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MCQ by Dr. Sanjeev Padvi

1. The __________ act as a climate divide?
a. The Karakoram.
b. The Himalayas.
c. The Aravalli.
d. The Western Ghats.
Ans: b
2. What is the fall in temperature by one degree centigrade for every 166m increase in
altitude known as?
a) Normal fall rate.
b) Normal lapse rate.
c)Regular lapse rate
d) None of the above.
Ans: b.
3. The deflection of winds and ocean currents after crossing equator is due to…….?
A) Due to Gravitational force. B. Due to Coriolis Effect.
C. Earth’s magnetic force. d. Due to centripetal force.
Ans: b.
4. Why does Jaipur experience an extreme climate?
a. It lies far away from seas.
b) It lies between the Tropic of Cancer and Equator
c) It is influenced by the SW and the temperate cyclones.
d) It gets rainfall for 6 months and has hot climate.
Ans: a.
5 The type of climate experienced during October in Eastern Coastal region of India…?
a)Tropical cyclonic type
. Tropical monsoon type.
C. Temperate Monsoon type.
d. Subtropical monsoon.
Ans: a
6 Which local winds are beneficial to coffee crop?
a. Cherry blossom.
b. Norwester
C. Mango Showers.
D. Premonsoon winds.
Ans: a.
7 The pre monsoon winds in Karnataka are known as ….
a. Cherry blossom.
b. Norwester
C. Mango Showers.
D. Premonsoon winds.
Ans: a.
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8 Ahmedabad is hotter than Ooty because

a) It is away from the Equator.
b) It lies at the high altitude.
c) The receives snowfall.
d) Ooty is located at higher altitude than Ahmedabad.
Ans: D.
9 Kalbaisakhi is a…..?
a. Rain is good for Tea and Jute but harmful to life and property
b. Look good for Tea and Jute but harmful to life and property.
c. Tropical cyclone good for Tea and Jute but harmful to life and property.
d. Temperate cyclone good for Tea and Jute but harmful to life and property.
Ans: a.
10 This rain is good for rabi crops in Punjab.
A. Jet Streams.
B. Loo.
C. Western Disturbance.
D. Norwester.
Ans: c
11. The Arabian branch of SW monsoons is directed towards
A. Godavari valley and Coromandel Coast
B. Ganga plains
C. Indus plains and Brahmaputra valley.
D. Aravalli and Kutch.
Correct Answer: B
12 The Western Disturbance originates in_______________?
A. The Arabian Sea.
b. The Mediterranean Sea.
c. The bay of Bengal.
d. The Red Sea.
Ans: b
13 Which of the following receives rain from the NE monsoon winds?
a. Tuticorin and Chennai.
b. Chennai and Haldia.
c. Chennai and Paradweep.
d. Chennai and Patna.
Ans: a
14 Shimla is not hot even in the month of May.
A. Located interior of India
B. Coastal location in tropical region.
C. Western Ghats block the cold winds.
D. It’s n the higher altitude.
Ans: D
15 Coriolis force is due to the Earth’s ….?
a. Rotation.
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b. Revolution.
c. Gravitation.
d. None of the above.
Ans: a
16 The Tropical cyclonic depressions building over the Andaman sea is in the month of?
(a) September
(b) October.
(c) November
(d) December
Ans: b
17 Loo originates in which of the following states?
a. Maharashtra.
b. Gujarat.
c. Rajasthan.
d. West Bengal.
Ans: c
18 What’s the benefits of the pre monsoon showers to Maharashtra…..?
(a) Helps in the cultivation of rice crop.
(b) Helps in the cultivation of jute crop.
(c) Helps in the cultivation of beverage crops.
(d) Ripening of mangoes.
Ans: d
19 The source of winter rainfall in Coromandal coast India is:
(a) NE Monsoon winds
(b) Temperate cyclones from the Mediterranean Sea.
(c) Tropical cyclones from the Caspian Sea.
(d) SW monsoons blowing over the Bay of Bengal.
Ans: a.
20 The factor affecting the climate of coastal regions is
(a) Nearness to the large Water body
(b) Rainfall.
(c) Global warming effect
(d) All the above
Ans: a
21 Loo is ….
(a) The hot, dusty and dry winds blowing in the North Indian plains during summer.
(b) The hot, and humid winds blowing in the North Indian plains during summer.
(c) The thunderstorm winds blowing in the North Indian plains during summer.
(d) Kalbaisakhi.
Ans: B
22 Which of the following is the characteristic of rainfall in India?
a. Erratic.
b. Irregular.
c. Unevenly distributed.
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d. All the above.

