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Part 1: Total points: 120

Section 1 of 2:
Answer the following items as prescribe. In this part, the test is multiple choice answer each question by
clicking the circle/choices of the correct answer.

1. The Katipuneros tore their cedula personales and shouted “Long Live the Philippines! Long live the
Katipunan! As a show of defiance to the Spanish government.
o Reign of Terror
o Cry of Pugadlawin
o The Battles of Binakayan and Dalahican
o The Battle of Pinaglabanan
o Battle of Imus
2. This affirmed that secular priest be appointed to administer the parishes in the colony
o Exponi Nobis
o Secularization
o The Council of Trent
o Principales
o Carlos Maria de la Torre
3. An effort initiated by the Spanish authorities to frighten the people into submission following the sudden
outbreak of the revolution
o Reign of Terror
o Cry of Pugadlawin
o The Battles of Binakayan and Dalahican
o The Battle of Pinaglabanan
o Battle of Imus
4. The first victory of the combined forces of Magdalo and Magdiwang in Cavite
o Reign of Terror
o Cry of Pugadlawin
o The Battles of Binakayan and Dalahican
o The Battle of Pinaglabanan
o Battle of Imus
5. Kalayaan, Katipunan's premiere carried a false masthead, with M. H del Pilar as editor and issued as printed
in this place.
o Tokyo
o Osaka
o Yokohama
o Yokahama
o Madrid
o Claro M. Recto, Tondo Manila.
6. This term refers to those enlightened with liberal ideas.
o Reformists
o Principales
o InsularesIlustrados
o Middle Class
7. The first taste of defeat of the Katipuneros
o Reign of TerrorCry of Pugadlawin
o The Battles of Binakayan and Dalahican
o The Battle of Pinaglabanan
o Battle of Imus
8. This resulted to the entry of liberal ideas from Europe and America to the Philippines
o Educational Reforms of 1863
o Opening of the Philippines to World Commerce
o Expulsion of the Jesuits
o Cavite Mutiny of 1872
9. Aguinaldo’s first victory against the Spanish troops
o Reign of Terror

o Cry of Pugadlawin
o The Battles of Binakayan and Dalahican
o The Battle of Pinaglabanan
o Battle of Imus
10. In the afternoon of August 30, 1896 Governor General Ramon Blanco issued a procalamtion declaring a
state of war on eight (8) provinces which include Manila, Cavite, Pampanga, Bulacan, Tarlac, Laguna and
two more.
o Batangas and Nueva Ecija
o Bataan and Nueva Vizcaya
o Batangas and Nueva Vizcaya
o Bataan and Nueva Ecija
11. The revolutionary leaders, mostly members of Magdiwang, decided to replace KKK with a new
government and elected Aguinaldo as President in absentia
o Biak na Bato Republic
o Truce of Biak na Bato
o Naik AgreementActa de Tejeros
o Tejeros Convention
12. A document drafted by Andres Bonifacio on March 23, 1896 signed by 44 other plotter which rejected the
revolutionary government of Aguinaldo under the Tejeros Convention.
o Biak na Bato Republic
o Truce of Biak na Bato
o Naik Agreement
o Acta de Tejeros
o Tejeros Convention
13. Document drafted by Bonifacio and his conspirator which established a military government independent of
and separate from that of Aguinaldo’s.
o Biak na Bato Republic
o Truce of Biak na Bato
o Naic military Agreement
o Acta de Tejeros
o Tejeros Convention
14. This agreement led to the exile of Aguinaldo and his 25 officers in Hongkong
o Biak na Bato Republic
o Truce of Biak na Bato
o Tejeros Convention
o Naik Agreement
o Acta de Tejeros
15. A revolutionary government established by Aguinaldo in July 1896 while in his hideout in San Miguel,
o Naik Agreement
o Truce of Biak na Bato
o Biak na Bato Republic
o Acta de Tejeros
o Tejeros Convention
16. He became the La Liga Filipina president
o Galicano Apacible
o Jose Maria Basa
o Ambrosio Salvador

Matching Type. Choose the letters from Column B to match the description in Column A.

Column A. Column B.

17. Leader of the Magdiwang Mariano Alvarez

18. The head of the Magdalo Faction of the Katipunan Baldomero Aguinaldo
19. He revealed the secret of the Katipunan to his sister
Honoria Teodoro Patiño
20. Assassin of Bonifacio Brothers Lazaro Macapagal
21. Known as Kapitan/Heneral Miong Emilio Aguinaldo

Matching Type. Choose the letters from Column B to match the description in Column A.

