District Level Graphs - Variable Ifinal

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Frequency of News Reports on Democratic Issue





The bar chart indicates newspapers in Balochistan published no news reports on parliamentary sessions, and constituency. Majority of news were seen on politicians and political parties. In case of FATA/KPK again no news were witnessed on constituency. Punjab and Sindh newspapers published news reports on all categories. News reports on politicians ranked the highest in all districts. News on constituency ranked lowest in all districts. FATA/KPK: News on politicians and political parties were given maximum space in the newspapers. Categories like political and judicial institution, constituency and accountability were ignored in most of the districts. The findings of districts as follows: Abbotabad: The highest number of reports were based on politicians which was 57% and political parties which was 17%. Categories like political institutions and constituency were completely ignored. However little representation was given was to categories like electorates 6%, parliamentary sessions 2% and judicial institutions. DI Khan: The highest number of reports were based on politicians which was 98% and political parties which was 2%. Categories like political institutions and constituency, electorates, parliamentary sessions and judicial institutions were also completely ignored. Khyber Agency: No democratic news were published. Mardan: Only reports based on politicians were published in this district. Rest of the categories were completely ignored. Peshawar: The highest number of reports were based on politicians which was 44%, political parties which was 23% and judicial institutions which was 23%. Categories like constituency, accountability and parliamentary sessions were completely ignored. However little representation was given was to categories like electorates which was 3%. PUNJAB: News on politicians, political parties and judicial institutions were given maximum space in the newspapers. Categories like political institution, constituency and accountability were ignored in most of the districts. The findings of districts as follows: Bahawalpur: The highest number of reports were based on politicians which was 81% and judicial institutions which was 14%. Categories like electorates, accountability parliamentary sessions, political institutions and constituency were completely ignored. However little representation was given was to categories like political parties which was 4%. Lahore: The highest number of reports were based on politicians which was 44%, electorates which was 10% and judicial institutions which was 29%. All the categories were covered in the newspaper. None of them was left out. Multan: The highest number of reports were based on political parties which was 53%, politicians which was 29% and accountability which was 12%. Categories like constituency, parliamentary sessions, political and judicial institutions were completely ignored. However little representation was given was to categories like electorates which was 6%.

Sargodha: The highest number of reports were based on politicians which was 77%, accountability which was 8% and judicial institutions which was 28%. Categories like parliamentary sessions, political parties and political instituions were completely ignored. However little representation was given was to categories like electorates which was 3% and constituency which was also 4%. SINDH: News on politicians and political parties were given maximum space in the newspapers. Categories like political and judicial institution, constituency and accountability were ignored in most of the districts. Over most of the categories were covered in all the districts giving a well-rounded picture of the district. The findings of districts as follows: Hyderabad: The highest number of reports were based on politicians which was51%, accountability which was 13% and judicial institutions which was 11%. Categories political institutions were completely ignored. However little representation was given was to categories like electorates and constituency were given least coverage which was 4% each. Karachi: The highest number of reports were based on politicians which was 49%, political parties which was 23% and accountability which was 11%. Categories like electorates and political institutions were completely ignored. Larkana: : The highest number of reports were based on politicians which was 54%, political parties which was 17% and accountability which was 13%. Categories like constituency and parliamentary sessions were completely ignored. However little representation was given was to categories like political and judicial institutions which was 4% each. Sukkur: The highest number of reports were based on politicians which was 53%, judicial institutions which was 18% and accountability which was 15%. Categories like electorates, parliamentary sessions and political institutions were completely ignored. However little representation was given was to categories like constituency which was 3%. BALOCHISTAN: This bar chart indicates frequency of news reports on democratic issues in Balochistan. The bar chart indicates newspapers in Balochistan published no news reports on parliamentary sessions, and constituency. Majority of news were seen on politicians and political institutions. The district breakup is as follows: Khuzdar: The highest number of news reports were based on the news of political parties which was 45% whereas news on politicians came next with 27%. No news reports were published on electorates. Loralai: The highest number of news reports were based on the news of political institutions which was 55% and news of politicians and electorates was 16% each. No news reports were published on accountability.