Ans: d.
23 The direction of the, monsoon winds in winter is….
a. North-east to SW.
b. South-west to North East.
c. North-west to South
d. South east to North west.
Ans: a
24 El Nino is a warm water current in which of the following oceans?
a. The Pacific.
b. The Atlantic.
c. The Indian.
d. The Arctic.
Ans: a
24 The upper circulation refers to…..?
a. Cyclones.
b. Jet streams.
Tropical depressions.
d. Tempérante dépressions.
Ans: C
25 The last state to experience the onset of SW monsoon winds is…
(a) Jammu and Kashmir.
(b) Karnataka
(c) Goa
(d) Kerala.
Ans: a
1. This soil is found in the Ganga-Brahmaputra basin and in the delta region
a. Black soil
b. alluvial soil
c. Red soil
d. Laterite
Ans: B.
2. The process of removal of soluble salts from soil is known as…….
a. Pedogenesis
b. Leaching
c. Lithification.
d. Conglomeration.
Ans: B.
3. Where is wind the main agent of soil?
a. Coastal plains.
b. Thar Rajasthan
c. Northern Plains.
d. Deccan plateau.
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Ans: B.
4. Which of the following soil is best suited for cotton?
a. Red Soil.
b. Black Soil.
c. Laterite soil.
d. Alluvial soil.
Ans: b
5 This soil does not get renewed annually.
A. Bhangar.
B. Khadar.
C. Deltaic.
D. All the above.
Ans: A
6 Soil rich in iron oxide is…..
A. Alluvial soil
B. Black Soil
C. Laterite soil
D. Both laterite and Red Soil.
Ans: D
7 Alluvial soil is best suited for the cultivation of ………..
a. Jute, tea & Vegetables.
b. Tapioca and rubber.
c. Wheat, rice and jute.
d. vegetable and pulses.
Ans: C
8 An agricultural method leading to soil erosion in mountains is ……….
a. Ploughing parallel to the slope of mountain.
b. Contour Ploughing.
c. Ploughing perpendicular to mountain slope.
d. Crop Rotation.
Ans: A
9 Kadar soil is _______.
a. Older alluvial soil and contains kankar pebbles and fine clay.
b. New alluvial soil and contains fine clay.
c. Older alluvial soil.
d. Coastal and deltaic alluvial soil
Ans. b.
10 Which of the following is not true about black soil?
a. Moisture retentive.
b. Develops cracks when moist.
c. Found in Deccan trap.
d. Rich in titeniferous magnetite.
Ans. b.

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11. 'In situ' refers to the soil which is_____________.

a. Found where it is formed
b. Transported alluvium
c. Found where it is not formed
d. Riverine soil.
Ans. a.
12 It is very important to plant shelter belt because…
a. It helps in reducing the speed of flowing water and prevents soil erosion.
b. It checks cattle movement and prevents soil erosion.
c. It checks the speed of wind and prevents soil erosion
d. It checks all types of erosion.
Ans. c.
13 Why Khadar soil is more fertile than bhangar soil?
a. It is renewed annually.
b. It is found near river.
c. This is because it contains fine sand and clay.
d. All the above.
Ans. d.
14 Name the soil formed due to leaching.
a. Laterite soil
b. Red soil
c. Alluvial soil
d. Black soil
Ans. a.
15 This is erosion which erodes soil layer by layer from the earth’s surface
a. Rill erosion.
b. Gully erosion
c. Sheet erosion
d. All the above.
Ans. c.
16 This soil is used to make bricks.
a. Laterite soil
b. Red soil
c. Alluvial soil
d. Black soil
Ans. a.
17 Identify an incorrect statement regarding soils.
a. Alluvial soil undergoes leaching.
b. Red soil is rich in iron oxide.
c. Black soil is very suitable for the cultivation of cotton.
d. Black soil is residual soil.
Ans. a.
18 Which of the following is not important for soil formation?
(a) Topography.
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(b) Parent rock

