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TEXTBOOK: English 10 Global Success

UNIT 1: Family life

LESSON 2: Language (page: 9,10)


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Language competences
 Cognition:
• Pronounce the consonant blends /br/, /kr/, and /tr/ correctly in individual words and in sentences
• Understand and use some lexical items about family life
• Distinguish between present simple and present continuous

 Skills:
• talk about things that happened regularly
• talk about things happening at the time of speaking
2. General Competences
 Self-control & independent learning: perform individual tasks
 Communication and collaboration: work in pairs to perform tasks
3. Attributes
 Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks
 Diligence: complete tasks
 Responsibility: develop a sense of responsibility for helping their families
 Pronunciation: the consonant blends /br/, /kr/ and /tr/
 Vocabulary: breadwinner, housework, groceries, homemaker, heavy lifting …
 Grammar and Structure: Past simple and Past continuous
1. Teacher
 General education program 22– Foreign Languages
 Reference teaching materials: Textbooks, teacher’s book, activity book,...
 Teaching aids: board, pictures, audio files ...
 Assessment tools: Observation sheets, rubrics.
2. Students
 Textbooks, pencils.

Performance tasks Performance products Assessment tools

Doing task 1, 2 Ss’ answers Observation


Time Stages/Activities Procedure Interactions
2 Lead-in/Warm-up * Aim: generating Ss’ interest in the topic
* Content: asking and answering questions
* Products: Ss’ answers
* Steps:
- T asks Ss: T <--> Ss
 Do you often share the housework with your
 If yes, what do you do you?

7 Pronunciation * Aim: helping Ss pronounce and identify the

Analysis consonant blends /br/, /kr/, and /tr/
* Content: asking and answering questions
* Products: Ss’ pronunciation and awareness of the
3 different consonant blends /br/, /kr/, and /tr/
* Steps:
- T sticks the the following pictures to the board, and T <--> Ss
asks Ss to describe each picture with a word.
 How many pictures are there?
 What is it?

1. bread 2. breakfast

3. Ice-cream 4. crab

5. tree 6. train

- Simultaneously, T writes the words

- T points to the words (e.g: bread and breakfast) and T <--> Ss
asks Ss to identify the similarities between them.
 Do these words sound the same or different?
 These words sound the same at the beginning
or at the end?
- T points to the words (bread, crab, tree) and asks Ss
to identify the differences between them?
 “ Do these words sound the same or
 “Do these words sound different at the
beginning or the end?”
- T introduces 3 different consonants blends
 How many consonant blends are there?
- T asks Ss to repeat the words in chorus.
- T asks Ss to repeat individually.
6 Practice 1 * Aim: helping Ss practice the consonant blends /br/,
/kr/, and /tr/ in individual words
* Content: completing task 1 page 9 in textbook
* Products: Ss’ pronunciation and awareness of the
3 different consonant blends /br/, /kr/, and /tr/
* Steps:
- T calls out 1 student to read the questions
 What will we do in Exercise 1? T <--> Ss
- T plays the recording and asks Ss to listen to the
words and repeat; tell them to pay attention to the
consonant blends.
- T makes sure Ss know the meaning of each word.
CCQs: T <--> Ss
 How many words do we have?
 Breadwinner is a person making money or
taking care of the house?
 Is it dangerous when crashing a car?
 Crane is used for lifting heavy things or light
 Is train a public transportation?
- T asks Ss to repeat the words individually
Audio script – Track 3
/br/ /kr/ /tr/
breadwinner crash track
breakfast crane tree
brown cream train

Practice 2 * Aim: helping Ss identify and distinguish the

consonant blends /br/, /kr/, and /tr/ in sentences.
* Content: completing task 2 page 9 in textbook
* Products: Ss’ awareness of the 3 different
consonant blends /br/, /kr/, and /tr/ (tại vì ko repeat)
* Steps:
- T calls out 1 student to read the questions T <--> Ss
- T asks Ss to read all the words once, paying
attention to the different consonant blends in the
words in each group.
- T plays the recording for Ss to listen and circle the
words with the consonant blends they hear.
 1,2,3 Start
- Simultaneously, T writes number 1,2,3 in the board.
- T calls out 2 Ss to come on the board and write
their answers
- Simultaneously, T asks the others to share their
answers and explain why they chose them.
- T confirms right answers on the board.
Simultaneously, T shows scripts
- T checks how well Ss have done by asking “Do
you have similar answers with your friends/ Who has
3 correct answers please raise your hands”
- T plays the recording again, pausing after each
sentence, for Ss to repeat.
 Every one now you listen again, repeat after
the audio
Key: 1. b 2. c 3. a
Audio script - Track 4:
1. I'm worried he's going to crash his car.
2. The train is moving fast.
3. I usually have bread for breakfast.
10 Vocabulary * Aim: helping Ss distinguish and understand the
Task 1 meanings of some Family life words introduced in
Getting Started
* Content: completing task 1 page 10
* Products: Ss’ awareness of the meanings of the
learnt vocabulary.
* Steps:
- T calls out 1 student to read the questions T <--> Ss
 What do we have to match?
 How many words are there?
- T makes sure Ss understand these words:
 Do you wash the dishes? Washing dishes is
housework? Yes or no?
 How often do you help your mom with
 In your family who is the breadwinner?
 Tell me 2 examples of groceries.
 Homemaker is a person making money or
taking care of the house?
 It you want to do heavy lifting, do you need
to be strong?
- T has Ss work pairs to complete Exercise 1 in 2 S <--> S
 Do you work alone or in pairs
 How much time do you have?
- Simultaneously, T writes number 1,2,3,4,5 on the
- T calls out 2 Ss to write on the board writing their
- Simultaneously, T asks the others to share their
answers and explain why they chose them.
- T confirms right answers on the board.
- T checks how well Ss have done by asking “Do
you have similar answers with your friends/ Who has
3 correct answers please raise your hands”
1. b
Task 2 2. d
3. e
4. a
5. c
* Aim: helping Ss apply the learnt vocabulary in
meaningful sentences.
* Content: completing task 2 page 10
* Products: Ss’ awareness of the meanings of the
learnt vocabulary at sentence-level.
* Steps:
- T calls out 1 student to read the questions T <--> Ss
 How many sentences are there?
 You have to complete 5 sentences with 5
these words
- T tells them to read the sentences carefully. T
explains that they should notice the keywords (e.g.:
my mother’ in sentence 1 refers to a person.)
 My mother in sentence refers to a person or a
thing or an action
 In 5 these words, which words describe a
- T has Ss work in pairs in 2 minutes.
 Do you work alone or in pairs
 How much time do you have?
- T asks 2 Ss to come to the board and write the
- Simultaneously, T asks the others to share their
answers and explain why they chose them
- T confirms right answers with the whole class.
- T checks how well Ss have done by asking “Do
you have similar answers with your friends/ Who has
5 correct answers please raise your hands”
1. homemaker
2. groceries
3. heavy lifting
4. housework
5. breadwinner