Nushki: The highest number of news reports were based on politicians which was 89% and news on political institutions and others were 6% each. However no news were published on electorates, accountability and judicial institution. Quetta: The highest number of news reports were based on political institutions which was 44% and news on electorates came next with 32% and no news reports were published on accountability and judicial institutions.

1.5 Frequency of News Reports on Governance Issues

100% 90% 80% 70%

The bar chart indicates newspapers in Balochistan published maximum number of news on law and order, categories like gender were given least importance. In case of FATA/KPK categories like health, population welfare and poverty reduction were completely ignored. In Punjab poverty reduction was completely ignored and education and administration got maximum coverage. Sindh newspapers published news reports maximum on law and order and gender was completely ignored. News reports on law and order ranked the highest in all districts. News on poverty reduction and gender ranked lowest in all districts. FATA/KPK: News on law and order were given maximum space in the newspapers. Poverty reduction and population welfare were ignored in most of the districts. News on governance issues were not published in DI Khan and Mardan.The findings of districts as follows: Abbotabad: The highest number of reports were based on education which was 10% and administration which was 8%. Categories like health, poverty reduction and population welfare were completely ignored. However little representation was given was to categories like employment and gender which was 2% each. DI Khan: News on governance issues were not published. Khyber Agency: All the news published in newspapers were based on law and order. Every other category was completely ignored. Mardan: News on governance issues were not published. Peshawar: The highest number of reports were based on law and order which was 46%, health, education and administration which was 10%. Categories like gender, population welfare, poverty reduction and employment were completely ignored. PUNJAB: News on administration, education and law and order were given maximum space in the newspapers. Categories like poverty reduction were completely in all the districts. Minimum representation was given to news based on gender, health and population welfare. The findings of districts as follows: Bahawalpur: The highest number of reports were based on education which was 44% and administration which was 31%. Categories like health, gender, poverty reduction, population welfare and employment were completely ignored. Little representation was given was to categories like health which was 7% and poverty reduction which was 3%law and order which was 19%. Lahore: The highest number of reports were based on administration and law and order which was 34% each. Categories like poverty reduction and gender were completely ignored. Little representation was given was to categories like health which was 7% and population welfare which was 3%. Multan: The highest number of reports were based on administration and law and order which was 33% each. Categories like gender and poverty reduction were completely ignored. Little representation was given was to categories like health, education and employment which was 11% each.

Sargodha: The highest number of reports were based on law and order which was 33%, education and administration which was 22% each. Categories like health, poverty reduction and population welfare were completely ignored. Little representation was given to categories like gender and employment which was 11% SINDH: News on administration and law and order were given maximum space in the newspapers. The gender category was completely ignored in all districts. Minimum representation was given to news based on education, health, poverty reduction and population welfare. The findings of districts as follows: Hyderabad: The highest number of reports were based on law and order which was 30% and health which was 20 %. Categories like gender, population and poverty reduction were completely ignored. Little representation was given was to categories like education, administration and employment which was 10% each. Karachi: The highest number of reports were based on law and order which 62%. Categories like health, education, gender, population welfare and poverty control were completely ignored. Little representation was given was to categories like administration and employment which was 10% each. Larkana: The highest number of reports were based on law and order which was 74% and administration which was 10%. Categories like gender, population welfare and poverty reduction were completely ignored. Little representation was given to categories like health which was 3% and education which was 2%. Sukkur: The highest number of reports were based on law and order which was 42% and administration which was 11%. Categories like gender, population welfare and employment were completely ignored. Little representation was given to categories like health which was 4% and education which was 3%. BALOCHISTAN: News on administration, education, health and law and order were given maximum space in the newspapers.Minimum representation was given to news based on gender, poverty reduction and employment. None of the categories was completely ignored. The findings of districts as follows: Khuzdar: The highest number of reports were based on administration, health, education and law and order were given equal representation which was 25% each. Categories like gender, population welfare, poverty reduction and employment were completely ignored. Loralai: The highest number of reports were based on administration and law and order which was 34% each. Categories of poverty reduction and employment were completely ignored. Little representation was given was to categories like health and law and order which was 5% each and also gender and population which was 2%.

