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BankWorld ATM Client

BWAC Version 5.4

Release Notes
Document Information........................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Revision History ...................................................................................................................... 5

1.2 Copyright Notice ..................................................................................................................... 5

1.3 Glossary ................................................................................................................................... 5

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 7

2.1 ATM Studio5 5.x ...................................................................................................................... 7

BWAC 5.4 PA-DSS / Security Impacts .....................................................................................8

3.1 Windows 10 .............................................................................................................................8

3.2 No other security impacts ......................................................................................................8

BWAC 5.4 New Features.........................................................................................................9

4.1 Latest EMV Engine Certification ............................................................................................9

4.2 Windows 10 Support...............................................................................................................9

4.3 Dynamic Currency Conversion for BankWorld hosted ATMs ..............................................9

4.4 Dusky Evening Brandings .......................................................................................................9

4.5 Integration of Platform Tester with BWAC Installer ............................................................9

4.6 Different Currencies in Single Cash Deposit........................................................................ 10

4.7 New Features Included in BWAC 5.4 but also Released in a HFX prior to BWAC 5.4 GA . 10

BWAC 5.3 New Features ........................................................................................................12

5.1 New Standard Branding ‘Look and Feel’ ..............................................................................12

5.2 Show ATM Name on Receipt ................................................................................................12

5.3 Print GL Total on ATM Receipt ..............................................................................................12

5.4 ATM ID on supervisor receipts with page numbers ............................................................12

5.5 Contactless Fast Cash ............................................................................................................12

5.6 Support for NCR GBRU cash recycler .................................................................................. 13

5.7 Instant Bank to Bank Transfer - Network Cards ................................................................. 13


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5.8 ATM Downtime Report on BankWorld Server.................................................................... 13

5.9 FX/BNA support in BankWorld Environments .................................................................... 13

5.10 Certification of latest NCR platform software .................................................................... 13

5.11 Certification of latest version of Kalignite........................................................................... 14

5.12 Include destination account number in cheque deposit docket ....................................... 14

5.13 Physical keyboard support ................................................................................................... 14

5.14 Improved BWAC Installer for ATMs ..................................................................................... 14

5.15 Certification of NCR SelfServ14 ATM ................................................................................... 15

5.16 Support for handling counterfeit notes in cash acceptor .................................................. 15

5.17 Consolidate Cash Deposit and Cash Deposit Touch services ............................................. 15

5.18 New Features Included in BWAC 5.3 but also Released in a HFX prior to BWAC 5.3 GA .. 15

BWAC 5.2 Release Summary .................................................................................................17

6.1 PA-DSS Ver3.2 Compliant ......................................................................................................17

6.2 Regulatory Requirements for Terminal IDs .........................................................................17

6.3 Network Cardless Cash Withdrawal Service – Interoperability Improvement ..................17

6.4 Manage Account Offering .....................................................................................................17

6.5 Fixed Denomination Amounts for Bill Payments .................................................................17

6.6 Information Relating to Cash Availability .............................................................................17

6.7 Instant Pin Service for EMV Cards ....................................................................................... 18

6.8 AML Data Capture for Cardless Cash Deposits ................................................................... 18

6.9 Optional Account Lookup for “Deposit to Other” Service ................................................ 18

6.10 Aptra 06.04.01, ActiveXFS 04.00.00 , SSA02.08.00 . CR2 Super Aggregate 04.00.02 ..... 18

6.11 Diebold 5500 ......................................................................................................................... 18

BWAC 5.1 Release Summary ................................................................................................. 19

7.1 PA-DSS Ver3.2 Compliant ..................................................................................................... 19

7.2 Cash Deposit with Virtual Keyboard .................................................................................... 19


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7.3 Currency Restriction on Deposits ........................................................................................ 19

7.4 Virtual KB support for BI on Touch Screens ........................................................................ 19

7.5 Send regular uptime totals messages to BankWorld ......................................................... 19

7.6 New EMV Engine................................................................................................................... 19

BWAC 5.0 Release Summary ................................................................................................ 20

8.1 PADSS Changes ..................................................................................................................... 20

8.2 ATM Uptime Statistics .......................................................................................................... 20

8.3 Loan Payment as Bill Presentment – ATM (BWAC) ............................................................ 20

8.4 CVV2 & Expiry Printing on PIN2 (BWAC).............................................................................. 20

8.5 Create new Installer for BWAC 5.1 ....................................................................................... 20

8.6 Support for Single Note Added to all Services that use Cash Acceptor ............................ 20

8.7 Support for HTML5 and CSS Animations............................................................................. 20

8.8 Cardless Deposit Functionality on ATM................................................................................21

8.9 NCR SelfServ8 Kiosk Certification.........................................................................................21

8.10 NCR SelfServ23 ATM Certification ........................................................................................21

8.11 Support for XFS Camera without Kalignite ..........................................................................21

