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T44 ÍAIÉTÍTAT 2023-24

Class: X
Mazinun Maks2)
Subject Mathematícs (641) Time3 hrs
Geeral strtions:
Thisqestion paper contains 5 sections A, B, C, D, E. Fach etin is musr.
Howgve. there are intermal choices in some qEstirs
Section Ahas 18 MCO's and 2 AssertinASa based qestins of 1 mak ech
Section B has 5 very short Ars#er (VSA- type questions of 2marks ech
4 Section C has 6 short Answer (SA} type questions cf3 maks each
Section D has 4 ong Arswes (LA} type çuestiors f Snaks each
Section E has3 source baedase baseissge tasedtegted unts sf ssmet
4mks each with sub-perts
Setisn -A
(Mutiple Chcáce Questors)
Esch quein caries I ak

IfA such that A+A4 then the vale of ais

2 f1,when i *j
IfAy] isasqare mariz of order 2such fhat ay= l0,when i =fthen Ais

3 fAsn ivetible arin of osder 3ad 4] = 5,fen ladË 4| is

(s-25 (bj45 (G2s
(1 1 1
The maxiAvale of1 1+sins 1
1 1+cos 51

The vale of k for which isa siga rari

5) 2k
- (2) 4 (b) 4 (3 6

3k-2, if x> 0
(b)2 ()-2

fy=leosx- sinzl, thea fJs eqalto

ytaatiabie -\+) ((1-5)
Pzge 1of6
8) SRVI-sin 2x dx is equal to
(a) 2V2 (b) 2(V2+ 1) (c) 2 way 2(V2-1)
9) The order and degree, if defined, for the differential equation:()
dx -) +1
(a) Order = 2, Degree=3/2 bOrder= 2,Degree =3
(c) Order = 2, Degree-2 (dyOrder=2, Degree =not defined
10) The generalsolution of the differential equation = e* + 1 is:
(a) y= e* + c (b) y=xe* tc e)yrte*+ c (d) x=log(e* + 1)tc
11) If xbe the angle between two non-zero vectors and b, and if .b| =|å x b, then
x is equal to :
(a) 00 (b) 30º (d) 90°
12) For the given vectors, d = 3t-j + 2k and B=-2t +3j - k, the unit vector in the
direction of the vector a + b is
(a)(? + 2j &) 1bi+ 2j +k)
(b) (0) (i -2) +k) ()(i- 27 -k)
13) The value of (Î x D.R + Î. x ) is
(a) l (b) j (d)1
14) The projection of vector î -2j + k on the vector 4i- 4 +7k is:
(b) +19 units
(a) gJ6 -units (©) V6
units vàunits
15) A line makes angle a, B, y with x-axis, y-axis and z-axis respectively then
cos 2a + cos 2ß + cos 2y is equal to:
(a) 0 (b) 1 (d) 4/3
16) The feasible region for LPP is shown shaded in the figure. Let Z =3 x- y be the
objective function, then the maximum value of Z is:

(0,0) (6,0)

(a) 18 (c) 0 (d) 2

17) Corner points of the feasible region determined by the system of constraints are (0,3),
(1,1) and (3,0) and Z = pxtqy, where p,q>0 is the objective function. Condition on p
and q so that the minimum of Z occurs at (3,0) and (1,1) is
(a) 2q =p (b) (c) p=3q (d) p=q
18) Given two independent events A and B such that P(A)=0.3, P(B)= 0.6, then P(ANB') is

(a) 0.28 (b) 0.18 (c) 0.9 (d) 0.1

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In the following question a statement of
Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R).
Pick the correct option:
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A.)
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is NOT the
correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(d)(A) is false but (R) is true.
19) Asertion (A): The function f: R+R, f(x)=x| is not
Reason (R) :The function f(x)-x is not onto