Nushki: The highest number of reports were based on administration which was 39%, population welfare which was 22% and health which was 14%. Category of gender was completely ignored. Little representation was given was to categories like education which was 3% and employment which was 8% Quetta: The highest number of reports were based on law and order which was 29%, education and administration which was 28% each. Little representation was given to categories like gender which was 1% and employment which was 3%. All the categories were covered in this district none of them was left out.

RADIO 1.9 Frequency of Democratic News

10 0% 9% 0
The bar chart indicates radio news in FATA/KPK broadcasted democratic news only in Peshawar. Similarly in Punjab democratic news were only broadcasted in Lahore and Multan; Bahawalpur and Sargodha had no democratic news broadcasted. In Sindh radio news on democratic issues were aired in all districts except Hyderabad. In Balochistan radio news on democratic issues were broadcasted only in Khuzdar. FATA/KPK:

8% 0 7% 0

Only news on politicians, political parties and judicial institutions were given coverage. Rest of the categories like electorates, accountability, constituency, parliamentary sessions, accountability and others were completely ignored. Only one district i.e Peshawar had democratic news aired. The findings of districts as follows: Abbotabad: There were no democratic news broadcasted. DI Khan: There were no democratic news broadcasted. Khyber Agency: There were no democratic news broadcasted. Mardan: There were no democratic news broadcasted. Peshawar: The highest number of reports were based on politicians which was 63%, judicial institutions which was 25% and political parties which was 13%. Rest of the categories like electorates, accountability, constituency, parliamentary sessions, accountability and others were completely ignored. PUNJAB: News on politicians, political parties, political and judicial institutions were given maximum coverage. Categories like electorates, parliamentary sessions, constituency and accountability were ignored in most of the districts. Democratic news were not broadcasted in Bahawalpur and Sargodha. The findings of districts as follows: Bahawalpur: There were no democratic news broadcasted. Lahore: The highest number of reports were based on politicians which was 62%, and judicial institutions which was 17%. All the categories were covered in this district. Little representation was given to categories like constituency and political parties which was 2% each. Over all this district had a balanced coverage which included all categories. Multan: The highest number of reports were based on political parties which was 53%, political parties, political institution and judicial institution which was 14% each. Rest of the categories like electorates, constituency, parliamentary sessions, and accountability were completely ignored. Sargodha: There were no democratic news broadcasted. SINDH: News on politician, political institutions and constituency were given coverage only. Categories like electorates, parliamentary sessions, accountability and judicial institution were completely ignored. The findings of districts as follows: Hyderabad: There were no democratic news broadcasted. Karachi: Only two categories politicians which was 75% and constituency which was 25% were covered. Rest of the categories were completely ignored.

Larkana: Only two categories politicians which was 60% and political institution which was 40% were covered. Rest of the categories were completely ignored Sukkur: All the news broadcasted belonged to a single category which was politicians. All the other categories were completely ignored. BALOCHISTAN: This bar chart indicates that only one category was covered which was political parties. All the other categories were ignored. Democratic news were broadcasted in one district only which was Khuzdar. The district breakup is as follows: Khuzdar: All the news broadcasted belonged to a single category which was politicians. All the other categories were completely ignored. Loralai: There were no democratic news broadcasted. Nushki: There were no democratic news broadcasted. Quetta: There were no democratic news broadcasted.

1.11 Frequency of Governance News

45 40 35

FATA/KPK: News on law and order and administration were given maximum space in the news. Categories like gender, poverty reduction, population welfare and employment were completely ignored in all of the districts. News on governance issues were not broadcasted in DI Khan. The findings of districts as follows: Abbotabad: DI Khan: News on governance issues were not broadcasted. Khyber Agency: Only one news report was broadcasted in the district which was on administration. All the other categories were ignored. Mardan: Only one news report was broadcasted in the district which was on education. All the other categories were ignored. Peshawar: The highest number of reports were based on law and order which was 15. Categories like administration had 5, health had 1 and education had 1 news broadcasted. Categories like gender, population welfare, poverty reduction and employment were completely ignored.