8.12 RKL with Direct Connection ..................................................................................................21

Deployment........................................................................................................................... 22

9.1 Hardware Requirements ...................................................................................................... 22

9.2 Software Requirements ....................................................................................................... 22

9.3 Deployment Options ............................................................................................................ 24

9.4 Rollback Procedures ............................................................................................................. 24

9.5 Manual Upgrade to BWAC 5.4 ............................................................................................. 24

9.6 Remote Upgrade of BWAC 5.1 or BWAC 5.3 to BWAC 5.4 ................................................. 25

Certification ........................................................................................................................... 27

Customer Issues .................................................................................................................... 29


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Document Information

1.1 Revision History

Author Version Date Description

Martin Lally 1.0 06-08-2019 Initial Release

1.2 Copyright Notice

This document is copyright of CR2 Limited 2019. All rights reserved. It is supplied under the terms of an
agreement with CR2 Limited, which provides that it may not be disclosed or used except as permitted by the
agreement or as may be expressly permitted by CR2 Limited. Recipients of this document may copy it or use it,
for internal information purposes only, in accordance with the terms of their agreement with CR2 Limited.

CR2, BankWorld and the BankWorld logo are trademarks of CR2 Limited.

Other products and company names herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

1.3 Glossary
Term Definition

BWAC BankWorld ATM Client – CR2’s platform-independent ATM application

CMS Card Management System

CVV Card Verification Value – a 3 or 4 digit number used to verify the integrity of card data

CWP CardWorld Producer – CR2’s flexible card production system

DSS Data Security Standard


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EMV Europay MasterCard Visa

HSM Hardware Security Module

IMD Interchange Member Description

PAN Primary Account Number

PCI Payment Card Industry

PVV PIN Verification Value

PA-DSS Payment Application-Data Security Standard


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This software release supersedes all previous BWAC versions. It contains new features, fixes to issues reported
by customers and fixes to issues raised internally.

Release Version Release Date

1st Release BWAC 5.0 12-02-2016

2nd Release BWAC 5.1 29-07-2016

3rd Release BWAC 5.2 28-02-2017

4th Release BWAC 5.3 29-03-2018

5th Release BWAC 5.4 09-08-2019

2.1 ATM Studio5 5.x

Each BWAC 5.x version is released in conjunction with a corresponding ATM Studio5 version which must be
used to enable the new services on the ATM branding and/or create branding for that specific release. See the
ATM Studio5 5.x Release Notes for details on the branding creation and upgrade process.

BWAC Release ATM Studio Release

BWAC 5.0 ATM Studio5 5.0

BWAC 5.1 ATM Studio5 5.1

BWAC 5.2 ATM Studio5 5.2

BWAC 5.3 ATM Studio5 5.3

BWAC 5.4 ATM Studio5 5.4


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Security Impacts

3.1 Windows 10
In BWAC 5.4 we introduced support for Microsoft Windows 10 Operating System in addition to also continuing to
support Windows 7

PA-DSS regard a change in Operating System as a high impact and requires a full PA-DSS Certification

Microsoft has announced end of life support for Windows 7 in Jan 2020

Note BWAC 5.1.*.* , BWAC 5.2.*.* and BWAC 5.3.*.* are already PA-DSS Ver3.2 Certified,

3.2 No other security impacts

In BWAC 5.4.*.* we have made no other security impacts or PCI related changes.

Please follow the latest BWAC PA-DSS Implementation Guide during BWAC installation

Note as a result of the Agent changes in BWAC 5.x, BWAC 5.0+ version tools are required to work with this
version of BWAC, Distributor5, ATMSupport5, Custodian5 and eJournalViewer5, see release notes on these
products for further details


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BWAC 5.4 New Features

The new features included in the BWAC 5.4 Release are described in the following sections.

4.1 Latest EMV Engine Certification

BWAC 5.4 EMV Application Kernel (EmvEngine 4.3.8) has EMVCo Contact Terminal Level 2 approval

4.2 Windows 10 Support

It is now possible to run BWAC5.4 on Windows 10 or Windows 7. Microsoft has announced end of life support
for Windows 7 from Jan 2020. Customer should talk to their ATM Vendor supplier about support for Windows 10.

For NCR ATMs a new Version of Windows 10 Aptra XFS platform software is required and the Windows 10
Operating System needs to be obtained from your NCR Vendor and preinstalled on ATM before installing Aptra
platform supplied by CR2. Please contact your CR2 Customer Support representative if more details are

4.3 Dynamic Currency Conversion for BankWorld hosted ATMs

Earlier versions of BWAC support DCC on ATMs connected to Sparrow. BWAC 5.4 now support DCC on ATMs
that are hosted on BankWorld.

