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Ever since I was a child I have been attracted with Renewable Energy and

policy issue. I was born and grew up in Jakarta, graduated Bachelor degree from
STT PLN. In my collage, I had my lecturer who taught us about Modern Physics and
Environment Issued. He also works in BATAN (Badan Tenaga Atom Nasional). He
always told us that in this era, Indonesia had to be use Nuclear Energy although
many environment issues still made our Government hold to use this energy. One of
them is the effect of using this energy. Many Countries have used this energy. They
led Indonesia far away by Technology. If our Country want to race with the other
countries, we have to learn what they did before starting and belief to use energy
Nuclear. I have belie After graduated, I join with PT PLN (Persero) who provide
the electricity energy in Indonesia. I have an ambition to support policy makers to
make Indonesia trust that Nuclear Energy is safe to use.


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