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To quantify the prevalence and frequency of specific challenges faced by college students,

such as academic stress, financial constraints, social isolation, and mental health issues.

2. To measure the impact of these challenges on college students' academic performance,

as indicated by their grade point average (GPA) or exam scores.

3. To assess the relationship between specific challenges and college students' mental

health outcomes, such as levels of anxiety, depression, and stress.

4. To examine the association between the availability and utilization of support systems

(e.g., counseling services, academic resources) and college students' perceived ability to cope with


5. To compare the experiences and challenges faced by different demographic groups (e.g.,

gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status) of college students.

6. To evaluate the effectiveness of existing interventions or support programs in mitigating

the challenges faced by college students, using outcome measures such as self-reported satisfaction,

improvement in academic performance, or reduction in stress levels.

7. To identify any significant differences in the challenges and coping mechanisms reported

by college students across different academic disciplines or majors.

8. To explore the relationship between college students' perceived social support and their

ability to navigate challenges successfully.

9. To examine the long-term impact of the challenges faced by college students on their

overall well-being and future career prospects.

10. To generate data-driven recommendations for colleges, universities, and policymakers to

develop targeted interventions and support systems to address the specific challenges faced by college


1. Please indicate your gender:

a) Male

b) Female

c) Non-binary

d) Prefer not to say

2. What is your age?

a) 18-20

b) 21-24

c) 25-29

d) 30 or above

3. Which of the following challenges have you experienced during your college journey?

Please select all that apply:

a) Academic stress and pressure

b) Financial constraints

c) Time management difficulties

d) Social isolation or loneliness

e) Mental health issues (e.g., anxiety, depression)

f) Lack of support systems

g) Difficulties in adjusting to college life

h) Other (please specify)

4. On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate the severity of the challenges you have faced during your

college journey:

1 - Not severe at all

2 - Somewhat severe

3 - Moderately severe

4 - Very severe

5 - Extremely severe

5. How do you perceive these challenges have impacted your academic performance?

a) They significantly hindered my academic performance

b) They somewhat hindered my academic performance

c) They had no noticeable impact on my academic performance

d) They somewhat improved my academic performance

e) They significantly improved my academic performance

6. Have you sought any form of support or assistance for the challenges you have faced

during your college journey?

a) Yes

b) No

7. If you answered "Yes" to question 6, please indicate the type(s) of support or assistance

you have sought:

a) Academic counseling or tutoring

b) Financial aid or scholarships

c) Mental health counseling or therapy

d) Peer support groups or mentorship

e) Time management workshops or resources

f) Other (please specify)

8. How satisfied are you with the support or assistance you have received for the challenges

you faced?

a) Very satisfied

b) Satisfied

c) Neutral

d) Dissatisfied

e) Very dissatisfied

9. On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate your overall well-being during your college journey:

1 - Very poor

2 - Poor

3 - Average

4 - Good

5 - Excellent

10. How do you perceive the effectiveness of the support or assistance you have received in

addressing the challenges you faced?

a) It significantly helped me overcome the challenges

b) It somewhat helped me overcome the challenges

c) It had no noticeable impact on overcoming the challenges

d) It somewhat hindered my ability to overcome the challenges

e) It significantly hindered my ability to overcome the challenges

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