4.4 Dusky Evening Brandings

With BWAC 5.4 we have continued to further enhance or UX and have updated our CR2 Standard Brandings which
includes a number of new Screen Transitions and animations. We have also created a dedicated CR2 Dusky Evening
Touch branding which comes with Studio5 5.4 and was designed and optimised to exclusively run on ATMs that have
Touch Screens.

4.5 Integration of Platform Tester with BWAC Installer

The platform tester is now part of BWAC Installer. This will enable platform tester to be run before fully installing
BWAC and confirm platform has no issues before completing BWAC installation. Once you start the platform
tester (it can be skipped) you are required to pass a minimum set of tests for card-reader, pinpad and supervisor
switch. Once these tests pass you can continue to install BWAC. The intention is that these tests would be run
on new ATMs models during UAT cycle or first time installation of BWAC 5.4 on specific ATM during UAT.


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4.6 Different Currencies in Single Cash Deposit
Currently when doing an ATM cash deposit in Swaziland (eSwatini) or Lesotho the user must separate their local
currency from the Rand and do two separate deposit transactions.

BWAC 5.4 now allows for the local currency to be deposited in the same transaction as the Rand.

4.7 New Features Included in BWAC 5.4 but also Released in a HFX prior to BWAC 5.4
Below is a list of New Features that were also released as part of a BWAC 5.1-HFX or 5.3-HFX prior to release
of BWAC 5.4

Jira Description Original


BWAC-18824 RKL for Hyosung on BankWorld 5.3-HFX

BWAC-19644 Limit - Cash Deposit 5.3-HFX


BWAC-20479 Summarised receipts 5.3-HFX

BWAC-20484 Tax Payment by BNA 5.3-HFX

BWAC-20488 Account selection Screen needed for Network Bill Payment transaction 5.3-HFX

BWAC-20502 Support for 8-digit BINs 5.3-HFX

BWAC-20602 continue to support logical cassettes and provide an option in 5.3-HFX

supervisor menu to configure cassettes on Hyosung and Wincor ATMs

BWAC-20684 Cheque Deposit Changes for NCR Passport 5.3-HFX

BWAC-20700 Clear CDM Transport option on Supervisor Menu 5.3-HFX

BWAC-20707 Support for Vendor mode on Hyosung ATMs 5.3-HFX

BWAC-20712 Network Cards Billpayment - Quickteller – BWAC 5.3-HFX

BWAC-20801 BWAC to send extra data in 340 5.3-HFX

BWAC-20804 MV ID in Deposit Message of MV Redeem To Account ATM 5.3-HFX

BWAC-20812 Cash Deposit - default currency 5.3-HFX

BWAC-20842 BWAC to send MV id in debit message of network MV purchase 5.3-HFX

BWAC-20863 Fee fields for network card bill payment 5.3-HFX

BWAC-20996 BWAC to send a 172 Message with Close Reason=”99” and 5.3-HFX

BWAC-21051 GBNA ATM - requirement to Print Cash GL totals from cash acceptor 5.3-HFX
menu onto receipts


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BWAC-21126 Cardless ATM Cash Deposit with PIN 5.3-HFX

BWAC-21130 ATM Money voucher redeem to account as single message 5.3-HFX

BWAC-21138 Free text on back of scanned cheque 5.3-HFX

BWAC-21260 LORO message for Cardless Cash Deposit 5.3-HFX

BWAC-21280 RKL for Wincor on BankWorld 5.3-HFX

BWAC-21304 Currency selection for anonymous cheque deposit 5.3-HFX

BWAC-21392 'Change a/c' option should be included in anonymous cheque deposit 5.3-HFX

BWAC-21407 Remove currency selection screen for card based cheque deposits 5.3-HFX

BWAC-21432 Sri Lanka Cheque Deposit Image Format / Size 5.3-HFX

BWAC-21436 MICR Validation for Kenya 5.3-HFX

BWAC-21473 Decline if camera blocked 5.3-HFX

BWAC-21522 Offer Anonymous Cheque Deposit on the idle screen 5.3-HFX

BWAC-21719 BWAC Changes for Host side support of recycling 5.3-HFX

BWAC-21749 Enable token for Cardless Network Cash to be sent from BWAC to 5.3-HFX

BWAC-21767 ATM is not coming online when fail-over between Controllers 5.3-HFX

BWAC-21784 Cheque Deposit: Image specifications from country 5.3-HFX

BWAC-21786 Certification of GRG H34NL ATM on Windows 7 5.3-HFX

BWAC-21953 network card pin entry enter on screen 5.3-HFX

BWAC-22158 BWAC to differentiate co-branded cards 5.3-HFX

BWAC-22039 Change the existing 'Clear CDM Transport' supervisor menu item to be 5.3-HFX
'Clear CDM Transport & Perform Test Dispense’

BWAC-20316 Legacy.ReceiptTimeStamp - same is needed for BI's 5.1-HFX


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BWAC 5.3 New Features

See BWAC 5.3 Release notes for further details

5.1 New Standard Branding ‘Look and Feel’

In BWAC 5.3 we have changed the BWAC Standard branding to have a more modern ‘look and feel’ based on
“Your Bank”.