Column A
22. Marcelo H. del Pilar
23. Jose Rizal Anak ng Bayan
24. Mariano Ponce Panday Pira
25. Antonio Luna Rizal
26. Pedro Serrano Laktaw Naning, Kalipulako, Tigbalang
27. Andres Bonifacio Pag- asa
28. Apolinario Mabini Katabay Plaridel
29. Katipun Dimas Alang & Laon Laang
30. Kawal Tag-ilog
31. Bayani GomBurZa

Matching Type. Choose the letters from Column B to match the description in Column A
Column A. Column B.
32. Cavite Mutiny January 21, 1872
33. Execution of GomBurZa February 17, 1872
34. Execution of J. Rizal December 30 1898
35. Demise of the Katipunan August 19, 1892
36. Founding of La Liga Filipina July 3, 1892
37. Execution of Andres Bonifacio May 10 ,1892 May 1, 1898
38. Tejeros Convention March 22, 1897
39. Spanish American War April 25, 1898
40. Battle of Manila Bay April 25, 1898
41. Mock Battle of Manila August 13, 1898

Matching Type. Choose the letters from Column B to match the description in Column A
Column A. Column B.
42. Juan Atayde Circulo Hispano Filipino
43. Graciano Lopez Jaena Diaryong Tagalog
44. Marcelo H. Del Pilar La Solidaridad
45. Miguel Morayta Associacion Hispano Filipino
46. Jose Rizal La Liga Filipina
47. Emilio Jacinto Kartilla
48. Andres Bonifacio Decalogue

Identify the following statements:

49. Aguinaldo attempted to commute the death sentence of Bonifacio brothers to banishment but del Pilar
and Noriel pleaded to retain the original sentence for the sake of unity of the revolutionary forces.
o True
o False
50. The martyrdom of Dr. Jose P. Rizal on Dec 30, 1896 terrified many revolutionists. Many of them
surrendered and stopped fighting for their cause.
o True
o False
51. Before the discovery of the Katipunan, Spanish authorities viewed the organization as an “ association of
notable criminals”
o True
o False
52. Jose Rizal's essays go against the Catholic faith.
o True
o False
53. The Cavite Mutiny is an event that led to the execution of the GomBurZa.
o Yes
o No