(c) Plants and animals of the region.
(d) Annual range of temperature.
Ans: d.
19 Which of the following is ex situ soil?
a. Black soil.
b. Red soil.
c. Alluvial soil.
d. Red soil.
Ans: C
20 Which of the following in non-agronomic measure of soil conservation.
a. Contour ploughing.
b. Terraced farming.
c. Crop rotation.
d. Plugging the gullies.
Ans: d
21 This soil has occupied the largest area of India.
a. Black soil.
B. Alluvial soil.
c. Red soil.
d. Laterite soil.
Ans: B
22 Soil formed from disintegration of gneiss and granite rocks
a. Alluvial soil
b. Red soil
c. Black soil
d. None of the above
Ans. b.
23 The worst affected area by gully erosion is….
a. Chambal and Betwa basin.
b. Chambal and Kaveri basin.
c. Betwa and Son basin.
d. All the above.
Ans: A.
24 Which of the following state has the largest amount of alluvial soil?
a. Uttarakhand.
b. West Bengal.
c. Bihar.
d. Uttar Pradesh.
Ans: d
25 One disadvantage of Bhangar alluvium is
a. Sometimes it has high content of sodium salts which makes it unproductive.
b. It is found 30 m above the flood plains.
c. It lacks nutrients.
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d. It’s been used for very long period of time.

Ans: a.
26 Which one of the following is not a cause of Soil erosion?
a. The agents of gradation like wind and water
b. Steep slope.
c. Human factors.
d. Natural calamity like volcanic eruption and earthquakes.
Ans: d.
27 Which of the following is not a characteristic of alluvial soil?
a. Yellow to born in colour.
c. Rich in potash and lime
c. Rich in Nitrogen, humus and phosphoric acid.
d. It’s texture is coarse to fine.
Ans: c
28 Which of the following state has the largest amount of black soil?
a. Uttarakhand.
b. West Bengal.
c. Maharashtra.
d. Uttar Pradesh.
Ans: c
29 Which of the following is not a characteristic of red soil?
a. It’s Color is from red to yellow.
b. Deficient in nitrogen, lime, phosphoric acid and humus.
c. It occupies the third largest area in India.
d. Porous friable but does not retain moisture.
Ans: c
30. Which of the following is not a characteristic of black soil?
a. Coarse, sandy and porous.
b. Colour black to chestnut brown.
c. Rich in iron, potash, lime, calcium, alumina and magnesium.
d. It develops cracks when it is dry.
Ans: a.
1. The growth of plants where species adjust themselves fully to climate and soil conditions.
b) Virgin vegetation.
c) Natural Vegetation
d) Plant community.
Ans: C.
2. The tress in these forests do not have a fixed time to shed their leaves.
a) Tropical deciduous and tropical desert
b) Tropical evergreen and tidal vegetation.
c) Thorny vegetation and deciduous vegetation.
d) Tropical evergreen and tropical deciduous.
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Ans: b
3. These forests have luxuriant growth of vegetation of multiple types.
a) Tropical deciduous
b) Temperate Montane
c) Tidal vegetation.
d) Tropical evergreen.
Ans: d.
4. In which of the forests trees are evergreen, impenetrable and resistant to water.
a. Tropical evergreen forest.
b. Tropical deciduous forest.
c. Tropical desert forest.
d. Tidal Forest.
Ans: d
5 In which of the forests are have hard wood, broad leaves, and unfixed shedding period?
a. Tropical evergreen forest.
b. Tropical deciduous forest.
c. Tropical desert forest.
d. Tidal Forest.
Ans: a
6 Cinchona, shisam, mahogany, iron wood belong to….,
a. Tropical evergreen forest.
b. Tropical deciduous forest.
c. Tropical desert forest.
d. Tidal Forest.
Ans: a
7 Sundri, Hintal, keora belong to,
a. Tropical evergreen forest.
b. Tropical deciduous forest.
c. Tidal desert forest.
d. Thorny Forest.
Ans: c
8 Pine, spruce, deodar, oak belong to…
a. Tropical evergreen forest.
b. Mountain Forest.
c. Tidal desert forest.
d. Thorny Forest.
Ans: b.
9 This type of vegetation is found to the western side of the Aravalli.
a. Tropical evergreen.
b. Tropical deciduous.
c. Tropical desert.
d. Mountain vegetation.
Ans: c