5.2 Show ATM Name on Receipt

Current versions of BWAC already show the ATM ID & its associated branch name on the receipt for

BWAC 5.3 will also include the ability to add the ‘ATM Name’ to the receipt. The ‘ATM Name’ will be as
configured in the ATM Manager GUI on BankWorld.

5.3 Print GL Total on ATM Receipt

Currently when the ATM is in Supervisor mode there is a menu item to ‘Print GL Totals’ under the ‘Daily
Operations Menu’. When selected this will print the GL totals to the journal.

BWAC 5.3 will offer the ability to print the GL totals to receipt.

5.4 ATM ID on supervisor receipts with page numbers

When in supervisor mode the ATM prints outs to receipt for some operations (e.g. Add Cash).

BWAC 5.3 will add the ATM ID to these receipts to avoid confusion for the custodian. In cases where multiple
pages need to be printed due to receipt paper size each page will have a page number on it.

5.5 Contactless Fast Cash

BWAC 5.3 will offer a new contactless fast cash service for ATMs equipped with a contactless card reader. This offers
a faster service than the regular card based Fast Cash as no need to insert and remove card from the card reader.
This was verified with KIOSK II contactless card readers

1. The user will select Contactless Fast Cash amount from either the idle or cardless menu. Customer has
flexibility to brand button as they would like, in CR2 Standard Brandings we have ‘TapforCash Amount’
2. They will be prompted to tap their card on the contactless card reader


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3. They will enter their PIN
4. They will be presented with the cash amount.

Similar to regular fast cash the amount will be deducted from the card’s default account.
Limits are the same as for regular Fast Cash services
Receipt behaviour has same service restrictions as regular Fast Cash.

5.6 Support for NCR GBRU cash recycler

BWAC 5.3 will have support for a GBRU unit on a NCR SelfServ ATMs.

BWAC 5.3 now supports cash recycling in addition to cash deposit and cash dispenser operations.

5.7 Instant Bank to Bank Transfer - Network Cards

Instant Bank to Bank Transfer is a service offered on BWAC which allows cardholders to transfer funds to bank
accounts in other domestic banks. The transfer is carried out instantly while the cardholder is still at the ATM

It is currently only available for local cards but this enhancement on BWAC5.3 will make it available for network
Note this also requires BankWorld 5.2.x.y

5.8 ATM Downtime Report on BankWorld Server

BankWorld 5.2+ will include a new downtime report to show when an ATM was not in service during a certain
time range.

This requires BWAC 5.3 to send a new message with a reason for each time it has to close. Any comms-related
closures will be written to the SAF for sending once comms are re-established.

5.9 FX/BNA support in BankWorld Environments

BWAC 5.3 now supports FX/BNA functionality (foreign exchange service at the ATM) on BankWorld
Note this also requires BankWorld 5.2.x.y

5.10 Certification of latest NCR platform software

BWAC 5.3 was certified to run on the latest NCR platform. This includes:

 Latest Windows 7 SP1 with Security Updates - Version 01 01 00

It also has support for the latest Estoril Motherboard

 Aptra XFS 06.05.00


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 Aptra ActiveXFS 04.03.00

 SAA 02.12.00

5.11 Certification of latest version of Kalignite

BWAC 5.3 was certified to run on the latest Kalignite on non-NCR platforms.

This is KAL 4.4 Update 003

Note KAL 4.3 Update 003 or higher is mandatory for running BWAC 5.3 on Non-NCR ATMs.

5.12 Include destination account number in cheque deposit docket

BWAC currently writes information related to a cheque deposit transaction to a Docket file which can
subsequently be retrieved from the ATM along with the cheque images using Distributor.

BWAC 5.3 now includes the destination account number in this Docket file.

5.13 Physical keyboard support

BWAC 5.3 will have support for a physical keyboard when present on ATMs.

This will be available for use by following services:

 Cash Deposit
 Card to card dual
 Cardless cash withdrawal (MPESA)
 Instant PIN
 Bank Instructions
Physical keyboard layout should adapt to the specific ATM keyboard (OS input locale) and is enabled via the BWAC
configuration GUI.
Physical keyboard will have priority over the virtual keyboard.
A registry setting exists to configure if numeric input fields should use the PIN Pad digits or the physical keyboard ones.
By default, the PIN Pad must be used.
Cancel, clear and enter keys from the PIN Pad must be used in combination with the physical keyboard.

5.14 Improved BWAC Installer for ATMs

BWAC 5.3 has improved installer steps during BWAC installation on ATMs. It is now more user friendly.


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5.15 Certification of NCR SelfServ14 ATM
BWAC 5.3 has certified the NCR SelfServ14 ATM which has a spray dispenser.

