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I. PART. Short Answer. 11 Pts
A) Instructions: Listen to Josh and Andre talk about raising money for their school. Choose T
(true) or F (false) based on the conversation.

Conversation # 1
1. Josh is going to do yard work. T F
2. Luigi is going to wash windows. T F
3. Andrea says that walk dogs is easy. T F
4. Josh is going to bake sale. T F
5. Babysitting is easy work. T F

Conversation # 2

1. Mandy and Kevin are going to babysit T F

2. Andrea isn’t going to do yard work T F
3. Luigi and Emely are going to watch the cars. T F
4. Felipe is going to walk dogs T F
5. Josh and Martha are going to work at the bake sale. T F
6. Justin and Vince are going to build windows. T F

II. Part. Matching. 9 Pts

A. Instructions: Listen to Andrea and her brother and sister have a birthday surprise for
their father. Listen and match the chores to the correct names. Numbers can be
repeated. There are 3 extra options.

Column A Column B

 Do yard work ( ) 1. Fernando

 Clean the garage ( )
 Paint the room ( )
 Wash the car ( ) 2. Bruna
 Walk the dog ( )
 Make breakfast ( )
 Organize books ( ) 3. Andrea
 Make dinner ( )
 Repair his laptop ( )

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