Training For English Teachers - World English

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This two-day training will focus on the different levels of the World English book series and how to appropriately implement
them in our teaching practices.


Part 1 – World English Series Books

Here at YouDynamic, we work with the World English book series which is an ideal fit for the school´s methodology, Each
book deals with a wide variety of topics from daily life to nature.

Their level of difficulty varies according to the number in increasing form, however, this also generates more possibilities for
conversation, story-telling, and opinion-based discussions.

World English Intro – Beginner Level

- Portuguese should be only used at the beginning of the book as the student progresses more and more English
should be spoken and encouraged.

- High Grammar focus

Lesson Overview:

World English 1 – Intermediate Level

- English should be the primary language used and Portuguese should be used only to clarify any doubts.

- High Conversation and Grammar focus.

Lesson Overview:

World English 2 – Advanced Level

- Classes should be 100% English

- Discussions and conversations encouraged

Lesson Overview:

World English 3 – Advanced Level Conversation

- Used for students who exclusively want conversational classes

Lesson Overview:

Part 2 – Determining a Student´s Proficiency Level

Part 3 - Sample Unit Overview

We´ll take a look at a Sample Unit from one of the books and discuss what the relevant aspects are considered when
preparing a class.

Sample: World English Intro Unit 3 – Houses and Apartments
Day 2

Part 1 – Tests

- 2 tests per book, every 6 units

- Student and teacher enter Whereby as a student does the test
- Student receives test in Word format
- Students must use the computer
- Notify the school in advance
- Explain to the student how the test works

Here´s an example of the World English Intro book test 1:

NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________________
DATE: _______ /_______ /_______ WRITTEN TEST: _________ ORAL TEST: K [ ] R [ ] D [ ] YD [ ] T [ ]

A. Circle or underline the correct word or phrase in the parentheses: [0,4 – 0,1 each]
1. My mother is ( a great / great ) cook.
2. Those people are ( a good / good ) to live with.
3. My job isn’t ( an easy / easy ) and I don’t want to change.
4. There is ( a beautiful / beautiful) song on the radio.

B. Complete the sentences using possessive nouns and possessive adjectives subsequently: [0,8 – 0,1 each]
1. Julia´s (Julia) house is next to his (Paul).
2. _____________ (Bob and Peter) job are better than _____________ (Patricia and Me).
3. _____________ (Monkeys) tails are longer than _____________ (dogs).
4. _____________ (Donald and Betty) kids are in _____________ (Kelly) house.
5. _____________ (Brian) routine is very stressful but _____________ (Brian) boss is helpful.

C. Complete the sentences with the adverbs of frequency - always, usually, sometimes, rarely and never - and the
prepositions - on, in and at: [2,0 – 0,2 each]
1. I __________________ (100%) go to the movies ________ Sundays.
2. We __________________ (0%) speak Portuguese ________ class.
3. Martha __________________ (75%) goes to work ________ the mornings.
4. Paul __________________ (25%) has breakfast ________ noon.
5. They __________________ (50%) go to the beach ________ summer.

D. Use the correct verb tense – simple present, present continuous or simple past: [1,2 – 0,2 each].
My wife and I never ____________________ (eat out) on weekdays, but she ____________________ (go) once a
week to a restaurant with her friends. My workmate Carlos ____________________ (tell) me yesterday, about a
good pub here next to work. We ____________________ (talk) now about going there this evening to check it out. I
____________________ (not know) whether the place is good or not, but ____________________ (feel) very
excited about it.

E. Complete the sentences with MUCH, MANY, FEW, LITTLE AND LOTS OF: [1,6 – 0,2 each]
1. I have _________________ friends in São Paulo. I would like to have some more.
2. He doesn’t have _________________ relatives living in his hometown.
3. How _________________ apples are there in the fruit basket?
4. You drink so _________________ water a day. You should drink at least two liters.
5. We eat _________________ food for dinner. We are going to get fat this way.
6. How _________________ time does she still have available?
7. She doesn’t want ______________ people in her house for the party tonight.
8. Hurry up! You have only ______________ minutes before closing the check-in.

F. Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses – simple present or present continuous: [1,0 – 0,1 each]
1. Michelle ____________________ (need) to study more for the exam.
2. They ____________________ (chill out) today.
3. Brian can’t come. He ____________________ (study) for the exam.
4. Susan ____________________ (prefer) beer to wine.
5. John and I ____________________ (not talk) to each other at the moment.
6. She ____________________ (know) how much he loves her.
7. Henry _______________________ (play) tennis with his friends this afternoon.
8. They _______________________ (be) at home now.
9. It _______________________ (belong) to me.
10. I’m cold, but I _______________________ (not take) any medicines.

G. Write the correct form of the verb in the past: [3,0 – 0,2 each]

A trip to Canada.

My best friend and I _________________ (go) to Canada in our last vacation last year. It ________________ (be)
amazing! We ________________ (visit) the Niagara Falls and ________________ (take) lots of pictures from that
incredible view. My friend also __________________ (buy) some nice souvenirs for all his family and relatives. I had
never had such a good time before. Although we _______________ (not have) much money, we
____________________ (not miss) the opportunity to travel to the Canadian Rockies in the Province of British
Columbia, a real gorgeous place. It ___________________ (be) there that we ____________________ (meet)
Anna, a very sympathetic Swedish girl. She __________________ (be) so helpful. She ____________________
(show) us how to better enjoy our trip and make the most of it because we _____________________ (be) totally lost
there. We ____________________ (not know) how to go back to our hotel, so Anna __________________ (give) us
direction and also some money, because we had lost ours. She _________________ (save) our day.
Part 2 – Pacing

World English
Sample Pacing Guide
Pacing Guides – 90 min / 60 min
Pacing and Implementation
Classroom material for World English is designed to be flexible for a wide range of class configurations. Here you will find a
suggested structure for 90 and 60-minute classes. This is a pacing guide rather than a set of detailed lesson plans. Instructors
should feel free to deviate from the suggestions and adapt the guide however they see fit to accommodate the needs of their

The sample pacing guide below is for Level 1, Unit 7. Units in World English follow the same basic structure, but the number of
activities can vary slightly from unit to unit. This sample is designed to demonstrate how you can structure the completion of a
unit in two different time structures.

90-minute classes
Class Activities Time

1 Warm up by discussing the unit opener image using the question prompts. 10 minutes

Lesson A-Vocabulary and Grammar 30 minutes

Goal check 15 minutes

Lesson B-Listening 25 minutes

Goal check 5 minutes

Review and Reinforcement (Kaizen Method) 5 minutes

2 Review work from last class / clarify confusion / discuss homework 15 minutes

Lesson C-Language Expansion and Grammar 25 minutes

Goal Check 10 minutes

Lesson D-Reading 30 minutes

Goal check 5 minutes

Review and Reinforcement (Kaizen Method) 5 minutes

3 Review work from last class / clarify confusion / discuss homework 10 minutes

Lesson E-Communication and Writing 20 minutes

Goal Check 10 minutes

Video Journal 20 minutes

Video Journal Discussion 20 minutes

Review and clarify understanding of unit vocabulary and grammar points. 5 minutes

Review and Reinforcement (Kaizen Method) 5 minutes

60-minute classes
Class Activities Time

1 Warm up by discussing the unit opener image using the question prompts. 10 minutes

Lesson A -Vocabulary and Grammar 30 minutes

Lesson B-Listening Exercises A-C 15 minutes

Review and Reinforcement (Kaizen Method) 5 minutes

2 Review work from last class / clarify confusion / discuss homework 10 minutes

Lesson B-Listening Exercises C-F 30 minutes

Lesson C-A Language expansion 15 minutes

Review and Reinforcement (Kaizen Method) 5 minutes

3 Review work from last class / clarify confusion / discuss homework 10 minutes

Lesson C- Grammar and Conversation 25 minutes

Lesson D-Reading exercises A-C 20 minutes

Review and Reinforcement (Kaizen Method) 5 minutes

4 Review work from last class / clarify confusion / discuss homework 5 minutes

Lesson D-Reading Exercises D and E 25 minutes

Lesson E -Review (Optional) 20 minutes

Review and Reinforcement (Kaizen Method) 10 minutes

If pressed for time, teachers should feel free to assign some students’ book tasks for homework or to use them as quick review
activities in the following class. We recommend using the corresponding workbook lessons for homework, but teachers could
also select workbook activities to incorporate into their lessons where suitable.