PUNJAB: News on administration, education and law and order were given maximum space in the news. Categories like poverty reduction and employment were ignored in most of the districts. Minimum representation was given to news based on health and gender. The findings of districts as follows: Bahawalpur: The highest number of reports were based on education which was 13 and administration which was 10. Categories like poverty reduction and employment were completely ignored. Little representation was given was to categories like gender which was 2 and health which was 2. Lahore: The highest number of reports were based on administration which was 39 and law and order which was 11. Categories like population control, poverty reduction and employment were completely ignored. Little representation was given was to categories like gender which was 1 and health which was 4. Multan: The highest number of reports were based on administration which was 7 and education which was 2. Categories like health, gender, law and order, population welfare, poverty reduction and employment were completely ignored. Sargodha: The highest number of reports were based on administration which was 29 and law and order which was 14. Category like gender was completely ignored. Little representation was given was to categories like employment which was 1 and health which was 3.

SINDH: News on administration health and education were given maximum space in the news. The gender category was completely ignored in all the districts. Minimum representation was given to news based on population welfare, poverty reduction and employment. The findings of districts as follows: Hyderabad: The highest number of reports were based on administration, health and population welfare which was 1 each. Categories like health, education, gender, law and order, employment and poverty reduction were completely ignored. Karachi: The highest number of reports were based on administration which was 6, education and law and order which was 2 each. Categories like gender and poverty control were completely ignored. Little representation was given was to categories like employment, health and population welfare which was 1 each. Larkana: The highest number of reports were based on administration which was 24, education which was 18 and law and order which was 10.Categories like gender and poverty control were completely ignored. Little representation was given was to categories like employment which was 2 and population welfare 4. Sukkur: The highest number of reports were based on administration which was 15 an education which was 7.Categories like gender and poverty control were completely ignored. Little representation was given was to categories like employment and law and order which was 1 each. BALOCHISTAN: News on administration, health and law and order were given maximum space in the news. Categories like poverty reduction, population welfare and employment were completely ignored. Minimum coverage was given to news based on gender and education. There were no news on governance issues broadcasted in Loralai and Nushki. The findings of districts as follows: Khuzdar: The news reports were based on either health which was 2 and law and order which was 1. All the other categories were ignored. Loralai: News on governance issues were not broadcasted. Nushki: News on governance issues were not broadcasted. Quetta: The highest number of reports were based on administration which was 3 and law and order which was 2%. Minimum coverage was given to news based on health, education and gender. Categories like poverty reduction, population welfare and employment were completely ignored.

TELEVISION 1.13 Frequency of Democratic News

100% 90%
The bar chart indicates TV news in FATA/KPK broadcasted democratic news only in Peshawar. Similarly in Punjab democratic news were only broadcasted in Lahore and Multan; Bahawalpur and Sargodha had no democratic news broadcasted. In Sindh TV news on democratic issues were aired in Hyderabad only. There were no TV news broadcasted on democratic issues in Balochistan. FATA/KPK:

80% 70%

Only news on politicians, political parties and judicial institutions were given coverage. Rest of the categories like electorates, accountability, constituency, parliamentary sessions, accountability and others were completely ignored. Only one district i.e Peshawar had democratic news aired. The findings of districts as follows: Abbotabad: There were no democratic news broadcasted. DI Khan: There were no democratic news broadcasted. Khyber Agency: There were no democratic news broadcasted. Mardan: There were no democratic news broadcasted. Peshawar: The highest number of reports were based on politicians which was 63%, judicial institutions which was 25% and political parties which was 13%. Rest of the categories like electorates, accountability, constituency, parliamentary sessions, accountability and others were completely ignored. PUNJAB: News on politicians, political parties, political and judicial institutions were given maximum coverage. Categories like electorates, parliamentary sessions, constituency and accountability were ignored in most of the districts. Democratic news were not broadcasted in Bahawalpur and Sargodha. The findings of districts as follows: Bahawalpur: There were no democratic news broadcasted. Lahore: The highest number of reports were based on politicians which was 62%, and judicial institutions which was 17%. All the categories were covered in this district. Least representation was given to categories like constituency which was 1% each. Over all this district had a balanced coverage which included all categories. Multan: All the news reports were based on political parties which was 78% and judicial institution which was 22%. All the other categories like electorates, constituency, parliamentary sessions, political institution and accountability were completely ignored. Sargodha: There were no democratic news broadcasted. SINDH: News on accountability and constituency were given maximum coverage. Categories like electorates and political institutions were completely ignored. TV news on democratic issues were broadcasted on Hyderabad and Karachi only. The findings of districts as follows: Hyderabad: The highest number of reports were based on accountability which was 54%, constituency which was 31% and judicial institutions which was 15%. All the other categories like electorates, politicians, political institutions, parliamentary sessions and political parties were completely ignored.

