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Course/Section: BSCE 3 -YA -1 Date: OCT 17,2023

Week 7 Activity


1. You approach a traffic intersection in Quezon City, and you notice a sign with a picture of

pedestrian crossing. Describe the actions you should take when you encounter this sign?

(Min. of 200 words)

What I would do is stop and wait for someone to cross the pedestrian and wait it out but when threes
traffic and then I see people waiting to cross then I will give them time to cross so they can cross
immediately and when it comes to the people When walking on and around a road, pedestrians
need to be careful and alert. Motorists are often distracted by watching other vehicles and
may not see a person crossing a road until it is too late. Even at low speeds a motorcycle, car
or truck can cause serious injury and death.
Pedestrians can reduce their risk of being involved in a traffic crash by wearing high visible
clothing, crossing roads in clear areas away from cars, trees or other things that obscure
drivers view of them, by picking a safe route to their destination and being alert and aware.
Drivers should reduce their speed and move away from the curb to allow pedestrians to step
out safely. Motorists should also be particularly careful around intersections with traffic
lights or pedestrian crossings and not turn in front of a person crossing the road.
2. As you enter Pasay City, you notice an information sign with an image of an airplane and
an arrow pointing to the right. What does this sign indicate, and what location or facility is
it directing you to? (Min of 200 words)

My immeditat thought is that theres an airport nearby and most likely a plane is lnding on the run but
usually Located at taxiway entrances to runways, these signs function like stop signs at nontowered
airports, and more like traffic lights at towered airports. At nontowered airports upon reaching the sign,
stop, look, and listen before taking the active runway. At towered airports, this sign marks the location
where airplanes must hold short of the runway for clearance to enter or cross. Shown as a pair of runway
numbers separated by a dash, the sign is oriented for cockpit perspective: 8/26 tells the pilot that the
threshold of Runway 8 is to her left while the threshold of Runway 26 is to her right. If there were a
taxiway in exactly the same position on the opposite side of the same runway, the sign there would read
26/8. When the taxiway intersects the beginning of the runway, a single runway number may be shown
instead. In cases where a taxiway connects to a runway intersection, both runways will be shown with
pointer arrows indicating the directions of the thresholds

3. Imagine that you are in rush while driving along a narrow one-way street in Makati.
Suddenly, you see double yellow lines running along the center of the road. What do these
double yellow lines mean, and how you should respond when you encounter them?

The yellow double road means you are not able overtaken but If you see a double solid yellow line, it
means you're in a no-passing zone. Which means it is strictly prohibited to overtake or counter-flow, as
doing so is highly likely to result in an accident. You will commonly see this marking on bridges and on
blind curves. Do not gamble with anyone's life. Trust the road engineers and designers. They put that
marking there for a reason. It's not for cosmetic purposes and I would respond by sticking to te rules and
not to overtake and let people behind me to the same thing.

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