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Beneath a sky of twilight gold, Where shadows lengthen, secrets unfold, I wander

through a whispering wood, Where ancient trees in silence brood.

The leaves, once verdant, now aflame, In shades of amber, whisper my name. A gentle
breeze, a rustling sigh, As secrets dance on wings of night.

A lone owl calls, a mournful sound, Echoing through the hallowed ground. Stars begin
their silent climb, Diamonds scattered on the sands of time.

In this hushed realm, where shadows play, My thoughts like fireflies take flight and
stray. Dreams ignite in embers bright, Lost in the magic of the night.

So let me wander, hand in hand, With whispers of this timeless land. For in the
darkness, I find my way, And in the silence, hear my own heart say:

"Though shadows fall and darkness deepens, Hope's embers burn, and my spirit leaps.
For in this dance of star and moon, I find my peace, beneath the night's sweet tune."

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