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I am a student who is very passionate about sports, psychology, design and technology.

very difficult for me to decide what and where I want to study in the future but I have narrowed it
down a little bit. I do not want to study in Iceland and I want to study something related to my
passions. English is very important for me as I will need it to study abroad. If I go somewhere
that is not an English speaking country I can utilize my English until I have learned the language
of that country. English is also important when it comes to sharing and communicating your
work with the world as most people have at least a small understanding of English.

I think I’m very good at learning languages and I’m also athletic. I love sports and I want to study
at a school where I can also practice volleyball at a high level like I do here in Iceland. I also
want to try other sports so it is very important to me that the school I go to has or is located near
sports clubs. My English has been quite good since I was little because I used to watch a lot of
English media as a child. I’m very confident in my speaking, reading and vocabulary and quite
confident in my writing although it is not as good as my speaking.

Sources, citations and paraphrasing in essays is something I’m not quite used to, I haven’t
written that many essays so I’m still getting the hang of it. I know how to use sources but I get a
bit confused when it comes to citing them directly in a text.

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence tool which can be used for many things. I have personally
never used it but I will probably end up checking it out sometime. I just don’t really like the idea
of artificial intelligence that much but I do think it can be useful.

The grade I’m aiming for in this class is an eight or higher and I hope to achieve that by
studying, revising and giving myself enough time to write good essays. I will ask for help when I
don’t understand something and I won’t procrastinate, instead I will do as much learning I can at
school to minimize the amount I have to study at home.

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