5.16 Support for handling counterfeit notes in cash acceptor

When counterfeit notes are detected by ATM cash acceptor device, BWAC now has option to retain or return
notes depending on bank’s policy. Default is to retain and not credit customer with deposit. P6 Signatures for
either Counterfeit and Suspicious notes are now saved in default location

5.17 Consolidate Cash Deposit and Cash Deposit Touch services

Legacy Cash Deposit and the Cash Deposit Touch services has now been consolidated into one service named
Cash Deposit.

5.18 New Features Included in BWAC 5.3 but also Released in a HFX prior to BWAC 5.3
Below is a list of New Features that were also released as part of a BWAC 4.1-HFX or 5.1-HFX prior to release
of BWAC 5.3

Key Summary

BWAC-19417 BWAC-19416 (MST: 5.3.0-GA) for (NF:BWAC-19416) BWAC to send p22

in 5xx messages

BWAC-19605 BWAC-19563 (MST: 5.3.0-GA) for (NF:BWAC-19563) PIN unblock to be

treated as EMV for Ameria local cards

BWAC-19519 BWAC-19105 (MST: 5.3.0-GA) for (NF:BWAC-19105) fees when ordering


BWAC-19659 BWAC-19655 (MST: 5.3.0-GA) for (NF:BWAC-19655) Support local PIN


BWAC-19567 BWAC-19151 (MST: 5.3.0-GA) for (NF:BWAC-19151) Cardless Cash

Withdrawal - LORO changes

BWAC-19453 BWAC-18144 (MST: 5.3.0-GA) for (NF:BWAC-18144) ZimSwitch Phase 2

BWAC-19113 BWAC-19112 (MST: 5.3.0-GA) for (NF:BWAC-19112) Replication of

ejournal - BWAC Changes

BWAC-19206 BWAC-19150 (MST: 5.3.0-GA) for (NF:BWAC-19150) Purpose of Funds -

Deposit Touch


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BWAC-19145 BWAC-18811 (MST: 5.3.0-GA) for (NF:BWAC-18811) Online Credit Card

BWAC-18965 BWAC-18562 (MST: 5.3.0-GA) for (NF:BWAC-18562) Configure network

cash deposit as request/response

BWAC-19030 BWAC-19029 (MST: 5.3.0-GA) for (NF:BWAC-19029) BWAC should hide

the 'Change Amount' button when fixed amounts are defined for the biller

BWAC-18959 BWAC-18943 (MST: 5.3.0-GA) for (NF:BWAC-18943) Send in-session

local SIFOS txns as mag-stripe for EMV cards


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BWAC 5.2 Release Summary

See BWAC 5.2 Release notes for further details

6.1 PA-DSS Ver3.2 Compliant

BWAC 5.2.*.* is PA-DSS Ver3.2 Certified

6.2 Regulatory Requirements for Terminal IDs

Support the Nigerian regulatory requirements for Terminal IDs. The regulation stipulates that the Terminal ID must
be a unique 8-digit value which incorporates the CBN of the bank.
BWAC5.2 will print this Terminal ID on all receipts once it is configured on BankWorld.

6.3 Network Cardless Cash Withdrawal Service – Interoperability Improvement

Customers can use their mobile phones to access cash without cards on BWAC using our Cardless Cash Services. This
service requires a phone number and a token – typically a One Time Password – to authenticate the customer.
BWAC 5.2 has now been enhanced to capture additional tokens, allowing the service to be implemented off the shelf
with the most common switches which offer this service.
The service can use both static PINs and One Time Passwords in addition to the mobile phone number in order to
authenticate the customer.

6.4 Manage Account Offering

BWAC allows cardholders to view and transact on accounts which are directly linked to the card in a card system and
optionally on other accounts which are known to belong to the cardholder. In order to make this offering more
flexible, BWAC 5.2 now offers the option to limit this capability so that while a cardholder can view all accounts
which belong to him or her, only accounts linked to the card may be used to transact. This option is configurable
independently for each service.

6.5 Fixed Denomination Amounts for Bill Payments

BWAC5.2 will now support ‘Fixed Amount Selection’ for utilities configured on BankWorld.
This will enable pre-paid bills to be offered in fixed denominations.
It will also make it quicker & easier for ATM users to select the amount they wish to pay off their bill or top-up their

6.6 Information Relating to Cash Availability


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BWAC5.2 will display a message on the idle screen of the ATM if it is not possible for it to offer cash. It will also
display non-dispensable notes on a greyed-out button.
This will reduce calls to the bank support staff from customers concerned at why they could not withdraw cash from
the ATM. They will now know that it is an issue with the ATM & not with their account status.
Previous versions of BWAC did not offer cash withdrawal services if the ATM was out of cash or had a dispenser

6.7 Instant Pin Service for EMV Cards

BWAC5.2 offers an ‘Instant PIN Service’ whereby the user can set an initial PIN on an EMV card, or to reset a
forgotten PIN using tokens other than the existing PIN on the card to authenticate the cardholder.
This service would reduce the ‘PIN Mailer’ costs to the bank associated with new PINs & is available on BankWorld
hosted ATMs.
Note: Authentication enabling the use of this service is carried out by a 3rd party. Customers wishing to use this
service should liaise with CR2 to discuss authentication options.