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10 The main objective of National Forest Policy 1988 is…

a. To bring about ecological balance.
b. To ban deforestation.
c. To provide wood to industries.
d. Increase the area under forest cover.
Ans: d.
11. Tropical Evergreen Forest are found in the areas with rainfall between…..
a) 50 to 100 cm
b) 70 to 200 cm
c) 100 to200 cm
d) More than 200 cm.
Ans: d.
12 Which of the following forest have not be exploited fully?
a) Tropical Deciduous Forest and Tropical Rain Forest.
b) Tropical Rain Forest and Thorny vegetation
c) Tidal Forest and Tropical Rain Forest
d) Mountain Forest and Tropical Rain Forest.
Ans: c.
13 The natural vegetation of India depends mainly on variation in………..
a. Rainfall and Relief
b. Temperature and Relief
c. Rainfall and Temperature.
d. Rainfall and Winds.
Ans: a
14 Tropical evergreen forests are found in Kerala due to
a. High rainfall.
b. High temperature.
c. High humidity.
d. All the above
Ans: d.
15 Acacia, Khair, Neem, Ber belong to….
a. Tropical evergreen forest.
b. Mountain Forest.
c. Tidal desert forest.
d. Thorny Forest.
Ans: d.
16 The Tropical evergreen forests are found in
a. Maharashtra, Karnataka’s coastal region
b. Assam, Arunachal Pradesh.
c. In Nagaland, Mizoram, Western Ghats.
d. All the above.
17 Sustainable system of managing a piece of land is a part of…..
a) Agro Forestry.
b) Social Forestry.
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c) Farm Forestry
d) All the above.
Ans: d.
18 Tropical Deciduous Forest are found in the areas with rainfall between
a) 50 to 100 cm
b) 70 to 200 cm
c) 100 to200 cm
d) 200to 250 cm.
Ans: c.
19 Hanging breathing and stilted roots are the features of which of the following forests?
a. Tropical evergreen forest.
b. Mountain Forest.
c. Tidal desert forest.
d. Thorny Forest.
Ans: c.

20 The most important characteristics of deciduous forest is…

a) They shed their leaves once a year.
b) They are found in pure stand.
c) They grow up to the height of 30 to 40 m.
d) They have broad leaves.
Ans: a.

21 Tropical thorny Forest are found in the areas where rain fall is….
a) Less than 25 cm
b) 70 to 200 cm
c) 100 to200 cm
d) 200to 250 cm.
Ans: a
22 Which of the following is a characteristics of Thorny and scrub vegetation
a) Xerophytic.
b) Have long roots.
c) Are with Waxy and thorny.
d) All the above
Ans: d
23 The woods of these plants are used for making high quality furniture and handicraft.
a. Mahogany and deodar.
b. Ebony and Rosewood.
c. Teak and Ebony.
d. Acacia and Sundri.
Ans: b.
24 Mountain Forest is found in the areas with rainfall between
a) 50 to 100 cm
b) 100 to 300
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c) 100 to200 cm
d) 50 to 150 cm.
Ans: b.
25 Tropical deserts are thin and have stunted growth stunted due to…
a) Scanty rain and extreme temperature.
b) Lack of rainfall
c) Extreme temperature.
d) Infertile soil.
Ans: a.
26 Which of the forests have mixed variety depending on relief and rainfall and
a. Tropical evergreen forest.
b. Mountain Forest.
c. Tidal desert forest.
d. Thorny Forest.
Ans: b.

