leaders also includes the British leader Winston Churchill.

Churchill was imperative in world war 2 for the British. He greatly improved the morale of his

people during their lowest times to fight against Hitler. The leader also recorded various other

achievements, including the Nobel Peace Prize, an award given to great people.

Several other leaders are not included in the list of greatness due to several reasons.

Benito Mussolini of Italy is not considered a great leader because of his association with fascism

which led to the alliance between Italy and Germany during world war 2 (Blakemore). World

War 2 was destructive and claimed the lives of many people. Nikita Khrushchev and Leonid

Brezhnev of the Soviet Union were not the greatest leaders because they were associated with
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political repressions and human rights abuse (Gibney). In the Soviet Union, freedom of speech

was suppressed, and dissent was punished. There was no tolerance for independent political

activities involving participation in labor unions, independent churches, private corporations and

opposition parties. The citizens were also limited on their property ownership right and the

freedom of movement, both inside and outside the country. The activists for human rights were

also the subject of harassment and arrests.

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Works Cited

Blakemore, Erin. "Benito Mussolini and the Rise of Fascism in Italy." History, 1 May 2023,

Gibney, Frank B. "Nikita Khrushchev | Biography, Pictures, Cold War, and Facts." Encyclopedia

Britannica, 13 Apr. 2023,


"Margaret Thatcher." HISTORY, 12 Nov. 2020,

Rosenberg, Jennifer. "Biography of Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the UK."

ThoughtCo, Aug. 2019,

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. "Vaclav Havel | Biography, Plays, and Facts."

Encyclopedia Britannica, 11 Apr. 2023,

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. "Willy Brandt | German Statesman." Encyclopedia

Britannica, 13 Apr. 2023,

Wilde, Robert. "Influential Leaders in European History." ThoughtCo, June 2019,

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