Oumh1303 Jan2012

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CONFIDENTIAL OPEN UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA JANUARY SEMESTER 2012 FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE : ENGLISH FOR ORAL COMMUNICATION CODE : OUMH1303 DATE 2 14 APRIL 2012 DURATION : 1HOUR TIME : 3.30 PM - 4.30 PM INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This question paper is set in ENGLISH. ANSWER in ENGLISH. 2. This question paper consists of PART A only. Read CAREFULLY. 3. Write your answers in the Answer Booklet provided. This question paper consists of 3 PAGES of questions printed on both sides of the paper, excluding this page. PART A INSTRUCTIONS Part A contains TEN questions. Answer ALL. QUESTIONS 1 There are six important components which are present in all communication settings: context, source-receiver, message, channels, noise and effect(s). Describe briefly these THREE components: “message”, “channels” and 2, Explain the difference between intrapersonal communication and interpersonal communication? 3. There are unwritten rules, namely regulative rules and constitutive rules In verbal communication however, these rules are shared and understood by most people. Describe each rule briefly and give an example for each rule, 4 While communicating with another, some people experience day dreaming. Therefore, they may hear what is around them but they do not listen to what is being conveyed to them by their partners. Differentiate hearing from listening (6) (6) (6) (6) Effective communication enhances our oral communication skills. Provide SIX tips for active listening. (6) When listening to a speech or lecture, we should look for some markers or signals to help us understand the speech easily. Match each item in BOX A with a corresponding in item in BOX B BOXA ~~ BOXB 1. Infact... a. To show contrast 2. However... 'b. To show uncertainty | 3. Tbeliev . To show emphasis 4. In addition « To show own viewpoint 3. e. To show addition 6. To show strong opinion (6) When we conclude a speech, we can choose any of these approaches: straight conclusion, summary or recapture and invite participation, Provide two phrases or expressions for each approach below: a, Straight conclusion i. b. Summary or recapture c. Invite participation (6) een reer ee errr rere reer aS 8. Identify which of the following expressions that you would use to show these meanings: disagreement ‘agreement iterruption support Name the meaning of each expression below: a. Let me give an example. .......... b. Tam afraid not. I can’t disagree with you anymore: 1 say this because: e. understand what you mean, but...: f. Yes indeed, I like your idea: (6) 9. In public speaking, some speakers choose to use Audio-Visual aids to accompany their speeches. Provide THREE advantages of using Audio- Visual aids in public spe: (6) 10. A research found that the amount of information that audience will take from our speech will come from the following: 7% text, 38% vocal, and 55% visual. Explain why audio visuals are important in public speaking or lecture. (6) [Total: 60 marks} END OF QUESTION PAPER

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