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Name : Rizma Fitriatuzzahroh

Nim : 2088203068

Class : 7a2



a. Struggle
Indonesia : Berjuang
Part of speech : Verba
Pronounce : ˈstrʌg.əl
Definition : to try very hard to do, achieve, or deal with
something that is difficult or that causes problems
Example : I struggled with understanding the use of
Synonim : Fight

b. Prominent
Indonesia : Menonjol
Part of speech : Adjective
Pronounce : ˈprɒm.ɪ.nənt
Definition : standing out or projecting beyond a surface or line
Example : were prominent in the session material
Synonim : Protruding

c. Incorporating
Indonesia : Menggabungkan
Part of speech : Verba
Pronounce : ɪnˈkɔː.pər.eɪt
Definition : the legal process used to form a corporate entity or
Example : I feel confident about incorporating these elements
into my writing.
Synonim : Combine

d. Grasp
Indonesia : Mencengkeram
Part of speech : Verba
Pronounce : grɑːsp
Definition : seize and hold firmly.
Example : to improve my grasp of this structure
Synonim : Understanding

e. Emphasising
Indonesia : Menekankan
Part of speech : Verba
Pronounce : ˈem.fə.saɪz
Definition : To give emphasis to; stress: She emphasized that
the matter was urgent.
Example : emphasising the most important information first
Synonim : Emphasize



There are 5 styles analysis of news writing :

a. Headline
Headline (the clarity and concisesness assessment) Is evaluate whether
the headline is cleare and concise, adhering to the news.
b. Lead/Opening paragraph
Engangement and inverted pyramid is analyze the lead for its ability to
engage the reader and follow the inverted pyramid structure,
emphasising the most important information first.
c. Tone and voice
Tone analysis is examine the tone to understand how it influences the
overall impact of the article.
The author’s voice is analyze the authors voice to identify its effect on
reader engagement and alignment with the article's subject matter.
d. Language and vocabulary
Clarity and precision evaluate the language used for clarity and
e. Quotes and attribution
The sourcing and credibility: check for quotes and assess their
relevance, aligning with principles of sourcing and credibility in

The organization of ideas analysis, there are:

1. Paragraph structure
2. Use of subheading
3. Logical sequence
4. Transition
5. Inclusion of multimedia
6. Conclusion, and
7. Recommendations

Today's meeting is material about language learning logs, news writing
style analysis, and the organization of ideas analysis.
The first is about learning logs, in the material, students must write their
name, date, and session material, then in the point of the material, the first
is language features, in the section, the student and teacher can reflect on
specific language features they encountered during the session. Second,
grammar, the student teacher can focus on grammar-related observations
and insights. Third, in Vocabulary usage, in the section, the student
teacher records new vocabulary words or phrases encountered during the
section material. Fourth, in the Summary session evaluation, the student
teacher can provide an evaluation of the session. The last is reflection and
application, in this part, the student-teacher can reflect on how they plan to
apply what they’ve learned from the session.
The next material is about News writing style analysis there are five styles,
Headline, Lead, Tone and Voice, Language and Vocabulary, Quotes, and
Attribute. The last material is about The Organisation of ideas analysis
paragraph structure, Use of subheadings, Logical sequence, Transitions,
Inclusion and Multimedia, conclusion, and Recommendation.

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