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1. Mark 11:23 “For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this
mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt
in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to
pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.”
2. Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that
love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

One of the most important aspects of the gospel is the understanding that our confession is what
rules our life! We are either snared by our words or eating the fruit of our righteous confession.
Mark 11 above reveals an amazing principle of the Word of God---Jesus reveals in this passage
of scripture that whatever you believe in your heart --- positive or negative --- and declare it with
your mouth, it will come to pass!
Most Christians, though sincere, are weak because they do not confess what the Word of God
says about them. Without confession, the Word cannot manifest in their lives as such they live
far below the life that God desires for them. Many believers do not even know what God’s Word
says. They are oblivious of the promises and outcomes that are available for them if only they
would appropriate them by faith. This causes them to hold fast to a wrong confession about
themselves and the situations they face. They have more knowledge about the situation than
what the Word says about their situation – so they believe according to their limited knowledge.
Wrong knowledge leads to wrong belief and wrong confession. A wrong confession is one that
speaks of defeat, failure or the supremacy of Satan. Many people talk about the hard time they
are having with the devil. They are fluent in describing their circumstances or some kind of
power or force or devil that is holding them back, making them sick or keeping them from a
victorious life. As long as we talk like that –according to what Jesus said – we have what we
believe and speak.
For a believer to live by faith, testimony/confession must be a central part of their lives. To
develop a robust faith, we must continue to speak the Word of God and declare who God is and
who we are in Christ. The more you talk about the Lord and His working in your life, the more
real He becomes to you. Jesus is always confessing Who He is– What He is – and His mission
in life. We should do the same. We should hold fast to the confession of who we are in Him.
Our confession of who we are according to the Word of God, should trump our physical,
natural, professional, academic or financial accomplishments.
It is very important as a believer that you study the Bible to find out what God’s Word says
about you and begin to confess it – not what you feel, or what the media or your family, or your
circumstances indicate. Below is a pattern for victorious living for you as a believer:
1. Find and underline what the scriptures says/promises about you/ your situation
2. Believe it and Meditate on it.
3. Begin to Confess it.
4. Memorize it and continue to say it with your mouth.

5. Do It

1. Share your highlights from today’s lesson.
2. From today’s lesson, discuss what holds you back from confessing the Word of God until
its reality manifests in your life.
3. Discuss practical steps you will intentionally take to apply what you have learnt in
today’s lesson?

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Celebration Ministries Celebration Ministries Celebration Ministries
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Borrowdale Branch Northridge Branch Borrowdale Branch
Account Number: 9140003129976 Account number: 1124932097 Account Number: 9140001442960


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