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Written Test

Unit Code: - SITHCCC005

Unit Name: - Prepare dishes using basic
methods of cookery

Assessment for this Unit of Details

Assessment 1 Written Test

Assessment 2 Practical/Observation

Assessment 3

Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 X 2 3

SITHCCC005 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery

Assessment Tasks and Instructions

What will be assessed
The purpose of this assessment is to assess your knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and
performance criteria of this unit:
• major food types and their characteristics:
o dairy products
o dry goods
o frozen goods
o fruit
o general food
 batters
 coatings
 condiments and flavourings
 garnishes
 oils
 sauces
o meat
o poultry
o seafood
o vegetables
• how the major food types are used in different dishes and the effects on them of the different cookery methods
listed in the performance evidence
• meaning and role of mise en place in the process of preparing, cooking and presenting food
• essential culinary terms in, and key principles and practices of, the cookery methods described in the
performance evidence
• contents of stock date codes and rotation labels
• safe operational practices using essential functions and features of equipment used in the above cookery
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
DC Class Room and DC Training Kitchen

Resource Requirements
Pen, paper, calculator
Refer to the Assessment conditions attached to the Futura Group Mapping Document located in
the teacher support tools folder or the “Assessment Conditions” for this unit in the current SIT
Training Package
Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements
You are required to address each question in this assessment. Any shortfalls or wrong responses
may be followed up by your trainer in verbal, written or practical instance.
Once you have completed all questions, check all responses and calculations.
You will be required to complete other relevant assessment tasks for this unit as instructed by your
trainer. All written work must be your own. Any sources of information you access and use for this
assessment must be clearly referenced.

Duke College (DC) Assessment 1, Oct 2017

CRICOS ID: 02564C Version 2.0
RTO ID: 90681 Page 2 of 10
SITHCCC005 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
Your trainer will provide you with instructions for time frames and dates to complete this
assessment. If more space is required for any answer you may attach a separate page containing
your ID number, your name, unit title, unit code and the assessment task number and attach this
page with the current assessment task before submission or alternatively use the back of each paper
with a clear reference to the relevant question(s).
Ensure you check your work and keep a copy before submitting.
You are encouraged to clarify any tasks, requirements or questions you may have with your trainer.
Please note, once the assessor has marked your work they will provide you with feedback

Assessment 1: Written Test

Your task:
Answer all questions below. Each question must be addressed to demonstrate competence.

1. Provide 6 examples of how you would identify the required food quantities to be prepared to enable
you to select ingredients and prepare your mise en place for the shift.
Examples :

2. You have identified the food requirements for the dishes you have to prepare for service. List 3
details you must check when collecting these from storage areas or upon delivery from stores to
ensure quality and freshness and prevent spoilage:
Details to be checked

Duke College (DC) Assessment 1, Oct 2017

CRICOS ID: 02564C Version 2.0
RTO ID: 90681 Page 3 of 10
SITHCCC005 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery

3. Complete the following table relating to the common methods of cookery, providing details for:
 The definition and principles
 a menu example for each method of cookery using protein or dairy as a main ingredient
 a menu example for each method of cookery using vegetables, farinaceous or fruit as a main
Method of Cookery Definition Menu example Meat or Menu example
dairy product vegetable or farinaceous





Duke College (DC) Assessment 1, Oct 2017

CRICOS ID: 02564C Version 2.0
RTO ID: 90681 Page 4 of 10
SITHCCC005 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery



Shallow-frying, sautéing
and stir-frying



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CRICOS ID: 02564C Version 2.0
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SITHCCC005 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery

4. Choose 4 methods of cookery and list the suitable equipment that is used for these (no repetitions)

Method of cookery Equipment used

5. List 5 safety aspects which must be considered for each to prevent injuries when using equipment:
Safety aspects

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CRICOS ID: 02564C Version 2.0
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SITHCCC005 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
6. What are the cleaning requirements and considerations for equipment maintenance to ensure
efficiency during service? What should you inspect when assembling equipment?
Cleaning requirements, maintenance, and inspection for assembly of equipment

7. What are the scales of doneness and temperatures which apply for meat? What are the critical
aspects that need to be considered when cooking pork and poultry products, as well as cooking times
based on weight and type of meats?

English French Internal Temperature

Critical aspects

Duke College (DC) Assessment 1, Oct 2017

CRICOS ID: 02564C Version 2.0
RTO ID: 90681 Page 7 of 10
SITHCCC005 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
8. How does the location of muscle in an animal affect your choice of cookery method for the
preparation of a dish? How does this affect economic aspects in commercial cookery?

The effect of location of muscle in an animal on preparation and cookery method used

9. What is the meaning of cold water start and hot water start when applied to vegetables? Provide
examples and reasons.
Cold water start Hot water start (blanching)

10. Provide 5 aspects which should be applied to ensure even cooking when using a microwave oven.
Provisions for microwave cookery

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SITHCCC005 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery

11. What is the correct procedure for preparing and cooking pulses?

12. Why is teamwork important in a commercial kitchen? Provide examples for typical
communication requirements to ensure efficient preparation, cooking and service of food
Importance of teamwork

Examples for communication requirements

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CRICOS ID: 02564C Version 2.0
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SITHCCC005 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery

13. Lunch service has concluded. You have various foods left, your mise en place and your
workstation needs to be cleaned for the next shift. List the processes required to store left-over
foods correctly and the requirements to clean and sanitise your section to meet food safety

Food Safe Storage requirements Cleaning and Sanitation Specific areas and equipment that
need to be cleaned

Duke College (DC) Assessment 1, Oct 2017

CRICOS ID: 02564C Version 2.0
RTO ID: 90681 Page 10 of 10

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