20)Assertion (A): The function f(x) =cos 2x, has the minimum value -1 in the domain [0,]
Reason (R) :The function fgiven by f(x)= cos 2x is decreasing in [0,I
[This section comprises of very short answer type questions (VSA) of 2 marks each]
Z1) Write the following in the simplest form : tan-1(1-sin
Find the value of
tan (2sin (2cos- ).
22) Find the intervals in which the function f(x) = 20 9x + 6x?-x is
(a) strictly increasing (b) strictly decreasing
23) Show that the local maximum value of x+is less than the local minimum value

24) Aman 1.6 mtall walks at the rate of 0.3 m/sec away from the street light which is 4m
above the ground. At what rate is the length of the shadow changing?
A spherical balloon is being inflated at the rate of 35 cm/min. Find the rate of
of the radius of the balloon when the diameter is 10 cm

25) Evaluate : , x²|x| dx

type questions (S.A) of 3 mnarks each]
[This section comprises of short answer
cos X
20) If y= tan x+sec x, prove that=
dx2 (1-sin x)2

27) Evaluate:e2* sin xdx

Page 3 of 6
sinx -dx
28) Bvaluate:a-cosx)(2+ cos *)

Evaluate: dx
1+ Vtan x
29) A student can apply to 4 colleges after the result publishes. Let X' denote the number of
colleges where you can apply after your results and P (X= x) denotes your probability of
getting admission in x number of colleges. It is given that
kx, if x= 0,1
PX=) = 2kx, ifx =2
(k(5-x), ifx =3,4
(i) Find the value of k.
(i) What is the probability that you will get admission in exactly two colleges?
(iii) Find the mean of X

30) Solve the following linear programming problem graphically:

Maximize Z= 25x+15y
Subject to constraints
2x +ys l2; 3x + 2y s20; x > 0, y> 0

31) Find the particular solution of the differential equation

y=0when x=1
Solve the differential equation
dy 2xy =x²+2
dx 1+x2

of5 marks each]
[This section comprises of long answer type questions LA
32) Prove that the relation R in N x N such that (a, b) R (c, d) if and only if ad (b +c) = bc (a + d)
is an equivalence relation.
Showthat the relation in the set A= (*:xE W, 0sxs 12}

Page 4 of6
given by R=
of all ((a,b): - b)isto a multiple of 4) is an equivalence relation. Also find the set
related 2.
33) Find the
product AB where 3
2 and use the product to
solve the syystem of 1 2 -1
equations x-y= 3, 2x+ 3y +4z = 17 ,y+ 2z = 7
34) Find the area
bounded by the curve ((x,y):y x and y= |x|}
Show that the line = = 4
and == intersect. Find their point of

Find the shortest distance between the lines 2

= *= 3 1 and *= Y=
5 1

(This section comprises of 3 case-study/ passage-based questions of 4 marks each with sub part.
The first two case study questions have three sub parts (), (i),(iii) of marks 1,1,2 respectively.
The third case study question has two parts of 2 marks each]

Lakshmni walks 4 km towards west from her home and reaches her friend Reshmi's
house. Then together they walk 3 km in a direction 30° east of north and reaches
house as reference) answer the
Based on the above information (keeping Lakshmi's
Reshmi's house?
(i) Find Lakshmi's displacement from her house to
to school?
(ii) Find Reshmi's displacement from her house
(iii) Find Lakshmi's displacement from her house to

Locate the position of the school

where the chances of their
Three persons A,B,C apply for the manager post in a company, probability
37) B, C are selected as manager, the
selection is given by the ratio 1:2:4.If A,
0.8,0.5,0.3 respectively
the company by them is
that a new product is introduced from
new product is introduced ?
i) What is the probability that a
new product is not introduced ?
i) What is the probability that a

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iii) r the new product is not introduced, what is the probability that C is selected as
If the new product is introduced, what is the probability that B is selected as

38) To honour the scientists associated with the

success of chandrayaan-3, a school
management decided to felicitate them. The students were asked to stand in a path
governed by y-x.The scientists would be asked to move in a vehicle waving at
children along the path y=x-2

(i) A student nearest to their path was given an

opportunity to garland the
dignitaries. Where does the student stand?
(ii) What is the distance of the student from the line?

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