27 North East India is mainly covered with which of the vegetation?

a) Tropical Deciduous
b) Tropical Evergreen
c) Tropical thorny Forest.
d) Mangrove forest.
Ans: b.
28 Tropical Deciduous Forest are found in the areas with rainfall between
a) 50 to 100 cm
b) 70 to 200 cm
c) 100 to200 cm
d) 200to 250 cm.
29 The ultimate reason for Forest cover all over the world to decrease is …
a. Industrialization
b. Population Explosion.
c. Increased agriculture
d. Urbanization.
Ans: b.
30. Which of the following does not belong to tropical deciduous forests?
a. Semul.
b. Arjun.
c. Chir pine.
d. Teak
Ans: c.


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1. Neeru-Meeru is a watershed management program is implemented in which of the

following states?
a. Tamil Nadu.
b. Kerala.
c. Andhra Pradesh
d. Meghalaya.
Ans: c
2. Tank irrigation is more popular in which of the following regions?
a. Chhota Nagpur Plateau.
b. The Telangana Plateau.
C. The Deccan Plateau.
d. All the above.
Ans: B.
3. This mode efficient mode of irrigation is…..
A. Well irrigation.
B. Sprinkle irrigation.
C. Drip irrigation.
D. Tank irrigation.
Ans: C.
4. The largest irrigation project in India is……..
A. River joining project.
B. Indira Gandhi Canal.
C. Construction of Multipurpose project.
D. Construction of tanks.
Ans: B.
5 Name the Watershed development project sponsored by the Central Govt and is
implemented by Gram Panchayat with people’s participation.
A. Indian Water Conservation Project.
B. Haryali.
C. Rain water harvesting.
D. Water Revolution.
Ans: B.
6 Rainwater harvesting is carried out with the aim of:
a. Meeting the increasing demand of water.
b. Reducing surface runoff and increase the ground water.
c. Improving the quality of water.
d. All the above.
Ans d.
7 This mode of irrigation can benefit the largest area.
a. Well irrigation.
b. Canal irrigation.
c. Drip irrigation.
d. Tank irrigation.
Ans: b.
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8 Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru termed these the temple of modern India.

a. Watershed development projects.
b. River joining projects.
c. Multipurpose projects.
d. Rain water harvesting projects.
Ans: c.

9 Irrigation is significant in Punjab and Haryana because

(a) These are agriculturally the most advanced states.
(b) It’s a requisite for Green Revolution.
(c) Due to the presence of natural depressions.
(d) As a huge dam is constructed here..
Ans: B
10 Inundation canals are mainly drawn from …..
A. River Brahmaputra
B. River Sutlej.
C. River Kosi.
D. River Yamuna.
Ans: b

11. Johad is a Rainwater harvesting technique adopted in which of the states?

a. Rajasthan
b. Uttarakhand.
c. Karnataka
d. West Bengal.
Ans: a.

12 Tank irrigation is not popular in North India because,

a. There are perennial rivers.
b. Land is not undulating.
c. The surface there is pervious and cannot collect water effectively.
d. All the above.
Ans: d.
13 What’s the primary source of water?
a. Surface water
b. Precipitation.
c. Ground water;
d. Fresh water.
Answer: b
14 There is great need of irrigation in India because,
A. To increase the per hectare production.
B. Water is indispensable part of green revolution.
C. To fulfil the food demand of very high population.
D. All the above.
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Ans: d.
15 There is acute scarcity of water due to,
a. Increased population.
b. All year long cultivation.
c. Water pollution.
d. All the above.
And d.
16 The traditional irrigation system in the Gangetic Plains are called
a. Neeru Meeru.
b. Kuhl or Khatri.
c. Korambu.
d. Dighis or Baolis.
Ans: d.
17 Tanks of the South Indian Plateau region area are
a. Rain-fed
b. perennial in nature.
c. the only means of irrigation
d. Used when streams become torrential
Answer: a.
18 The conventional methods of irrigation are still popular in India due to…
a. Low cost of construction.
b. Modern means are not appreciated due to orthodox outlook
c. Farmers are used to these systems.
d. All of the above
Answer: d.
19 Which of the following state has the largest area under irrigation?
a. Uttar Pradesh.
b. Madhya Pradesh.
c. Punjab.
d. Jharkhand.
Ans: a.
20 Tank irrigation is useful as…..
a. It saves rain water which otherwise would get wasted.
b. It raises underground water table.
c. It is free of cost and traditional method of irrigation
d. All the above
e. Ans: d

