DOT OST 2015 0233 0013 - Attachment - 1

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Hogan Lovells US LLP

Columbia Square
555 Thirteenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20004
T +1 202 637 5600
F +1 202 637 5910

Robert E. Cohn, Senior Counsel

+1.202.637.4999 Direct Line

Patrick R. Rizzi, Counsel

+1.202.637.5659 Direct Line
January 8, 2021

Ms. Lauralyn J. Remo

Chief, Air Carrier Fitness Division
Mr. Jerish Varghese
Office of Aviation Analysis
U.S. Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

Re: Trans Executive Airlines of Hawaii:

Documentation for Effective Certificate for Foreign Charter Air Transportation
(Docket DOT-OST-2015-0233)

Dear Ms. Remo and Mr. Varghese:

Pursuant to DOT Order 2017-3-22, served March 30, 2017, and DOT Order 2017-6-11,
served June 15, 2017, Trans Executive Airlines of Hawaii, Inc. d/b/a Transair Express d/b/a
Transair Global d/b/a Interisland Airways (“Trans Executive”) hereby requests that the
Department make effective Trans Executive’s Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity
for Foreign Charter Air Transportation (“Foreign Charter Certificate”).

Trans Executive had planned to commence foreign charter air transportation services
well before now. Unfortunately, as a result of various factors beyond its control, including the
global COVID-19 pandemic, Trans Executive was unable to secure the necessary Operations
Specifications from the FAA for foreign air transportation until recently. It has just received
Operations Specifications for foreign operations (e.g., Canada, Mexico, Central and South
America, the Caribbean).

Accordingly, Trans Executive is furnishing the following documents and providing

updated information to the Department to bring into effect its Foreign Charter Certificate:

(a) Ops Specs. Attachment TEA-1 is a copy of Trans Executive’s FAA Air Carrier
Certificate (No. TXHA688I) and excerpts of Operations Specifications amendments
reflecting, among other things, authorizations for its Boeing 737-200 VIP passenger
operations in foreign air transportation.

\\DC - 038245/000001 - 15906914 v2

(b) Certificate of Insurance. Attachment TEA-2 is a completed Certificate of
Insurance on OST Form 6410 evidencing liability insurance coverage exceeding the
requirements of 14 C.F.R. § 205.5(b) for Trans Executive’s current fleet.

(c) Changes. Mr. Riahi, Trans Executive’s President and CEO, confirms that Trans
Executive has not undergone any changes to its ownership, operating plans, or
compliance history, nor have there been any negative developments to its financial
posture, since the date of the Show Cause Order in this case.

There have been two changes to Trans Executive’s key personnel since the
Show Cause Order. First, Mr. Raja Segaran, formerly VP of Maintenance, is no longer
with the air carrier, and his position has been eliminated. Mr. Chris Harness remains as
the Director of Maintenance. We previously submitted a completed key employee
compliance questionnaire and resume for Mr. Harness. Second, Mr. William Stickney
has retired as Chief Pilot, and Mr. Mario Roman is now Trans Executive’s Chief Pilot. A
completed key employee compliance questionnaire and resume for Mr. Roman are
provided as Attachment TEA-3.

(d) Pre-Operating Expenses and Available Funds. Mr. Riahi has confirmed that
all pre-operating expenses have been paid, and none remain outstanding. Attachment
TEA-4 is an updated balance sheet for Trans Executive, showing positive working
capital. Attachment TEA-5 is a letter from Central Pacific Bank confirming that Trans
Executive has a balance for its depository accounts in “the low eight figures” (meaning at
least $10 million). That is significantly more than the financial fitness threshold of
$471,000 set forth in the Show Cause Order.

Trans Executive clearly meets the Department’s requirements to make its Certificate of
Public Convenience and Necessity for foreign charter air transportation effective. Trans
Executive is ready to put its Boeing 737-200 VIP passenger aircraft to revenue use in foreign
charter service and is eager to advertise, contract for, and operate such flights with this aircraft
under its fully effective Foreign Charter Certificate. Accordingly, Trans Executive respectfully
urges the Department to accelerate its review of this submission and confirm that its Foreign
Charter Certificate will be made immediately effective rather than requiring Trans Executive to
wait six business days before its certificate will come into effect.

A Verification signed by Mr. Riahi is also attached to this Letter.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert E. Cohn
Patrick R. Rizzi
Counsel for Trans Executive Airlines of Hawaii, Inc. d/b/a
Transair Express d/b/a Transair Global d/b/a Interisland

Attachments: Verification, Attachments TEA-1 through TEA-5

cc: Teimour Riahi, President & CEO, Trans Executive Airlines of Hawaii, Inc.

