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Narrator: This is A Christmas Carol, a story about a bad man called Ebenezer

Scrooge. (points at Scrooge)

Today is the day before Christmas, Suddenly He is visited by his cheerful
nephew Fred.
Nephew: Good Afternoon Uncle Scrooge, tomorrow is Christmas so I would like to invite you to a
Dinner would you like to come.
Scrooge: Do you think I will accept this invitation, I don’t have time for Christmas
Nephew: Come on Uncle Scrooge it’s Christmas it’s only once every year, don’t be so greedy
and work all the
Scrooge: Christmas is a Hambug, and don’t talk to me again
Narrator: Then his Nephew then left him, while uncle has Declined his Invitation Sometime
later Bob Cratchit his worker came to Uncle Scrooge and said
Cratchit: (happily:) Good morning, Mr. Scrooge!
(shyly:) You know how I work really hard right, Mr. Scrooge, so can I please not
come to work tomorrow?
Scrooge: (angrily:) Why?
Cratchit: (shyly:) Tomorrow is Christmas, Mr. Scrooge! My family is waiting for me at my
Scrooge: (angrily:) Christmas is humbug! We need to make money, Cratchit, I won’t
give you an Excuse!
Cratchit: Pleeeaaase, Mr. Scrooge!
Scrooge: Well then, but you have to work extra hour for the next few weeks
Cratchit walks off.

Narrator: Cratchit then goes home as well as Scrooge, but before he went to bed, he
received an uninvited guest who came to him.
Scrooge: (scared:) Who are you?
Marley: I'm Jacob Marley. I
was your partner. Scrooge:
What do you want?
Marley: I want to warn you! I used to be a bad person but now I need to live as a
ghost. I want you to become a better person, so you didn’t end up like me.
Scrooge: Go away! (he pulls the sheets over his head)
Marley: Tonight three ghosts will come and visit you. Goodbye, Scrooge! (flies off)

Narrator: The clock strikes one. (Dong!)

1st ghost: Wake up, Scrooge! Scrooge: (scared:) Who are you?
1st ghost: I'm the ghost of Christmas past. Scrooge: (angrily:) What do you want?
1st ghost: I want to show you the past! (he/she takes Scrooge by the hand and they fly to
the past: there is a christmas party with music and dancing; a young Scrooge
dances and sings with the other people)
Scrooge: Oh, this is me. Look, I was very happy in the past. (he begins to dance
and hum with the others)
1st ghost: We must go back, Scrooge! (he/she takes Scrooge by the hand and they fly
back to his bedroom; Scrooge goes to bed again)
narrator: The clock strikes two. (Dong! Dong!)
2nd ghost: Wake up, Scrooge! Scrooge:
Scrooge: (scared:) Who are you?

2nd ghost: I'm the ghost of christmas present. Scrooge:

Scrooge: (angrily:) What do you want?
2nd Ghost : I want to show you the Present (she/he takes Uncle Scrooge to see his
Nephew at the Dinner while he just can watch there and culdn’t joined)
Scrooge: I hope I was there all along enjoying the fun with them.
2nd ghost: I want to show you more (he/she takes Scrooge by the hand and they fly to
Cratchit's house; Cratchit's family sit around the dinner table and pray)
Cratchit: Dear Lord, we don't have much money, but we are very happy today, because
we have got each other. Thank you for this wonderful family. Amen. (he
Scrooge: Oh, they are a wonderful family. I am so alone. (he sees little Tim) What
is wrong with this boy?
2nd ghost: He is very ill, but the family has no money for medicine, because you don't pay
Cratchit a lot of money!
Scrooge: (sadly:) Oh, I'm so sorry. What can I do?
2nd ghost: You must change your life, Scrooge! Come on, we must go back! (he/she takes
Scrooge by the hand and they fly back to his bedroom; Scrooge goes to bed
Narrator: The clock strikes three. (Dong! Dong! Dong!)
3rd ghost: Wake up, Scrooge! Scrooge:
Scrooge: (scared:) Who are you?
3rd ghost: I'm the ghost of Christmas yet to come. Scrooge
Scrooge: (angrily:) What do you want?
3rd ghost: I want to show you the future! (he/she takes Scrooge by the hand and they fly to
a graveyard)
Scrooge: (sees his tombstone:) Oh, this is my grave! (looks closer; scared:) But it is
3rd ghost: Yes, there is no body in this grave, because you are a ghost, Scrooge! Just
like your good old friend Marley!
Scrooge: (he falls to his knees and begins to cry:) No, I want to change my life! I
want to be a better person! Please, give me a chance!
The third ghost takes Scrooge by the hand and they fly back to his bedroom; Scrooge
goes to bed again, still crying quietly
narrator: The next morning Scrooge wakes up to the sound of churchbells.
Scrooge: (excitedly/happily:) It's Christmas today!
Narator: Mr Scrooge Celebrate his Christmas and he went to his Nephew house to
celebrate Christmas with him
Scrooge: Merry Chrismast everyone!
Nephew: Uncle Scrooge! , it’s really are you Welcome welcome
Scrooge: Ofc it’s me (laugh)
Narator: Uncle Scrooge and his Nephew then Celebrate Christmas with his Nephew.
the Next day when Cratchit come to work
Scrooge: Why are you late Cratchit
Cratchit: I’m sorry boss I won’t do it again.
Scrooge: I can’t hold it anymore. Therefore….. you. Your salary is raised
Cratchit: Really!?!?!?!
Scrooge: Ofc, and I will give you the money for little Tim health
Narator: Cratchit was very happy and Uncle Scrooge became really nice to every one
and Mr scroge and Bob cratchir became really close like a friend or a second

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