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Dar es salaam Institute of Technology

Department of Computer Studies

1st Semester 2022/23

COU 07102: Programming Fundamentals Using C/C++

ASSIGNMENT #1(5 marks), to be submitted on date 3rd of November 2023


i. This work must be printed

ii. Go to the Internet download for free Compiler or any IDE of your interest,
practice it and install in your machine ready for any practical assessments
iii. Question 6 is quite practical carries 4 marks make sure you must be assessed
with it
1. Explain about computer programming language generations
2. What do you understand by the following terms
a) Programming
b) Computer program
c) Programming language
3. With examples give the difference between low level languages and high level languages
as applied in programming.
4. Differentiate between compiler and interpreter in programming.
5. What is the difference between C and C++ programming languages which is above the
other why?
6. Write your first C program to display anything on the console output screen. The text
must be displayed weather horizontally or vertically(with this case you must use escape
7. What are the data types in C\C++ and how are they used?
8. Explain the role of the `main` function in a C\C++ program.
9. What are variables, and how do you declare and initialize them in C\C++?
10. How can you differentiate between constant and variable values in C\C++?
11. Explain the concept of variable scope in C\C++. How do you define local and global
12. What is a function in C\C++, and how do you declare one?
13. Explain the return statement in C\C++ functions. What does it do?

All the best

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