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Giancarlo a.

Miranda SMITH
IV – AB Philosophy

Title: God on Trial

Time: 85:20 mins

The story takes place in Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II
and revolves around a group of Jewish prisoners who decide to put God on trial for
breaking his covenant with the Jewish people. The prisoners, facing imminent
death in the gas chambers, gather in a barrack to discuss their grievances and
doubts about God's existence and his role in their suffering. Led by Moche, a rabbi,
the prisoners form a makeshift court and appoint a judge, prosecutor, and defense
attorney. The trial begins with the prosecution presenting arguments against God,
accusing him of abandoning his chosen people and allowing the Holocaust to
happen. Throughout the trial, various prisoners share their personal stories of loss,
pain, and questioning of faith. Some argue that God has forsaken them, while
others defend God's actions, believing that humans cannot fully comprehend his
divine plan. The defense attorney, Abraham, argues that God is not on trial, but
rather humanity's understanding and interpretation of God's actions. As the trial
progresses, tensions rise, and emotions run high. The prisoners grapple with
profound questions about the nature of God, the existence of evil, and the role of
faith in the face of unimaginable suffering. Ultimately, the trial does not provide a
definitive answer to the question of God's existence or responsibility for the
Holocaust. Instead, it serves as a platform for the prisoners to voice their pain,
anger, and confusion, seeking solace and understanding in the midst of their dire

If the saying, “God provides” is true, why then there are people who were
left unprovided despite the fact that they were faithful and loyal to God? If God is
all powerful, why can’t He stop suffering, why can’t He not prevent violence,
death, wars, and other atrocities? These are the arising problems in proving God’s
existence and providence that led them condemned God as guilty for all of the
evils in this world. It is not wrong to question God, either His existence or His
providence. We cannot blame others why they come up with doubting God
because of the sufferings they are enduring. When pain arises and persecutions
come it is inevitable that somehow we question God. However, we cannot fathom
God’s mind and we cannot fully grasp the reasons why He allows things. It is easy
to conclude that it is God’s fault but He is the artist He knows what’s best.

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