54. Multi-perspectivity is a quality of historical writing attributed to a variety of lenses that may be used to
view the past.
55. There is no doubt that Rizal retracted his writings to be able to marry Josephine Bracken
56. The Magdiwang faction believed that the Katipunan ceased to be a secret society following the outbreak
of the revolution. The Magdalo insisted to retain the Katipunan as it already had a constitution and by-
o True
o False
57. In his letter to Mariano Ponce dated Feb 19, 1898, Aguinaldo stated he had signed the Biak na Bato Pact
for the Filipino revolutionists to rest and regain their lost strength and then return to combat with renewed
o True
o False
58. The secret agreement between Gov Gen Jaudenes, Dewey and Merritt led to the Mock battle of Manila.
o True
o False
59. Under the Treaty of Paris signed on December 10, 1898, Spain paid $20,000 to the Filipinos as
o True
o False
60. It was Mabini's Plan that was promulgated as the blueprint of the Malolos Constitution.
o True
o False
61. The Heraldo de la Revoluccion was the official organ of the Malolos Republic.
o Yes
o No
62. We make sense of the past through historical interpretation.
63. The Act of the Proclamation of Independence was prepared and read in Spanish by Emilio Aguinaldo
himself on June 12, 1898
64. R. Wildman was an American Consul of Singapore while E. Spencer Pratt was for Hong Kong
65. Regular priests belonged to religious orders.
o NO
66. Secular priests did not belong to any religious order.
o Yes
o No
o Maybe
67. Historical interpretation is based on the historian's judgment on how the past should be seen
o True
o False
68. Which of the following DOES NOT BELONG to group?
o Marcela Agoncillo
o Delfina Natividad
o Herbosa Natividad
o Gregoria de Jesus
69. Which of the following DOES NOT BELONG to group?
o independence of the Philippines from Spain
o secularization of the Philippine parishes and expulsion of the friars
o granting of individual liberties for the Filipinos such of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom
of association and petition for redress of grievances.
o restoration of the Philippine representation in the Spanish Cortes
70. Which of the following DOES NOT BELONG to group?
o Filipino exiles suspected as Filibusteros, including creoles and Spanish mestizo in the wake of
the Cavite Mutiny of 1872
o Young students sent to Spain
o Refugees who left the Philippines to escape persecution
o peasants and ordinary Filipino
71. Which of the following DOES NOT BELONG to group?
o Roman Basa
o Emilio Jacinto
o Pio Valenzuela.
o Andres Bonifacio
72. Which of the following DOES NOT BELONG to group?
o Associate
o Soldier
o Patriot
o Secret Chamber
73. Which of the following DOES NOT BELONG to group?
o The political objectives was to work for the separation of the Philippines from Spain.
o The moral objective was to teach good manners, hygiene, good morals, and to attack
obscurantism, religious fanaticism, and weakness of character.
o The civic aim was to develop self-help and concern for the defense of the poor and the oppressed.
o peaceful assimilation, referring to the transition of the Philippines from being colony to a
province of Spain
74. Which of the following DOES NOT BELONG to group?
o representation in the Spanish Cortes
o expulsion of the friars and the return to the Filipinos the lands they appropriated for themselves
o freedom of press and tolerance of religious sect
o equality among the peninsular and insular officials
o abolition of banishment of citizens.
o creation of a Revolutionary Congress as an advisory body only and four cabinet departments.
75. Which of the following DOES NOT BELONG to group?
o Franciscans
o Recollects
o Seculars
o Dominicans
o Jesuits
76. Which of the following DOES NOT BELONG to group?
o Dasalan and Tocsohan
o Lords Prayer
o Ten Commandments
o Hail Mary Apostle’s Creed,
o Fray Butod
o Acts of Contrition.
77. Which of the following DOES NOT BELONG to group?
o Jose Rizal
o Antonio Luna
o Andres Bonifacio
o Juan Luna
o Resurrecion Hidalgo
78. Which of the following DOES NOT BELONG to group?
o ideals of equality
o religious tolerance
o ideals of radicalism and revolution
o liberty
o fraternity
79. Which of the following DOES NOT BELONG to group?
o José Burgos
o Jacinto Zamora
o Mariano Gómez
o Pedro Pelaez
o Vicente Balaguer
o Gregorio Martinez
80. Which of the following DOES NOT BELONG to group?
o John Locke
o Charles Montesquieu
o Jean Jacques
o RosseauVoltaire
o Herodotus
o Hegel
81. Which of the following DOES NOT BELONG to group?
o The protection of vast American’s business interests and investments in the Cuban sugarcane
industry led the US involvement in the Cuban revolution
o The publication of the stolen letter of Spanish ambassador to the US, Dupuy De Lome, portraying
US President William McKinley as weakling and low politician enraged the nationalist feelings of
many Americans.
o The brutalities committed by Spanish government during the Cuban revolution infuriated the
American public, hence it gave the US the opportunity to take control over the Cuba.
o The explosion and sinking of the battleship USS Maine in Cuba on Feb 15, 1898 an “act of
treachery” added to the indignation of the American and thereby justified its demand for pull out
of Spanish forces in Cuba.
o Emilio Aguinaldo and his companion should have a voluntary exile in Hongkong. The restoration
of the revolution upon his return with aid of the Americans
82. Which of the following DOES NOT BELONG to group?
o Roman Basa
o Emilio Aguinaldo
o Andres Bonifacio
o Antonio Luna
o Mariano Alvarez
83. Which of the following DOES NOT BELONG to group?
o Mariano Alvarez
o Andres Bonifacio
o Artemio Ricarte
o Emilio Aguinaldo
84. Which of the following DOES NOT BELONG to group?
o Voluntary exile of Aguinaldo and his officers in Hongkong
o the payment of the sum of P 800,000 in three instalments: a) P400,000 upon his departure for
Biak na Bato;b) P200, 000 when the arms surrendered by the rebels reached 700; c) the remaining
P 200,000 when the general amnesty had been proclaimed and the TE DEUM had been sung
o Additional payment of P 900,000 to the families of non-combatant Filipinos who suffered during
the revolution.
o Spain ceded Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philippines to United States

Section 2 of 2

Identify the following images/illustrations/pictures in each item.


85. Identify the landmark.

86. Identify the name of the painting

87. Identify this infrastructure

88. Identify this historic site.

89. Identify this historic event in country.

90. Identify this men as a group.

91. Also called as the Spanish- American War. What is this event in the

92. Identify this event in Philippine history.

93. Identify this event in Philippine history

94. Identify this event at the house of E. Aguinaldo in Kawit Cavite on June 12, 1898

PART 2 Total points: 50

Section 1 of 2
o Total 10 POINTS

95. Give your thoughts on this political cartoon of the current administration.


Section 2 of 2
 Discussion:
o Total 10 POINTS EACH

97. From the excerpts and cases given/provided give and identify your three (3) concluding problems or
issues in studying Philippine history and Philippine historiography? Give also your own solution(s) for
each in solving these concerns.


Prepared by:

Subject Instructor


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