A timer can be used to time each activity to ensure pacing fits the guidelines but, as stated above, this pacing guide is a
suggestion rather than a strict schedule. World English Third Edition is designed to be adaptable for the convenience of both
educators and students.

Part 3 – Resources and Questions

You can find all the resources from the World English series on the Companion website. Here are some of the most useful ones.

World English Book and Workbook Series Download:

You can also browse through all the book and workbook resources and you can download them to your devices.

Here´s an example of how to do it:

In the Student´s Book, you have several exercises which require audio to be played and they can easily be identified by the
audio symbol next to the exercise and a number.
On the following website, you will be able to find the audios for these exercises as well as the audios for the reading exercises.

World English 2 2nd Edition Audio tracks:


Step 1: Select a book

Step 2: Select a chapter

Step 3: Select an audio type (Student Book, Reading, or Vocabulary)
Step 4: Select a Track

Observation: On the left, you can find the audio for the workbook exercises, and on the right the audio from the student´s

I also encourage you to bring your resources to class as they can enrich the quality of the class and avoid getting repetitive. You
are given certain freedom as a YouDynamic teacher to engage in sharing experiences with your students and provide a real
connection with an English teacher.

English material: World English Series

Audio WE Intro:

Audio WE 1:

Audio WE 2:

O livro também traz uma lição de vídeo em cada Unit:

Videos WE Intro
Unit 1: Animal Families
Unit 2: A Job for Children

Unit 3: A Very Special Village

TED Talk: Brilliant Designs To Fit More People in Every City

Unit 4: Uncovering the Past

Unit 5: Zoo Dentists

TED Talk: Unseen Footage, Untamed Nature

Unit 6: Volcano Trek

Unit 7: Danny’s Challenge

Unit 8: Traditional Silk Making

Unit 9: Slow Food

TED Talk: A Guerrilla Gardener in South Central LA

Unit 10: Farley, the Red Panda

Unit 11: Making a Thai Boxing Champion

TED Talk: Weird or Just Different?

Unit 12: Monarch Migration

Videos WE 1
Unit 1: The Last of the Woman Divers

Unit 2: Monkey Business

TED Talk: A Virtual Choir 2,000 Voices Strong

Unit 3: Beagle Patrol

Unit 4: Dangerous Dinner

Unit 5: Cheese-rolling Races

TED Talk: My Mind Shifting Everest Swim

Unit 6: Machu Picchu

Unit 7: Wild Animal Trackers

TED Talk: The Interspecies Internet? An Idea in Progress

Unit 8: Solar Cooking

Unit 9: How Your T-shirt Can Make a Difference

Unit 10: The Science of Stress

Unit 11: Spacewalk

Unit 12: The Missing Snows of Kilimanjaro

TED Talk: How to Buy Happiness

Vídeos WE 2:

Unit 1: Forbidden Fruit

Unit 2: Orangutan Language

Unit 3: Fes

TED Talk: The Shared Experience of Absurdity

Unit 4: The Human Body

Unit 5: Searching for the Snow Leopard

Unit 6: Nubian Wedding

TED Talk: The Magic Washing Machine

Unit 7: Coober Pedy Opals

Unit 8: Happy Elephants

TED Talk: How Poachers Became Caretakers

Unit 9: Searching for Genghis Khan

TED Talk: Life Lessons from Big Cats

Unit 10: Adventure Capital of the World

Unit 11: Trinidad Bird Man

Unit 12: Young Riders of Mongolia

TED Talk: My Wish – Protect Our Oceans

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