5 Grammar *Aim: helping Ss revise and distinguish the form and

Analysis the meaning of the Present simple and Present
(meaning and form) continuous
* Content: asking and answering questions
* Products: Ss’ awareness of forms and meaning
* Steps:
- T tells Ss look at him/her, asks: T <--> Ss
 Can you guess what I do after I wake up?
(using body language)
- T sticks example to the board: “ After I wake up,
brush my teeth and eat breakfast”
- T emphasize it happens everyday, again and again.
 Do I do that every day?
 Is that a habit?
- T chooses 1 S and asks “What do you usually do
after you wake up” (Ss’possible answers: I usually
brush my teeth and eat breakfast)
- T says” She brushes her teeth and eats breakfast
every day”
- T emphasize it happens everyday, again and again.
 Does she do that every day?
 Is that a habit?

- T asks Ss
 “What time is it?”
 “What we are doing right now”?
- T points 1 Student and asks others “What is she
doing now?”
- T says: She is studying”
 Is she studying now?
- T asks Ss to to form the structure by finding where
the subjects/ verbs are
 Where is the subject?
 Where is the verb?
 What is the difference between brush and
5 Practice 1 * Aim: helping Ss revise and distinguish the forms
and meaning of the Present simple and the Present
continuous through sentence-level practice.
* Content: completing task 1 in textbook
* Products: Ss’ awareness of forms and meaning at
* Steps: T <--> Ss
- T asks Ss to choose the correct form of the verb
in each sentence. T explains that they can notice
some keywords in the sentence such as adverbs of
frequency or phrases of time
(1: usually; 2: now; 3: every day; 4: today; 5: twice
a week.)
 What adverbs of frequency can you see in
 Usually means you do that again and
again or do that right now.
- T asks Ss to work in pairs in 2 minutes. S <--> S
 Do you work alone or in pairs
 How much time do you have?
- T calls out 2 Ss to write on the board writing their
- Simultaneously, T asks the others to share their
answers and explain why they chose them. (using the
clues above).
- T confirms right answers on the board. (using the T <--> Ss
clues above).
- T checks how well Ss have done by asking “Do
you have similar answers with your friends/ Who has
5 correct answers please raise your hands”
1. does
2. is putting out
3. cleans
4. is studying
5. does
5 Practice 2 * Aim: helping Ss remember the forms and meaning
of the Present simple and the Present continuous
through paragraph-level practice.
* Content: completing task 2 page 10 in textbook
* Products: Ss’ awareness of forms and meaning at
* Steps:
- T asks Ss to look at Remember box again to master
the differences between Present simple and Present
continuous. T <--> Ss
- T asks Ss to work in pairs in 3 minutes to complete
Exercise 2
 Do you work alone or in pairs S <--> S
 How much time do you have?
- T asks Ss to read text once and underline time
- T check Ss’ answers and asks them to explain their
choices (using the clues above).
- T checks how well Ss have done by asking “Do T <--> Ss
you have similar answers with your friends/ Who has
5 correct answers please raise your hands”
1. does 2. is not/isn’t doing
3. is watching 4. are doing
5. is tidying up 6. is trying

5 Consolidation * Aim: help students memorise the vocabulary and

grammar points they have learnt
* Content: asking and answering questions
* Products: Ss’ answers T <--> Ss
* Steps:
- T asks:
 What have you learnt today?
 Could you tell me the word have /br/, /kr/ and
- T shows pictures and asks Ss to describe.
 What is he doing ?
 Where is she? What is she shopping for?
 Who is he/she in a family? A breadwinner or
a homemaker?

heavylifting groceries

breadwinner homemaker

1 Homework Steps: T <--> Ss

- T remind Ss to do
+ Exercises in the workbook
+ Prepare for lesson 3 Unit 1.

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