6.8 AML Data Capture for Cardless Cash Deposits

In order to address anti-money laundering concerns by banks for cardless cash withdrawals, BWAC5.2 can be
configured to capture the depositor’s name using the Electronic PIN Pad (EPP) at the time of the transaction.

6.9 Optional Account Lookup for “Deposit to Other” Service

BWAC5.2 will offer the option of sending an account lookup message to Sparrow when the user selects the option to
deposit to an account other that those associated with their card.
This option will be configurable so as to be backward compatible with older versions of Sparrow.

6.10 Aptra 06.04.01, ActiveXFS 04.00.00 , SSA02.08.00 . CR2 Super Aggregate 04.00.02
We have certified Aptra 06.04.01, ActiveXFS 04.00.00 , SSA02.08.00 . CR2 Super Aggregate 04.00.02 on BWAC 5.2.
We recommend this version for new NCR SelfServ ATM installations, and customer should contact their CS
representative for details on latest NCR Aptra versions available and appropriate Aptra version for their ATMs.

6.11 Diebold 5500

We have certified the Diebold 5500 ATM platform on BWAC 5.2


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BWAC 5.1 Release Summary

See BWAC 5.1 Release notes for further details

7.1 PA-DSS Ver3.2 Compliant

BWAC 5.1.*.* is PA-DSS Ver3.2 Certified

7.2 Cash Deposit with Virtual Keyboard

This feature supports intelligent cash deposits on the ATM network. The card-based solution allows customers to
deposit cash into their own accounts. The card-less intelligent cash deposits functionality allows customers to make
cash deposit transactions into any of the Bank’s customers account via the ATM using the account number of the
account into which they wish to make the deposit.

7.3 Currency Restriction on Deposits

Provides ability to restrict the currency that can be deposited into a particular account.

7.4 Virtual KB support for BI on Touch Screens

Bank Instruction Input fields can be entered by Virtual Keyboard or PinPad on touch screen brandings.

This is configured in Branding using Srudio5

7.5 Send regular uptime totals messages to BankWorld

BankWorld can now generate an uptime totals report for all ATMs since the last service cycle.

7.6 New EMV Engine

BWAC 5.1 contains latest EMV Engine certified to 4.3e EMVCo Standard

Customers should consult their relevant payment brands as to impact and requirements for re-certification with
their payment brands.


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BWAC 5.0 Release

See BWAC 5.0 Release notes for further details

8.1 PADSS Changes

Changes implemented in this release related to PA-DSS certification.

8.2 ATM Uptime Statistics

BWAC 5.1 supports enhanced ATM uptime statistics collection. This feature allows the bank to receive accurate
ATM uptime data even if communications are lost to the sub-host.

8.3 Loan Payment as Bill Presentment – ATM (BWAC)

BWAC 5.1 allows the cardholder to make payments to a loan account at the ATM. Both English and Farsi
languages are supported.

8.4 CVV2 & Expiry Printing on PIN2 (BWAC)

BWAC 5.1 allows a cardholder to change their Internet/e-commerce PIN at the ATM. This includes the re-
calculation of CVV2 and expiry date, which are printable from the ATM. The Shamsi calendar is also supported.

8.5 Create new Installer for BWAC 5.1

The BWAC 5.1 Installer has been enhanced to automatically detect ATM Vendor platform and reduce the
number of questions during the installation process.

8.6 Support for Single Note Added to all Services that use Cash Acceptor
In previous versions of BWAC, single note cash acceptor was supported by some services only e.g. cash
deposit, enhanced bill payment. Single note support is now available to all services that use cash acceptor.

8.7 Support for HTML5 and CSS Animations

BWAC 5.1 and Studio5 5.1 now support both HTML5 and CSS animations. This allows for the development of


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vivid and dynamic brandings which enhance the user experience at touchscreen-capable ATMs and Kiosks.

8.8 Cardless Deposit Functionality on ATM

The cardless cash deposit facility allows bank or non-bank customers to make cash deposits into a transactional
account without the use of a card. Cardless cash deposits are available on ATMs connected to either Sparrow or

8.9 NCR SelfServ8 Kiosk Certification

BWAC 5.1 is certified for use on the NCR SelfServ8 Kiosk, which includes a large touchscreen and note

8.10 NCR SelfServ23 ATM Certification

BWAC 5.1 is also certified for use on the new NCR SelfServ23 ATM, which includes a large touchscreen and
note acceptor.