\\DC - 038245/000001 - 15906914 v2
US. Cencement
of Transpertotrcui
Federal Aviation

Air Carrier Certificate

This certifies that

has met the requirements of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended, and the rules,
regulations, and standards prescribed thereunder for the issuance of this certificate and is
hereby authorized to operate as an air carrier and conduct common carriage operations in
accordance with said Act and the rules, regulations, and standards prescribed thereunder
and the terms, conditions, and limitations contained in the approved operations specifications.

This certificate is riot transferable and, unless sooner surrendered. suspended, or revoked,
shall continue in effect indefinitely_

By Direction of the Administrator.

Certificate number: TXHA6881 f7441ILLIAR H,_ LLIAMS, JR,


Effective date:
June 5, 1991 Manager, Flight Standards Division

Issued at: Honolulu, Hawaii kPqtorn-PA,-4fir Region


FAA Form 8430-18 (8-071

The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response. If you wish
to comment on the accuracy of the estimate or make suggestions for reducing this burden, please direct your comments
to: U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Aviation Analysis, X-56, 400 7th St., SW., Washington, D.C. 20590.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information
unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
Office of the Secretary
of Transportation NOTE: For information on where to file completed copies of this form, see FILING INSTRUCTIONS below.

OMB No. 2106-0030 Expires 9-30-2007


FILING INSTRUCTIONS: File a signed original of this form with the Federal Aviation Administration, AFS-260, 800 Independence Ave., S.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20591. (See EXCEPTIONS 1 and 2 below.)
EXCEPTION 1: If Block 2B on the reverse is filled in because the insured is a commuter air carrier, file a signed original of this form with the
Department of Transportation, Air Carrier Fitness Division, X-56, 400 7th St., SW, Washington, DC 20590.
EXCEPTION 2: For any insured that is located in the State of Alaska (regardless as to whether Block 2A, 2B, or 2C is filled in), file a signed
original of this form with the Federal Aviation Administration, Alaskan Region Hq., AAL-230, 222 W. 7th Ave., #14, Anchorage, Alaska 99513.

(Please type information, except signatures.)

National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA through AIG Aerospace Insurance
Services, Inc. and various other insurers
THIS CERTIFIES THAT: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Name of Insurer)

Trans Air Holdings, Inc.; Trans Executive Airlines of Hawaii, Inc. dba Trans Air
has issued a policy or policies of Aircraft Liability Insurance to ___________________________________________________________________

PO Box 29239 Honolulu, HI 96820

__________________________________________________________________FAA TXHA688I
Certificate Number________________________________
(Name, address and FAA Certificate number of Insured U.S. Air Carrier)

July 31, 2020

effective from ________________________________ until ten (10) days after written notice from the insurer or carrier of the intent
to terminate coverage is received by the Department of Transportation.
NOTE: Part 205 of the Department’s Regulations does not allow for a predetermined termination date, and a certificate showing such a date is
1. The Insurer (Check One):
is licensed to issue aircraft insurance policies in the United States;
is licensed or approved by the government of _______________________ to issue aircraft insurance policies; or
is an approved surplus line insurer in the State(s) of _________________________
2. The insurer assumes, under the policy or policies listed below, aircraft accident liability insured to minimums at least equal to the
following during operation, maintenance, or use of aircraft in “air transportation” as that term is defined in 49 U.S.C. 40102.
(Complete applicable section(s) A, B, or C below):
The aircraft covered by this policy are SMALL AIRCRAFT (i.e., with 60 or fewer passenger seats or with a maximum payload
capacity of 18,000 pounds or less). (Complete separate or combined coverage as appropriate):

Separate Coverages: Minimum Limit

Policy No. Type of Liability Each person Each Occurrence
_________________________ Bodily Injury Liability
(Excluding Passengers) $ 75,000 $300,000
_________________________ Passenger Bodily Injury $ 75,000 $75,000 x 75% of
total number of
passenger seats
installed in aircraft
_________________________ Property Damage $100,000

Combined Coverage: The amount of coverage set forth below is a single limit of liability for each occurrence at least equal to the
required minimums stated above for bodily injury (excluding passengers), property damage, and passenger bodily injury.

Policy No.__________________________________ Amount of Coverage________________________________

This policy covers CARGO operations only and excludes passenger liability insurance.

