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To install a Flutter iOS app on your iPhone using a runner file, you need to follow several
steps. The runner file is usually an Xcode project that contains the Flutter app code. Here's a
step-by-step guide:

1. **Set Up Flutter:**
Ensure you have Flutter and Dart installed on your development machine. If you haven't
installed Flutter yet, you can follow the installation instructions on the official Flutter

2. **Clone or Create Your Flutter Project:**

If you have not already created your Flutter project, you can use the `flutter create`
command to create a new one or clone an existing project from a Git repository.

flutter create my_flutter_app

3. **Open the Flutter Project in Your Preferred Code Editor:**

Open your Flutter project in a code editor or IDE of your choice. Most developers use
Visual Studio Code or Android Studio for Flutter development.

4. **Build the Flutter App for iOS:**

Use the following command to build the Flutter app for iOS. This will generate the
necessary Xcode project files and runner file.

flutter build ios

5. **Open the Xcode Project:**

Navigate to the `ios` folder within your Flutter project directory and open the
`.xcworkspace` file with Xcode. This file should be located at

6. **Connect Your iPhone to Your Mac:**

Make sure your iPhone is connected to your Mac using a USB cable.
7. **Select Your iPhone as the Target Device:**
In Xcode, select your iPhone as the target device. You can do this by clicking on the device
dropdown menu in the top-left corner of the Xcode window and selecting your iPhone.

8. **Configure Code Signing and Provisioning Profiles:**

Set up code signing and provisioning profiles for your project. You'll need to be a registered
Apple developer and have the appropriate certificates and profiles for your app. You can
configure these settings in Xcode under the project settings.

9. **Run the App on Your iPhone:**

Press the "Run" button (play icon) in Xcode to build and install your Flutter app on your
iPhone. Xcode will compile the app and deploy it to your device. Be patient; this process
might take a few minutes.

10. **Trust Developer Certificate on Your iPhone:**

If this is the first time you're installing an app from Xcode on your iPhone, you might need
to trust the developer certificate on your iPhone. Go to your iPhone's settings, navigate to
"General" -> "Device Management" or "Profiles & Device Management," and trust the
developer certificate associated with your app.

11. **Launch Your App on Your iPhone:**

Once the installation is complete, you should see your app's icon on your iPhone's home
screen. Tap the icon to launch your Flutter app.

That's it! Your Flutter app should now be running on your iPhone. You can continue
development, and every time you want to test your app on your iPhone, you can repeat
steps 8 to 11.

Batas suhu dalam skala Fahrenheit adalah sebagai berikut:

- **-459.67 °F:** Titik nol absolut dalam skala Fahrenheit, yang setara dengan nol absolut
dalam skala Kelvin. Pada suhu ini, semua gerakan molekuler berhenti.

- **32 °F:** Titik Beku Air. Ini adalah suhu di mana air membeku menjadi es pada tekanan

- **212 °F:** Titik Didih Air. Ini adalah suhu di mana air mendidih pada tekanan standar.

Skala Fahrenheit sering digunakan di Amerika Serikat, tetapi sebagian besar negara di dunia
menggunakan skala Celsius (Celsius) untuk mengukur suhu sehari-hari. Untuk mengonversi
suhu dari Fahrenheit ke Celsius, Anda dapat menggunakan rumus berikut:

Suhu (°C) = (Suhu (°F) - 32) * 5/9

Misalnya, jika Anda memiliki suhu 68 °F, Anda dapat mengonversinya ke Celsius dengan cara
(68 °F - 32) * 5/9 = 20 °C

Jadi, 68 °F setara dengan 20 °C dalam skala Celsius.

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