8.11 Support for XFS Camera without Kalignite

This version of BWAC provides XFS camera support without the need for Kalignite on Wincor ATMs.

8.12 RKL with Direct Connection

BWAC 5.1 supports ATM remote key loading using an A98 RKL server solution.

Requires next SP release of BankWorld 4.2+


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Hardware requirements, software requirements, deployment options and installation procedure for BWAC 5.4
are described in the next sections.

9.1 Hardware Requirements

CR2 recommends the following minimum hardware specification for ATM platforms running BWAC 5.4 and its
software stack.

HW Component Windows 7 SP1 (32-bit)

Processor Intel Pentium 4 1.5 GHz (or faster) Processor

Intel Celeron 1.8 GHz (or faster) Processor

Memory 2 GB RAM

Hard Disk 200 GB Hard Disk

Graphics DirectX 9 Graphic Device with WDDM 1.0 or higher


Loadable Media DVD ROM

The ATM must have adequate computing resources to run the OS and the vendor’s software stack, with its
service providers and XFS middleware. The incremental computing requirements for BWAC are small and can
be accommodated by any ATM platform that has adequate computing resources for Windows7 or Windows 10
OS and the vendor’s software stack. The ATM Vendor should recommend the appropriate processor and
hardware required to the corresponding software platform provided by the ATM Vendor.

Customers must check with each ATM vendor to confirm that the ATM’s hardware resources and software stack
are Windows7 or Windows10 capable BEFORE installing BWAC 5.4. All vendor specific platform tests should
also be run successfully before BWAC 5.4 is installed.

Additional computing resources may be required if anti-virus, video streaming or 3rd party monitoring software is
installed on the ATM. Additional hard disk space may be required if the ATM is used to store photographs, or if
cheque deposit is offered as a service.

9.2 Software Requirements

Ensure the software stack required by BWAC 5.4 to run on an ATM contains the following software components:


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Operating System - Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 with Latest Updates or Windows 10 Enterprise

Note the operating system for Windows 10 is supplied by ATM Vendor

Service Providers – APTRA XFS for NCR ATMs (Supplied to CR2 for new ATM installations); Service providers for
other ATMs are supplied by the relevant ATM vendor.

XFS Middleware – APTRA Active XFS for NCR ATMs or Kalignite 4.4 Update 004 for all other Windows 7 ATM

Kalignite 6.4 Update 006 for Windows 10 OS non-NCR ATMs

The figure below shows the software stack that is required for ATMs from the most popular ATM vendors:

Wincor NCR Diebold


Middleware KAL Kalignite APTRA Active XFS KAL Kalignite

Service Providers Wincor ProBase NCR APTRA XFS Diebold Agilis

Operating System Windows 7 Windows 7 Windows 7

Windows 7 or Windows 10 is supplied by the ATM vendor

Service Providers for Wincor, Diebold, GRG Banking or Hyosung ATMs are supplied by the ATM vendor

It is the ATM vendor’s responsibility to supply, license, install and configure the Operating System and Service
Provider software

Kalignite should only be installed once the vendor has verified the ATM is in good working order using test tools

GRG ATMs – GRG platform software must be installed and configured by GRG prior to installing Kalignite and

Wincor ATMs – ProBase must be installed and configured by Wincor prior to installing Kalignite and BWAC

Diebold ATMs – Agilis XFS must be installed and configured by Diebold prior to installing Kalignite and BWAC

NCR ATMs running Windows 7 – APTRA XFS 06.06.00, APTRA Active XFS 04.04.00 & SSA 02.12 must be
installed using the APTRA platform DVDs that are supplied by CR2, this is primarily for new ATM installations and


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customer should contact their CS representative on latest NCR versions available.

NCR ATMs running Windows 10 – Windows 10 APTRA XFS and APTRA Active XFS platform must be installed
using the APTRA platform DVDs that are supplied by CR2, this is primarily for new ATM installations and customer
should contact their CS representative on latest NCR versions available. Note Windows 10 OS is not included and
this has to be supplied by NCR

It is the bank’s responsibility to ensure that they hold valid run-time licenses for APTRA XFS, APTRA ACTIVE XFS
and/or the KALIGNITE platform

9.3 Deployment Options

The BWAC 5.4 CD contains installation programs, upgrade packages and documentation to assist with the
deployment of the BWAC application:

Setup.exe is used to carry out new installations and upgrade.

A series of .dpk packages are used to upgrade the software environment on the ATM

Refer to the BWAC 5.4 Installation Guide for detailed instructions on the deployment of BWAC 5.4. The
installation guide can be found under <CD Drive>\Documentation\ on the BWAC 5.4 CD.

All Distributor5 packages for carrying out remote upgrades can be found under < CD Drive>
\Software\Packages\Distributor5 on the BWAC 5.4 CD.

Remember to sign packages with your own private key before downloading them to the ATM.