21 The largest reserves of fresh water in liquid form are available as or as….
a. Surface water.
b. Rivers and lakes.
c. Ground water.
d. Polar water bodies.
Ans: c
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22 Recharge pits associated with

a. Roof top rain water harvesting
b. Canal irrigation.
c. Tank irrigation.
d. Tube well irrigation.
Ans: d

23 Traditional rain water harvesting system of Western Ghats is…

a. Khatri.
b. Surangam
c. Zing.
d. Johad.
Ans: b
24 The traditional irrigation system in the Deccan Plateau region are called:
a. Johad
b. Kuhl or Khatri.
c. Korambu.
d. Kere or Bhandaras.
Ans: d.
25 An irrigation type in which water is poured on the field through
Narrow channels dug between rows of crops is termed as…
a. Spray irrigation
b. Drip irrigation
c. Sprinkler irrigation
d. Furrow irrigation.
Ans: d
26 Watershed management beneficial for farmers because…
a. It helps in conservation of soil and water and so increases crop
b. It helps to prevent over flooding of rivers
c. It helps to utilize ground water and so increase crop production.
d. All the above.
Ans: d.
27 Though Desilting is expensive there is a need to carry out Desilting of tanks as…
a. Silting reduces the capacity of the tank to store water.
b. Silt collected from tanks is very fertile and farmers can use it.
c. It will help in employment.
d. All the above
e. Ans: d.
28 The drawback of sprinkle irrigation is…..
a. It is expensive.
b. B. It needs large area.
c. It’s running and maintenance cost is high.
d. All the above.
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e. Ans: d
29 Tamil Nadu has made rain water harvesting system compulsory as….
a. It raises the ground water level.
b. B. In recent times, the exploitation of underground water resources has increased
c. Rain water harvesting plays important role in conservation of water.
d. D. All the above.
Ans: d
30. The traditional irrigation system in the Western Himalayas are called…..
a. Johad
b. Kuhl or Khatri.
c. Korambu.
d. None of the above.
Ans: b

Mineral and Energy Resources

1. The most mined iron ore in India is….
a. Hematite.
b. Magnetite.
c. Siderite.
d. Lignite.
Ans: a
2. The best variety of iron ore is….
a. Haematite.
b. Magnetite.
c. Siderite.
d. Lignite.
Ans: b.
3. ……is the largest oil field in India.
a. Nunmati.
b. Mumbai High.
c. Digboi.
d. Aliabet.
Ans: b.

4. ……is the oldest oil field in India.

a. Nunmati.
b. Mumbai High.
c. Digboi.
d. Aliabet.
Ans: c.
5 ________ is the Largest self-propelled drilling platform for oil:
a. Sagar Samrat in Mumbai High.
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b. Apsara plant form of Turbhe.

