Rizma Fitriatuzzahroh-UTS SCIENTIFIC WRITING

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An analysis of the development of students' speaking skills using the information

gap method in grade VII students of SMP X

Rizma Fitriatuzzahroh


English Education Study Programs Teachers Training and Education Faculty

Muhammadiyah University Of Tangerang

A. Background of the research

English is one of the most spoken languages in the world. Most
people think English is an important language that must be mastered to
participate in modern life. Currently, English is also used in several
aspects of life such as education, entertainment, etc. Given the importance
of English, most people try to get information through receptive skills,
namely listening and reading, as well as productive skills, namely
speaking and writing.
According to Brown and Yuke (1983), “Speaking is the skill that
the students will be judged upon most in real life situations.” So, speaking
is an ability that everyone has that is used as a tool to communicate with
other people in everyday life. Speaking skills can also be developed
through classroom learning, such as playing games, getting used to reading
books, and so on. Speaking skill is a productive skill, which is an ability
that involves the production of messages.
According to Bueno, Madrid, and Mclaren (2006: 321), “ Speaking
is one of the most difficult skill language learners have to face. Speaking is
a skill that is easily practiced by everyone, because this ability is often
used every day. Examples of speaking skills are public speaking, telling
stories, gibbling, etc. There are several methods to explore speaking skills,
namely role plays, story telling, information gaps, etc.
According to Harmer, (2007; 223) state that information gap
activity is an activity wheren learners are missing the information they
need to complete a task and need to talk to each other to find it.
Information gap is a method for student learning where students are made
into pairs to complete work. Information gaps provide opportunities for
students to play happily with friends during class hours. In addition,
students are given 1 picture with a theme, then students start a
conversation with friends according to the theme obtained from the
B. The Identification of the problem
1. The students are low n teaching speaking
2. The students can meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara dengan metode
informasi gap

C. The Formulation of the Problem

1. Does using the information gap method make it easier for students to
improve speaking skills?
2. train students to learn speaking and communicate with friends
D. The Objective of the Study

In the formulation of the esearch problem above, the study aim :

To improve students' speaking skills using the information gap method in
grade VII students of SMP X

E. The Significant of the study

1. For the researcher
Researchers examined and found out students' speaking abilities using
the information gap method
2. For the teacher
The teacher knows the right way to practice students' speaking skills
3. For the students
using this method, it is easier for students to practice speaking skills
and practice with friends becomes easier and more fun
4. For other researcher
To other researchers, maybe you can get other information to improve
speaking skills

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