9.4 Rollback Procedures

Customer should verify the BWAC 5.4 installation and/or upgrade process on a test ATMs before deploying on a
live ATM. Customer should also roll-out to entire ATM fleet in a controlled manner to minimize impact of any
potential issues on a live ATMs

The roll-back procedure is uninstalling BWAC 5.4 and re-install previous version

In the highly unlikely event that a roll-back procedure is required on a live ATM, the customer should contact
their CS representative to discuss possible alternative options.

9.5 Manual Upgrade to BWAC 5.4

The key steps to perform a manual upgrade from BWAC 5.x running Windows 7 OS are as follows:

Carry out a daily service and take the ATM out of service

Reboot ATM into Admin mode


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Insert BWAC 5.4 CD and launch setup.exe

If any of the software pre-requisites are missing, you will be asked to install them first

Reboot ATM if requested to do so - return to BWAC installer and continue the installation procedure

Click on the “Upgrade BWAC” button and follow the on-screen instructions

Reboot the ATM at the end of the upgrade process, if requested to do so

ATM will restart in client mode

Note: The only upgrade path supported is BWAC 5.x -> BWAC 5.4 and Windows 7 SP1 must be the OS running
on the ATM

On Windows 7 SP1 platforms, the BWAC 5.4 installer will check for Windows 7 updates and Internet Explorer
11. The command window will display all updates installed on the ATM and the ATM must be rebooted at the
end of this step.

If any component is missing, it will be installed and when all pre-checks are satisfied, Setup.exe will proceed to
install BWAC.

When upgrading an ATM to BWAC 5.4, ATM Studio5 5.4 must be used to update the ATM’s branding to the
latest 5.4 branding. This step must be carried out even when there is no requirement to offer the new 5.4
services and screens on the ATM.

Please check any new configuration settings required for new features. See the installation guide for more
details on upgrading and configuring your ATM.

9.6 Remote Upgrade of BWAC 5.1 or BWAC 5.3 to BWAC 5.4

Note Distributor5 5.0 must be used for remote upgrade.

Remote upgrading an ATM to BWAC 5.4 that was already running with BWAC 5.x does not need to include any
pre-requisite packages as no changes were made in this area in BWAC 5.4.

Note the latest BWAgent for BWAC 5.x must be installed and running on each ATM prior to doing a remote
upgrade. The latest version is bwagent and this can also be installed remotely using the BWAgent
updater package. This package can be installed on either BWAC 5.1 or BWAC 5.3 ATMs prior to upgrade to
BWAC 5.4. This package can be obtained from CS if version: bwagent is not already installed.

The steps required are as follows:

Carry out a daily service and take the ATM out of service.

Create the Remote Upgrade Master package with BWAC 5.4 binaries and the updated BWAC 5.4 home branding.

Sign the Remote Master Upgrade package and download it to the ATM.


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The ATM will automatically reboot and restart in client mode.

Note: When installing remote packages using ATM Distributor5, it is very important to monitor the status of each
package installation and confirm (with the ATM Distributor5 GUI) the package is fully installed before installing
the next package.

Remember to have prepared your BWAC 5.4 brandings using Studio5 5.4

Remember to sign all packages with your own bank’s certificate before downloading them to the ATM.

Please check any new configuration settings required for new features. See the BWAC 5.4 Installation Guide
for more details on upgrading and configuring your ATM.


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BWAC 5.4 has been certified with the following ATM switches:

BankWorld 5.x

Sparrow 81.xx

Note Vendor platforms that run Windows 7 OS or Windows 10 OS and ATM Devices support the XFS standard
are in general supported by BWAC 5.4. CR2 has certified a Number of specific ATM Vendor models and their
associated set of devices

BWAC 5.4 has been certified on the following ATM Vendor product families:

ATM Manufacturer Model

NCR SelfServ Series

SelfServ14, 22, 23, 32, 34,84

Wincor ProCash Series

Wincor CINEO C Series

C2220, C4060

Diebold Opteva Series


GRG Banking H38 Series, H68N Series

Nautilus Hyosung Monimax Series


Kalignite KAL RTM


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BWAC 5.3 has been certified on the following kiosk product families:

Kiosk Manufacturer Model

Wincor ProPrint 2000

NCR SelfServ Series

SelfServ4, 8

As part of best practices, CR2 recommends that a bank carry out a comprehensive UAT cycle before deploying
this version of BWAC. Contact your Customer Support Representative or Service Manager for further

For further details on the certification of specific ranges of ATMs, contact your Service Manager or Account


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Customer Issues

Use this section for advice on reporting problems to CR2.

Support Centre Email Address Telephone

Dubai +971 (4) 331 5414

Perth +61 (8) 9328 2828
Dublin +353 (1) 433 9100 / 433 9160
Jordan +962 6 516 3122

For further details on how to log a support call, see the CR2 Call_Logging_Procedure_3_0.doc document.


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