c. Cambay platform
d. None of the above.
Ans: a.
6 The Leading producer of Manganese in India is…..
a. Chhatisgrarh.
b. Odisha.
c. Jharkhand.
d. Madhya Pradesh.
Ans: d.
7 The Largest copper producing state:
a. Madhya Pradesh.
b. Karnataka.
c. Rajasthan.
d. Maharashtra.
Ans: a
8 Major tertiary coalfield in India is
a. Jharia in Jharkhand.
b. Bellary in Karnataka.
c. Raniganj in West Bengal.
d. Neyvelli in Tamil Nadu.
Ans: d.
9 The best variety of coal in India is….
a. Bituminons.
b. Peat.
c. Anthracite.
d. Lignite.
Ans: c
10 -------------State ranks first in the wind energy production.
a. Karnataka.
b. Kerala.
c. Tamil Nadu.
d. Gujarat.
Ans: c
11. Which of the following state is the leading producer of biogas?
a. Maharashtra.
b. Uttar Pradesh.
c. Odisha.
d. Karnataka.
Ans: a.
12 Which of the following state is the largest producer of Natural gas on daily basis?
a. Gujarat.
b. Mahārāshtra.
c. Rajasthan.
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d. Tripura.
Ans: d.
13 Which of the following state is the largest producer of Petroleum in India?
a. Gujarat.
b. Maharashtra.
c. Rajasthan.
d. Tripura.
Ans: c.
14 Which of the following state is the largest producer of solar energy?
a. Gujarat.
b. Karnataka.
c. Rajasthan.
d. Tripura.
Ans: b.
15 Which of the following state is the largest producer of Coal in India?
a. Andhra Pradesh.
b. Orissa.
c. Rajasthan.
d. Tripura.
Ans: b.
16 Which of the following is the largest iron ore mine in India?
a. Bellary.
b. Singhbhum.
c. Mayurbhanj.
d. Sanquem
Ans: b
17 Cambay Basin, Kalol, Koyali, Kosamba, and Ankleshwar are the major oil fields in the
state of……
a. Tamil Nadu.
b. Maharashtra.
c. Gujarat.
d. Uttarakhand.
Ans: c.
18 The countries that provided generators to the Bhakra Nangal project.
a. Russia and USA
b. USA and Japan.
c. Germany and Australia.
d. England and France.
Ans: b
19 The number of nuclear power plant in India.
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Ans: c
20 Which of the following statement(s) is/are not correct?
a. Minerals are evenly distributed over space.
b. Minerals are natural substances.
c. Minerals take a long time to develop geologically.
d. Minerals can be Metallic or Non-metallic.
Ans: a.
21 Better grade Haematite is known as cocking coal and it is used in…..
a. Manufacturing paint
b. Smelting of iron.
c. Manufacturing glass
d.- None of the above.
Ans: b
22 Which of the following statement is not correct?
a. Manganese is used to form a number of important alloys.
b. Manganese is used in dry batteries.
c. Manganese is used in making bleaching powder.
d. Manganese is used in polishing compounds, metallurgy and magnetic inks.
Ans: d
23 Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of a Copper?
a. Copper is ferrous metal.
b. Copper is alloyed with zinc to form brass.
c. Copper is alloyed with tin to make bronze.
d. Copper is used in electrical industry.
Ans: a.
24 Which of the following statement is not true about the non-conventional energy
a. Other than nuclear energy, they are based on natural and waste sources.
b. They all are inexhaustible.
c. Provide best alternative to conventional energy sources.
d. Other than nuclear energy, there are no safety risks in using them.
Ans: b.
25 Which of the following is not correct about natural gas.
a. It’s highly inflammable and hence very risky.
b. The infrastructure to transport is expensive
c. It is inferior to other energy resources.
d. It is nonrenewable energy resource and also produces greenhouse gases to some
extent upon burning.
Ans: c.

26 Which one of the following is not true about the coal mining in India?
a. Irregularities of heavy transport, especially Chhota Nagpur.
b. As low quality in India, lots of fly ash is produced after burning coal. The disposal is a
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c. Fires or floods of coal mines cause heavy losses to the mines and several lives.
d. India has advanced system as we are one the largest producer of coal.
Ans: d
27 Which one of the following is not true about iron ores?
a. Used in making machineries, transport equipments and agricultural equipments.
b. Building infrastructure, buildings, rail lines, pipes etc.
c. Because of wide range of use, known as ‘The foundation of present machine age’.
d. India is the second largest producer of iron ore.
Ans: d.

28 Bhakra Nangal project is constructed on……

a. Indus.
b. Ganga.
c. Chenab.
d. Sutlej.
Ans: d.
29 Hirakud constructed on Mahanadi is a multipurpose project. In which of the following
states is it present?
a. Madhya Pradesh.
b. Chhatisgarh.
c. Odisha.
d. West Bengal.
Ans: c.
30. India is critically deficient in which of the following minerals?
a. Uranium and Manganese.
b. Petroleum and copper.
c. Copper and Thorium.
d. Petroleum and natural gas.
Ans: b.