OST Form 6410

The aircraft covered by this policy are SMALL AIRCRAFT (i.e., with 60 or fewer passenger seats or with a maximum payload
capacity of 18,000 pounds or less). (Complete separate or combined coverage as appropriate):
Separate Coverages: Minimum Limit
Policy No. Type of Liability Each person Each Occurrence
__________________ Combined Bodily Injury (Excluding Passengers other
than cargo attendants) and Property Damage Liability $300,000 $2,000,000
__________________ Passenger Bodily Injury $300,000 $300,000 x 75% of
total number of
passenger seats
installed in aircraft
Combined Coverage: The amount of coverage set forth below is a single limit of liability for each occurrence at least equal to the
required minimums stated above for bodily injury (excluding passengers), property damage, and passenger bodily injury.
FV 001855368-16/FG 001855369-16
Policy No.__________________________________ See Attached Schedule
Amount of Coverage_________________________________

This policy covers CARGO operations only and excludes passenger liability insurance.
The aircraft covered by this policy are LARGE AIRCRAFT (i.e., with more than 60 passenger seats or with a maximum payload capacity of
more than 18,000 pounds). (Complete separate or combined coverage as appropriate):
Separate Coverages: Minimum Limit
Policy No. Type of Liability Each person Each Occurrence
__________________ Combined Bodily Injury (Excluding Passengers other
than cargo attendants) and Property Damage Liability $300,000 $20,000,000
__________________ Passenger Bodily Injury $300,000 $300,000 x 75% of
total number of
passenger seats
installed in aircraft
Combined Coverage: The amount of coverage set forth below is a single limit of liability for each occurrence at least equal to the
required minimums stated above for bodily injury (excluding passengers), property damage, and passenger bodily injury.
FV 001855368-16/FG 001855369-16
Policy No.__________________________________ See Attached Schedule
Amount of Coverage________________________________

This policy covers CARGO operations only and excludes passenger liability insurance.
3. The policy or policies listed in this certificate insure(s) (Check One): Make and Model FAA or Foreign Flag
Registration No.
Operations conducted with all aircraft operated by the insured See Attached Schedule
Operations conducted with the following types of aircraft:
Operations with the following aircraft: (Use additional page if necessary)
4. Each policy listed in this certificate meets or exceeds the requirements in 14 CFR Part 205.

National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA

_________________________________________________________ McGriff, Seibels,& Williams
(Name of Insurer) (Name of Broker, if applicable)
100 Colony Square, 1175 Peachtree Street NE
_________________________________________________________ 7525 SE 24th St., Suite 520
(Address) (Address)
Atlanta, GA 30361
_________________________________________________________ Mercer Island, WA 98040
(City, State, Zip Code) (City, State, Zip Code)
Clay Garner, Underwriter, AIG Aerospace
_________________________________________________________ Jenney Lindblom, Account Coordinator
Contact (person who can verify the effectiveness of the coverage) (Officer or authorized representative)
404-853-3123 404-249-1917
_______________________________/__________________________ 206-232-9870 206-232-9515
(Area Code, Phone Number) (Area Code, Fax Number) (Area Code, Phone
ne Number)
on (Area
(Are Code, Fax Number)

_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
__ __
_______ ___
_ ____________
(Signature, if applicable) (Signature)

___________________________________________ 7/30/20
(Date) (Date)
Trans Air Holdings, Inc.
Aircraft Hull & Liability
July 31, 2020‐2021

Insurer Participation Policy No.

National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA through AIG Aerospace 20.00% FV001855368‐16
Underwriters at Lloyd's of London and/or Various Foreign Insurance Companies
7.50% B0507AV2000878
through Price Forbes & Partners Ltd.
Starr Indemnity & Liability Company through Starr Aviation 17.50% SASICOM60020720‐11
QBE Insurance Corporation through QBE Americas 15.00% 100008584
Great American Insurance Company 5.00% QSE453985‐01
XL Specialty Insurance Company through AXA XL 15.00% UA00003930AV20A
Houston Casualty Company 10.00% 016130‐011
Endurance American Insurance Company through W. Brown and Associates 10.00% NQC6034195
Total Participation 100.00%

Aircraft Description Reg. No. Liability Limit Status

1989 Shorts SD3‐60 N351TA $20,000,000 CSL including Pax FFR
1987 Shorts SD3‐60 N808TR $5,000,000 CSL excluding Pax GRO
1988 Shorts SD3‐60 N827BE $10,000,000 CSL with Pax limited to $1M each FFR
1988 Shorts SD3‐60 N808KR $5,000,000 CSL excluding Pax GRO
1987 Shorts SD3‐60 N221LM $10,000,000 CSL with Pax limited to $1M each FFR
1987 Shorts SD3‐60 N4476F $10,000,000 CSL with Pax limited to $1M each FFR
1984 Boeing 737‐2Q8 N413JG $100,000,000 CSL, with Pax limited to $1M each FFR

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