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St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo, Cebu, Inc.

Sor Dorotea Rubio Street, Bogo City, 6010, Cebu, Philippines

Contact Numbers: (032) 260-1365 or 0967-012-7261
Member: Daughters of Charity – St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC- SLMES)



Directions: Read the items carefully and select the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answer on your answer sheet.

1. What does analyzing literature help us do in terms of valuing other people and
their circumstances?
A. Understand the plot better
B. Gain insight into different perspectives and experiences
C. Improve grammar and vocabulary
D. Write essays more effectively

2. In literature, why is it important to explore diverse characters and their

A.To make the story more interesting
B. To learn about various cultures
C. To simplify the narrative
D. To highlight the protagonist's experiences

3. How can literature encourage empathy and understanding for people from
different walks of life?
A. By avoiding complex characters
B. By promoting stereotypes
C. By depicting relatable characters only
D. By portraying diverse and multi-dimensional characters

4. Which of the following is a key benefit of analyzing literature with a focus on

valuing other people's circumstances?
A. Learning to judge people based on appearances
B. Developing a narrow world view
C. Expanding one's perspective and fostering empathy
D. Avoiding complex themes and issues

5. Why is it important to explore literature from various cultural backgrounds?

A. To reinforce stereotypes
B. To broaden our understanding of different societies and their challenges
C. To exclude different perspectives
D.To promote ethnocentrism

6. What role does literature play in promoting inclusivity and respect for diverse
A. Literature has no impact on inclusivity
B. Literature reinforces prejudices
C. Literature can challenge biases and foster understanding
D. Literature simplifies complex issues

7. When analyzing literature, what should readers look for to gain insight into a
character's diverse circumstances?
A. Superficial traits and appearances
B. Motivations, backgrounds, and challenges
C. Only the actions of the main character
D. The author's personal experiences

8. How does literature contribute to valuing other people and their various
A. By reinforcing stereotypes and prejudices
B. By promoting isolation and exclusion
St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo, Cebu, Inc.
Sor Dorotea Rubio Street, Bogo City, 6010, Cebu, Philippines
Contact Numbers: (032) 260-1365 or 0967-012-7261
Member: Daughters of Charity – St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC- SLMES)

C. By providing windows into different lives and fostering empathy

D. By making us more judgmental and critical

9. Which of the following literary forms is characterized by its structured 14-line

format and often explores themes of love, beauty, and nature?
A. Short story B. Vignette C. Dramatic poetry D. Sonnet

10. In the following passage, which sensory image is used to describe the scene?
“As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the
tranquil lake, the chirping of crickets filled the air, and the scent of freshly
bloomed wildflowers wafted gently on the breeze.”
A. The taste of wildflowers B. The sound of chirping crickets
C. The touch of the setting sun D. The taste of an orange

11. Which literary device is employed in the following sentence: "The thunder roared
like a lion in the distance"?
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Personification D. Alliteration

12. In the phrase, "Her smile was a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day," which literary
device is being used?
A. Hyperbole B.Symbolism C. Onomatopoeia D. Irony

13. What literary device is present in the sentence: "The wind whispered through the
A. Alliteration B. Personification C. Oxymoron D.Hyperbole

14. Which literary device is used in the sentence: "Time flies when you're having
A. Metaphor B. Simile C.Allusion D.Alliteration

15. What is the tone of the author in the following passage?

"In a quaint, serene village nestled among rolling hills, the sun bathes everything
in a warm, golden hue. The laughter of children echoes through the streets, and
the smell of freshly baked bread fills the air. Life here is simple and full of joy."
A. Somber B. Joyful C. Anxious D. Melancholic


Item 1 - This test consists of 3 statements. For each statement, indicate whether it
relates to Anglo-American sonnets (A), dramatic poetry (D), vignettes (V), or short
stories (S). Please mark your answers as follows:

16. Employs a specific rhyme scheme like ABABCDCDEFEFGG.

17. Features dialogue and interactions between characters.
18. Presents a complete narrative arc with a beginning, middle, and end.


19. Determine the Tone in the Following Poem Excerpt:

"The moonlight bathes the world in silver sheen, A tranquil night, where stars
begin to gleam. With whispered secrets in the gentle breeze, The world finds
solace in moments like these."

20. Determine the Mood in the Following Poem Excerpt:

"The tempest rages, thunder's angry roar, As lightning streaks across the
darkened sky. Nature's fury on full display, no more, In chaos, we must find a
way to fly."
St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo, Cebu, Inc.
Sor Dorotea Rubio Street, Bogo City, 6010, Cebu, Philippines
Contact Numbers: (032) 260-1365 or 0967-012-7261
Member: Daughters of Charity – St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC- SLMES)

21. Determine the Technique used in the Following Poem Excerpt:

"Amidst the petals, a single red rose, A symbol of love, grows in the garden. Its
fragrance sweet, its beauty to behold, A story of passion, in verses told."

22. Determine the Purpose in the Following Poem Excerpt:

"In the concrete jungle, where sirens wail, A city's heartbeat, in constant travail.
Amidst the chaos, dreams take flight, The urban canvas, where day turns to


Instructions: Read each statement carefully. Determine whether the statement is true or
false based on your understanding of the concepts presented. Write “True” if you
believe the statement accurately represents the concept or idea described. Write
"False" if you believe the statement does not accurately represent the concept or idea

23. In literature, it's important to express appreciation for sensory imagery when it is
used to enhance the reader's engagement with the text.
24. Foreshadowing is a literary device that hints at future events in a story before
they actually occur.
25. Irony is a literary device in which there is a contrast between what is expected
and what actually happens in a story, often creating humor or surprise.
26. In a persuasive essay with an informative tone, the author's purpose is to
convince the reader to adopt a specific viewpoint.
27. In a poem with a melancholic mood, the author's technique may include the use
of vivid, uplifting imagery to create a sense of hope and optimism.

Test 4 - 28-30 ESSAY

Instructions: Read the following passage and answer the question that follows.

Passage: “In the midst of a lush, sun-dappled forest, the vibrant colors of wildflowers
painted the landscape, and a gentle breeze whispered through the towering trees. The
scent of pine needles mingled with the earthy aroma of damp moss, creating a
symphony of fragrances that embraced your senses. As you walked along the mossy
path, the birds above serenaded you with their melodic songs, their notes dancing in
the air like delicate butterflies.”

How does the author's use of sensory imagery enhance the reader's experience of the
forest scene described in the passage? Please express your appreciation for the
sensory imagery used. (3 points).

"May your efforts in this quarter exam be like seeds sown with diligence, and may they
bear the fruit of success. Embrace the challenge with confidence and give it your best.
Good luck!" - Unknown

Prepared by: Maryjoy C. Pepito Submitted to: Mrs. Hegie C. Anding

St. Louise de Marillac College of Bogo, Cebu, Inc.
Sor Dorotea Rubio Street, Bogo City, 6010, Cebu, Philippines
Contact Numbers: (032) 260-1365 or 0967-012-7261
Member: Daughters of Charity – St. Louise de Marillac Educational System (DC- SLMES)

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