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NIM : 2088203068


Language Learning Log Rubric For Blog Buddy

Student Pseudonym Name: Muhammad Nurzulham

Date: November 07, 2023

Session Material : Assosiated press style and APA style reference: Common
Types Example

1. Vocabulary used in blogger writing is excellent (5) because the writer

uses vocabulary that is appropriate and can be understood by readers.
Sentence structure that is in accordance with grammar.
2. Reflection and Application written by the author is excellent (5) because
after reading, readers can understand and know the understanding of the
material and have an overview of the material.
3. Summary Session Evaluation written by the author is excellent (5),
because from the summary, readers can understand and understand the
important things from the material.

Comment: For me, the blogger's writing is perfect and can be understood
by readers. The grammar is good and the summary is very clear.
Overall Rating: 9

News Writing Style Analysis Rubric For Blog Buddy

1. Headline: is excellent (5) because the headline is very good and

interesting to read.
2. Lead: excellent (5) because the writing of the lead written by the writer is
very clear which is related to 5W + 1H. So, readers who read the news
writing can better understand the news.
3. Tone and Voice: is excellent (5) because the delivery of the news
presented is very clear and the writer really understands the news.
4. Language features and Vocabulary are excellent (5) because in the news
the use of language features is very good, and the vocabulary used is also
easy to understand.
5. Quotes and Attribution are excellent (5) because the quotes in the news
are written using quotes from sources that are very clear.
Comment: The overall news writing is very clear and can be understood
by readers. The headline is interesting and still new news.
Overal Rating: 9

The Organisation Of Ideas (News Writing Style) Analysis Rubric For Blog

1. Paragraph Structure: is excellent (5) because the arrangement of

paragraphs is in accordance with the learned structure and is easy for
readers to understand.
2. Topic Sentence: is excellent (5) Because the writer chooses a topic that is
new and not boring. In addition, the writer also understands the content of
the news.
3. Use of subheading: is excellent (5) because the use of the title used by the
author is interesting because it is effective in attracting the attention of
4. Logical Sequence: is excellent (5) because the order of the news arranged
by the author is good, logical, and complies with good and correct news
5. Transition: is excellent (5) because the writer has realized his role as a
writer and found a good idea to create news on the topic.
6. Inclusion of Multimedia: is excellent (5) because The writer applies clear
photos in the news writing, so that readers can see the situation written in
the news.
Conclusion: The conclusion of this news analysis is that the writing used
by the news writer is commonly understood by readers, because the writer
composes sentences with language that is easy to understand.
Recommendations: Readers recommend writers to pay more attention to
news writing, one of which is using the inverted phyramid that has been
explained in the previous material.
Overall Rating : 9

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