1. The states which is the largest producer of rice in India.
a. Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh
b. Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh.
c. West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh.
d. Punjab and Uttar Pradesh.
Correct Answer: c.
2. The characteristic feature which does not apply to the cultivation of rice.
a. Transplantation.
b. Plenty of Sunshine
c. Heavy Rainfall and Flooded Fields
d. Loamy sandy Soil.
Ans: d.
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3. The most wasteful method of cultivation.

a. Broadcasting
b. Dibbling
c. Drilling
d. Transplantation
Answer: a.
4. The highest yield per hectare of rice is obtained from __________
a. .West Bengal
b. Maharashtra
c. Punjab
d. Tamil Nadu
Answer: d
5 Pulses are a ______ crop.
a. Kharif, Rabi and Zaid
b. Rabi
c. Zayad
d. Both Kharif and Rabi
Answer: a
6 Major wheat growing area of India is _______
a. Chhota Nagpur plateau.
b. Western Coastal region.
c. Flat well drained alluvial plains of North India.
d. Eastern Coastal plains of India
Ans: c.
7 _______ is a measure of the Green Revolution which caused an increase in the production
of wheat in India.
a. Supply of HYV seeds.
b. Use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
c. Excellent irrigation facilities by a network of canals.
d. All of the above.
Answer: d
8 _______ is a basic need of Green Revolution which caused an increase in the production
of wheat in India.
a. Supply of HYV seeds.
b. Use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
c. Excellent irrigation facilities by a network of canals.
d. Water and land.
Answer: d.
9 _______ Serve as excellent protein rich food stuff.
a. Pulses
b. Vegetables
c. Millets
d. Cereals.
Answer: a
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10 Pulses are prime cultivated crops in India because they _____

a. Are an important part of the diet of the Indian vegetarian population
b. They are excellent for crop rotation.
c. They increase nitrogen content.
d. All the above,
Answer: d.
11. Seeds are sown in March and the crops are harvested in the month of May in the _______
a. Rabi
b. Kharif
c. Zayad
d. None of the above
Answer: c
12 _____ is both a problem and a characteristic feature of Indian agriculture.
a. Preponderance of food crops.
b. Dependence on the monsoons.
c. Wide variety of crops
d. Yearlong growing season
Answer: b.
13 Though India has become self-sufficient in food production, the per hectare production of
crops is much lower as compared to other countries due to _______.
a. Small and fragmented landholdings.
b. Lack of good quality seeds and proper use of manure and fertilizers
c. Erratic rainfall.
d. All of the above.
Answer: d.
14 _____ is not a characteristic feature of extensive Farming.
a. Large farms
b. Monoculture
c. Multiple Cropping
d. Low per hectare yield
Answer: C.
15 This farming assures additional income to farmers.
a. Mixed Cropping
b. Mixed Farming
c. Strip Cropping
d. Intensive Farming
Answer: b.
16 Transplantation method is best suited for which of the following crop?
a. Pulses.
b. Rice.
c. Wheat.
d. All the above.
Ans: b
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17 This method of farming practiced in land hungry country like India.

a. Intensive
b. Extensive
c. Plantation
d. Slash and Burn
Answer: a.
18 The Green Revolution was first introduced in states of ________.
a. Meghalaya, Karnataka and Kerala.
b. Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Orissa.
c. Gujarat, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.
d. Punjab, Haryana
Correct Answer: Punjab, Haryana.
19 In this type of farming mainly food crops are grown for self-consumption and not with
the aim of sell.
a. Intensive
b. Extensive
c. Plantation
d. Slash and Burn
Answer: a.

20 Which one of the following is the drawback of dibbling method?

a. Expensive.
b. Time consuming.
c. Needs more labour
d. All the above.
Ans: d.

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For further details contact 9769045105, 9820682768, 9989716118

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