Karachi: The highest number of reports were based on constituency which was 56%. Other categories like politicians, accountability, political parties and judicial institutions were given equal representation which was 11%. Categories like political institution and electorates were completely ignored Larkana: There were no democratic news broadcasted. Sukkur: There were no democratic news broadcasted. BALOCHISTAN: This bar chart indicates that there were NO news on democratic issues in ANY of the districts in Balochistan.

1.15 Frequency of Governance News

7 0

6 0

5 0

100% 90% 80% 70%

FATA/KPK: News on law and order, health and education were given maximum space in the news. Categories like gender, poverty reduction, population welfare and employment were ignored in most of the districts. News on governance issues were not broadcasted in Abbotabad and Mardan. The findings of districts as follows: Abbotabad: News on governance issues were not broadcasted. DI Khan: All the news broadcasted were either based on administration which was 50% or education which was also 50%.All the other categories were completely ignored. Khyber Agency: All the news broadcasted were based on law and order which was 90%. All the other categories were completely ignored. Mardan: News on governance issues were not broadcasted. Peshawar: The highest number of reports were based on law and order which was 43% and health which was 14%. Categories like administration, education, gender, population welfare, poverty reduction and employment were completely ignored.

PUNJAB: News on administration and law and order were given maximum space in the news. Categories like poverty reduction were completely in all the districts. Minimum representation was given to news based on gender, health, education, employment and population welfare. No news on governance issues were broadcasted in Sargodha. The findings of districts as follows: Bahawalpur: All the news broadcasted were of law and order. All the other categories were completely ignored. Lahore: The highest number of reports were based on administration which was 46%, education which was 19% and law and order which was 13% . None of the category was completely ignored. Little representation was given was to categories like gender which was 1% and employment which was 4%. Multan: The highest number of reports were based on administration which was 83% and health 6%. Categories like gender, law and order, population welfare, poverty reduction and employment were completely ignored. Little representation was given was to education category which was 3%. Sargodha: News on governance issues were not broadcasted. SINDH:

News on administration and law and order were given maximum space in the news. The health, education, population welfare and poverty control categories were completely ignored. Minimum representation was given to news based on gender and employment. There were no news on governance issues broadcasted in Larkana and Sukkur. The findings of districts as follows: Hyderabad: The highest number of reports were based on administration which was 70%, employment and law and order which was 17% each. Categories like health, education, gender, population welfare and poverty reduction were completely ignored. Karachi: The highest number of reports were based on law and order which 71% and administration which was 17%. Categories like health, education, population welfare and poverty control were completely ignored. Little representation was given was to categories like gender which was 8% and employment which was 4% each. Larkana: News on governance issues were not broadcasted. Sukkur: News on governance issues were not broadcasted. BALOCHISTAN: News on gender and law and order were given maximum space in the news. All the other categories were completely ignored. There were no news on governance issues broadcasted in Khuzdar and Loralai. The findings of districts as follows: Khuzdar: News on governance issues were not broadcasted. Loralai: News on governance issues were not broadcasted. Nushki: All the news broadcasted were of the category law and order. All other categories were not covered and completely ignored. Quetta: The highest number of reports were based on law and order and gender which was 40% each. Rest of the categories were completely ignored.

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