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Together- Hello and welcome to Tanem TV!

MC 1- I am Shaheen

MC 2- And I am Nusaybah

Nusaybah- We have many wonderful events planned for today.

Shaheen- So sit back and enjoy……or maybe not (sarcastic tone)

Nusaybah- First up, we have some very ‘informative’ (eye roll) news for our viewers.


Actor 1- This is Gauri bringing to you the breaking news (utensils falling noise) (Actor turns towards the
side with a stern look and turns back to the camera with an apologetic giggle) of the hour!


Cows lose their job as milk prices drop

Woman calls 999 after McDonalds runs out of chicken nuggets

The country of Azgard accused of hiding submarines in the sea

(Ball hits reporter) (Sound effect of hitting)

Gauri (VERY ANGRILY)- TIMMY! I told you NOT to play with the ball inside!

(Reporter stands, it is revealed she is wearing pajamas beneath the blazer)

(Reporter realizes *Oh no oh no background sound plays)


Both MCs try to control their laughter

Shaheen (confused and hesitating)- Ummm…. Let’s move on to the weather report by Mariam.


Mariam- Thank you Shaheen.

Temperatures in Dubai dropped to -7 degrees. Heavy snow covers the emirate.

It’s raining diamonds in Farjia. Literally (widens eyes). So, if y’all want free diamonds, better book your
flights cause those diamonds ain’t waiting for nobody.

UFO shaped clouds approaching the coast of Can Siego.

(Background glitches, turns from map to cat vibing to song)

Mariam (confused, then starts vibing to the song and says)- What’s going on? I kinda like this cat.
Ummm…back to you Nusaybah

Nusaybah- Let us take a short break

AD 1

Samiya - Mom I’m going to the mall.

Simra - Don’t be late.

(Sponge bob editing background)

Mom looks at clock- Where is this girl?

(Mom takes remote and presses home button)

(Daughter is in the mall. Her shoes suddenly direct back to her house.)

Presenter- Presenting the Homecoming shoes. At the click of a button, the shoes automatically take
the person back to the selected location!

Shaheen (super excited)- Let us watch the teachers and students argue…sorry debate….. on tonight’s
unanticipated Tanem Debate.

Nusaybah (super excited)- I can’t wait! May the best student….I mean competitor win.


Kareena- Welcome to tonight’s debate on ‘Should Homework be banned in schools?’ Teachers, what are
your opinions?

Michelle (dramatic)- Obviously NOT! How are we supposed to complete our portions? Do you expect the
teachers to spoon feed you?

Ishita (calm)- We give students homework so they can revise the concepts well. Besides, you are in a
higher grade now. You must learn to balance.
Sara- Yes, students must understand our point of view.

Kareena- Students, what do you say?

Hafsa- But we get so much homework that we have no time to do anything else! We are so pressurized.
How do you expect us to do daily portions and write loads of notes on time?

Mushfiqa- Yes I agree. We are not able to spend time with our family or extra curricular activities.

Sara- I agree with the students.

Michelle and Ishita (confused)- What are you saying? You are in our team.

Sara- Sorry, I mean I don’t agree…at all…..I think…

Kareena- Alekhya Why aren’t you defending your team?

Alekhya- (looks up while writing) I have homework….

(Alarm rings)

Kareena- Ok time’s up. Results will be announced after a short break.

Ad 2 (Apple Pineapple pen parody)

Leharika picks up toothbrush lazily, then gets an idea (edit bulb on head) and gets a banana.

Sings: I have a banana, I have a colgate

(merges them together) Uh banana colgate

Now she holds up a toothbrush and the ‘banana colgate’ energetically and says

Does your toothpaste have banana? No? Then you’re using the wrong toothpaste!

If you want bright yellow teeth like a banana, don’t miss out on the banana colgate!

Now get two banana colgates at double the price of one!

(Serious and tense background music)

Kareena- Time for the much awaited results…..the winners are…..the group who won is…..who won?
Who did it? THE STUDENTS!

Oh wait….sorry my bad…IT IS THE TEACHERS GROUP!!!

Huh? Pardon me viewers…..there has been a mistake. The competition has been declared A DRAW!!!

(Awkward silence *cricket sounds….then boo sounds) (Everyone unmutes and argues)
(Debate ends abruptly)


Shaheen (bored tone)- That was absolutely wonderful…Alright folks we have finally (emphasis, as if she
is relieved on the show being over) come to the end of today’s show.

Nusaybah- Least but not the last, have a great day folks! See you next time….or maybe not…..

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