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“Lamb to the Slaughter”

1. tranquil: calm, peaceful (adj.); tranquility (n.); tranquilly (adv.); tranquilizer (n.)/tranquilize (v.) DO
2. punctual: on time; not late (adj.); punctually (adv.); punctuality (n.); punctualness (n.)
3. blissful: extremely happy (adj.); bliss (n.); blissfully (adv.) “bliss out” (slang) DO NOT USE!
4. luxuriate: to take great pleasure; to indulge oneself (v.); luxuriation (n.)
5. bewildered: confused (adj.) – PARTICIPLE + bewildering; bewilderedly/bewilderingly (adv.);
bewilder (v.); bewilderment/bewilderedness (n.)
6. peculiar: strange; unusual (adj.); peculiarly (adv.); peculiarity (n.)
7. frantic: excited with strong emotion or frustration (adj.); frantically (adv.); franticness (n.)
8. congealed: turned from liquid to solid (adj.) – PARTICIPLE; congeal (v.); congealable (adj.);
congealment (n.); congealer (n.)
9. exasperated: extremely annoyed; irritated (adj.) – PARTICIPLE + exasperating;
exasperatedly/exasperatingly (adv.); exasperate (v.); exasperation (n.); exasperator (n.)
10. consoling: providing comfort (adj.) – PARTICIPLE; consolingly (adv.); consolable (adj.);
consolatory (adj.); consolation (n.); consoler (n.); console (v.)
PARTICIPLE: a verb acting like an adjective; two types: 1.past participle, 2. present participle

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